Its a total psyop, conducted for nefarious motives, as were a number of past viral fear mongering.
The fools propagating this mythology have no clue about the true nature of viral phenomenon and yet we are being inundated with menacing messages of impending doom.
Naturally occurring viral phenomenon are absolutely essential in modulating the genetic viability of all living organisms. Viruses are just as essential to life as are the countless other microbes that are the foundation of biological existence. Outbreaks of periodic and transitional viral induced mutation have and will always occur, and as long as the organism is a viable and adaptable life force, then there will be a positive symbiosis effect.... where after the cytokine storm catabolisis, there is a epigenetic androgenic re-calibration. Evolution is as much a proto-genic virally divine phenomenon as it is a result of natural selection. There is a creative intelligence and genetically divine intention involved in these seemingly unnecessary outbreaks of ever mutating strains of viral DNA.
As we humans stray further away from homeostatic balance with the rest of earths lifeforms, more and more radical viral mutations will be necessary to correct the situation. The great Pig flu that culled half the swine in china did not happen in a vacuum, these industrial farmed animals were fed a GMO based diet, forced to live in their own filth and injected with ungodly varieties of ungodly GMO vaccines. The flu epidemic that emerged and lead to the A-PORK-OLYPSE was natures warning. As humans continue to fowl their own nest and play GOD with the Genetic Forces of life, there will inevitably be various outbreaks of mutagen virus, in order to cull the weak and provoke the evolution of the strong.
I have hope that human life if left to its own devices will somehow find a way through the toxic melee..unfortunately many humans, some well intentioned and others hell intentioned, will misread these signs, and attempt to artificially suppress and the thwart the viral mercenaries of Gaia, while doing absolutely nothing to uncover the root of the imbalance. Vaccines, drugs, quarantines, sterilization are not going to save the human soul from a wicked Karma.
The saving grace will be the overwhelming resilience of Life to overcome and mitigate the best layed plans of mice and men. All one needs to do is eliminate the GMO, pollution, vaccines...along with transcending mental indoctrination and the realignment will occur without the need of force. This innate drive to find balance is within all living beings, this is one reason why the viral weapons and Genetic warfare being perpetrated, be it mindlessly unleashed or sinisterly deployed, can be overcome(though not without causalities). When man made Viruses are released upon populations they always fizzle out after a few generations. As the collective genetic mass within an environment is confronted with alien non beneficial viral DNA, it inevitably divines ways of epigenetic immunization.
This is why there will be no naturally occurring global viral/microbial pandemic, even the so called pandemics of the past were self limited, winnowing out only the weakest links, while allowing for new growth and adaption to flourish. If ever something were to arise that could spread to all races and all corners of the earth, then it would most likely be part of a deliberate biological Attack.
The current situation is far less dire, very nasty strains of virus are always out breaking, and for the most part the governments of the world either ignore it totally or even actively cover it up. So for them to be hyping such a non event, makes me believe this is a false flag.It is a little coincidental that after the reporting of the outbreak in China that we no longer hear so much about the Hong Kong uprising, the trade war, or a movement for revolution in mainland China. The government is using this non event as a scapegoat, and also a ploy to consolidate and maintain control over its vast population.