there is something good to this crazy lockdown lasting longer! People get more and more aware what a bullshit it is and only to control us.I thought it was a real threat first, and it made sense to protect the weak.... but after following the statistic and news for a while it became very clear to me that this virus is not what they say... or try to scare us in the media.
I am really curious how the reactions will be in the next week.
In germany too, the ICU beds are empty... nothing has happened of what they scared us to happen.
Okay, now they say, it is because we socially distanced! Hahaha... nah. Lets hope people are more intelligent than believing those lies

But honestly, several people in my every day life, the vets I work at, my dentist (I have went to him during the lockdown), my doctor (saw him as I was shopping) and my other boss that is in lockdown and cant open his restaurant where I work in, all these people see it as not the virus being a threat at all!
Meanwhile, I enjoy the sun outside on my terrace in bikini or naked all day long relaxing and imaging I am on vacatiol

Got to enjoy this as long as it last. Everything is very peaceful, air is so clear and clean

The birds are so happy and sing all the time

Nature for sure enjoys this break from pollution

I still have food to eat and a little money to buy food and water... I get everything as I normally get, fish, eggs, cheese, veggies anything.. no food shortage here.
I do feel for people living in the city. But I am sure we can all find something good to what is happening now