Author Topic: Frozen Meat Defrost/Thaw Method  (Read 2982 times)

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Offline TnMann

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Frozen Meat Defrost/Thaw Method
« on: March 13, 2020, 01:53:18 am »
Hi, I'm a newbie to the raw primal diet and have looked around here but haven't found a real direct answer yet regarding a question I had:

For my meat sourcing, I can get good quality, 100% grass-fed beef frozen in vacuum sealed plastic no problem.
But my question is how should I go about thawing AND storage post-thaw?

My thoughts:
Thaw in fridge inside plastic overnight -> then remove plastic and keep in glass containers in fridge for a couple days until I finish it all.

Specific questions:
1. Should I try to remove the vacuum seal plastic before thawing?

2. When storing, should the glass container have a lid? Or can I simply leave the meat sitting on a plate? (there are other items in the fridge).

Unrelated question:
3. Anyone trust or eat the cuts at Whole Foods (grass fed or grain fed)?

I know I'm overthinking it but being new to this, I want to have a system in place that I'm confident in and that minimizes worry if that makes sense.

Thanks a bunch in advance :).

Offline kelpguy

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Re: Frozen Meat Defrost/Thaw Method
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2020, 06:41:33 am »
i thaw frozen meat by putting the pkg on a plate on the top shelf of the fridge, leaving it there long enough to make it easy to remove the bag, then i leave it on the top shelf until thawed to regain some of the energy it took to freeze it (it helps to cool the fridge).

as for storing it, i treat it as one would if aging meat, just leave it in the fridge uncovered.
here's a previous thread on storing meat:

Offline TnMann

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Re: Frozen Meat Defrost/Thaw Method
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2020, 07:15:17 am »
i thaw frozen meat by putting the pkg on a plate on the top shelf of the fridge, leaving it there long enough to make it easy to remove the bag, then i leave it on the top shelf until thawed to regain some of the energy it took to freeze it (it helps to cool the fridge).

as for storing it, i treat it as one would if aging meat, just leave it in the fridge uncovered.
here's a previous thread on storing meat:

Awesome, thank you. This is exactly what I was looking for.


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