OraMD the product works!
As their literature states, in my experience, it seems OraMD was the one responsible for stopping my bleeding gums at every tooth brush.
Will this OraMD be the missing link in my teeth regenerating and re-filling?
Wait and see.
I am now beginning to see that it is carbs and bits of carby food particles stuck in my mouth and teeth that seems to cause tooth decay as described in the book that came with OraMD.
Have to keep the large hole in my right lower molar immaculately clean.
The mouthmattersbook.com lady was correct that the old technology of drilling and filling is a recipe for the destiny of the teeth eventually breaking.
So I'm not letting even a biological dentist touch my teeth for now.
Waiting for the OraMD and raw paleo diet cure tooth decay magic to work.
Hope the tooth / jaw pain stays away.
I will eventually need to schedule for plaque cleaning.
For good measure, I've done 2 straight mornings of egg yolk liver flushing. And this evening 2 coffee enemas. Maintenance and optimization thing.