Author Topic: What is your opinion on cold/heat exposure?  (Read 14904 times)

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Offline Sol^Sa

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What is your opinion on cold/heat exposure?
« on: October 28, 2019, 06:27:17 pm »
For example I think Sv3riges stance on it is dogmatic maybe I am wrong. Yes sure the cold/heat exposure might make you spend more energy and age you as a result (debatable imo) but we aren't supposed to live in a constant environment all the time are we?

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Re: What is your opinion on cold/heat exposure?
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2019, 06:01:51 am »
People have fought wars constantly around the Mediterranean because of its productivity. The seasons are better than Northern Europe.

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Re: What is your opinion on cold/heat exposure?
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2019, 01:00:24 pm »
we aren't supposed to live in a constant environment all the time are we?

i'm not clear what you're saying but aren't humans naturally tropical animals: no long, thick body hair, no unaided resistance to hypothermia, freezing, etc.

Offline Sol^Sa

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Re: What is your opinion on cold/heat exposure?
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2019, 04:07:04 pm »
i'm not clear what you're saying but aren't humans naturally tropical animals: no long, thick body hair, no unaided resistance to hypothermia, freezing, etc.

Aren't there "tropical" animals with body hair afaik there are.
I have for example a long narrow nose like the cro-magnons which is supposedly an adaptation to cold. Kind of makes sense to me.
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Re: What is your opinion on cold/heat exposure?
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2019, 07:07:01 pm »
Keeping the topic on diet. How do you do eating raw during the winter? Any imbalances? Do you feel warm or cold?

Offline Sol^Sa

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Re: What is your opinion on cold/heat exposure?
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2019, 09:20:17 pm »
How should that make any difference? Afaik the most important thing determining your body temperature is metabolism? You could argue that eating "raw" raises your metabolism, could be. Haven't seen many examples of just eating a raw or cooked carnivore/Paleo diet doing so. I mean there are a lot of people who don't have optimal health on a "just meat and water" or Paleo. Mark Sisson looks average to me at best, Amber O'Hearn is clearly overweight. Just to give examples of people who are considered as good examples of such diets "working". Of course there are people like Derek Nance who look incredibly vital but imo his diet is way more nuanced than the typical carnivore or Paleo diet raw or cooked. Sv3rige from my perspective looks alright wouldn't say he is "thriving", also his message seems to be that you only need meat and not even water as a human. He himself eats fruits and much more than just meat, says not to exercise, exercises himself else he would possibly get a fatty liver from all the fruit/honey. Doesn't practice what he preaches.

Offline kelpguy

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Re: What is your opinion on cold/heat exposure?
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2019, 03:04:25 pm »
Keeping the topic on diet. How do you do eating raw during the winter? Any imbalances? Do you feel warm or cold?

i was raised on pigs, potatoes and milk in the northern climates and i was always one of the coldest persons in the group.  i started a raw, high raw veggie diet in 1979 and i was still the coldest person in the group.  too warm wasn't a problem, even working all day in the sun on 90? days!

i moved to the tropics about 20 years ago and maintained the same heat/cold comfort ratios until, about 6 months ago, when i made raw animal foods a significant part of my diet , now cold's not a problem but i'm uncomfortably warm. it's gotten better in the last few months but i'm so warm at times that i'm concerned about maintaining the diet in the upcoming tropical summer months; i might have to reduce the animal foods and go back to a high fruit diet for a spell.

i worked for an old german orchardist in the northern latitudes for a spell and he told me that his family ate (not raw) fish in the summer and pork in the winter for comfort.

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Re: What is your opinion on cold/heat exposure?
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2019, 10:28:10 am »
I rely heavily on heat and cold exposure as part of my broader lifestyle regimen. Heat comes in the form of sauna time, ideally at least 3 days each week. Cold comes from cold showers, cold baths, and swimming in Lake Champlain throughout the colder months. I live in Northern Vermont, so the lake gets cold and sometimes freezes over. Not unusual for me to bathe in water that is just over 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Centigrade).

I do not think either heat or cold exposure ages you. I suspect the opposite is the case. Both can trigger the release of biochemicals that reduce inflammation, and anything that reduces inflammation helps us age more gracefully. Beyond that, I have been doing heat and cold exposure for over a decade now, and most people mistake me for being about a decade younger than I actually am. (I am 43, and when I meet people it is common for them to assume I am 30, sometimes even in my late 20s).

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Re: What is your opinion on cold/heat exposure?
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2019, 12:38:35 pm »
I read an article where young schoolchildren in Siberia were ordered into swimming-costumes and had buckets of ice-cold water poured over them, while they ran around barefoot in the snow. The point behind the exercise was that this  stimulated their immune-system and this prevented the usual colds and flus they would otherwise have gotten. In my own prep  school, most of the school would routinely get the flu every February, I got it in 4 out of the 5 years I was there.
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Re: What is your opinion on cold/heat exposure?
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2019, 01:39:19 am »
Yes, enhanced immune function is another benefit I have noticed. I rarely get sick, and in those rare instances where I do the illness seems to last shorter for me than it does other people.


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