Author Topic: French Nobel Prize Montagnier : Covid 19 was man made in China laboratory !  (Read 7224 times)

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His declaration was issued at 15:00 Paris Time on Thursday.

Aids discoverer Montagnier has publicly  given credit to rumors which started circulating  since the  beginning of the pandemic

Should this information prove true , the financial liability incurred by China would be devastating for its economy......

Offline sabertooth

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I am a skeptic of the HIV aids theory and am suspicious of any scientist involved in promoting viral causality of disease in general. The DNA fragments that they are labeling as the covid 19 virus likely has a mixed origin....the lab coats have been unleashing laboratory creations into the wild for years, its very likely that most humans alive today would carry trace levels of both wild and synthetic genetics.

This argument of is the virus wild or natural is really a moot point, and only further distracts from the real issue, that is the viral causation of disease fable. Its likely that corona DNA has existed within the tissues of healthy humans for eons, and that the people who are sick and dying are being falsely diagnosed in order to justify this globalist Coup against the free world!
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Support Sabertooth's scepticism of theories brought forward to explain the origins of viruses, and fear an obsession with these could hinder paths to the development of vaccines to overcome the disease.   Worse still they could interfere with international relationships which are vitally important just now.    Studies of these topics can be safely pursued when the virus comes under our control.

Offline sabertooth

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Damn Fools, I rebuke such balderdash to the depths of my soul! Life itself is a viral phenomenon and the great spirit be damned the day the governments of Man seize control of its destiny. The virus is a cover for a Global Power grab, any other discussion surrounding the nature of Covid is merely engaging in a false narrative being acted out between false oppositions.

This is a raw paleo forum, and the last time I checked Genetically modified viral DNA being cooked up in a lab and injected into the flesh is the furthest thing from raw paleo as humanly possible.

I am an advocate of a free range, heirloom, and organically evolving humanism....if you want to take the shots, then take the damn things, just dont push your poisons here!
« Last Edit: April 19, 2020, 12:52:26 am by sabertooth »
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You might not be aware of the following  :   a couple of years  after earning his Nobel prize, Prof . Luc Montagnier became a laughing stock among french scientific community when he publicly advocated strong nutritional reform to elicit natural immunity to AIDS.
He thus became the leading voice of "anti pasteurian" & " pro-terrain " advocates in France. 
He further  disawoved  France's frantic vaccination policy. 
He went as far as endorsing public funding on research on the memory of water (the scientific debate on homeopathy) .
At some stage he even said he would leave France in order  to conduct research in Japan because of  France's  " intellectual terror" ( his own words )

Ever since he "crossed the mirror" , I haven't read ANY article in the french press which does not grossly disparage his ideas.
This guy was absolutely ostracised in the media....  But it all stopped yesterday , strangely enough !!!!! 

When I realize there was, for once,  almost no negative or  mild reaction  to Montagnier's declaration on Covid 19, I thought

" What he says is being endorsed by the governement.  France wants to send  a warning signal to China without engaging the responsability of the governement on the debate on the origin of Covid. So they are letting him raise the banner of the man-made virus.   "

In any case due to  his reputation,    his words have gained considerable weight and acceptance   in France's  alternative circles ( including myself )

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Thanks for the nuanced response, please dont misunderstand what I am attempting to express here(it may be difficult given the cultural/Language barriers)
I was in France when the Paris attacks occurred and was somewhat perturbed that nobody in France I spoke with knew anything about "False Flags"
I would recommend our European friends Look up "Operation Gladio" and come to the realization that these kind of clandestine black flag operations continue to be perpetrated to this very day!

I am not denying the good works or good intentions of Montagnier..... I am instead questioning his view of this being man made, and the peoples trust in Montagnier could be a canard, or a false opposition used to keep the public from realizing the greater swindle at play? Its no coincidence indeed that the French Press would selectively allow this latest article to be let out, in the hopes that it will mislead many natural hygiene leaning Covid skeptics, into believing that the virus is a serious threat.

The theory that this is a man made virus has been also put out in American and Chinese media. Fox news has pushed this idea heavily, while at the same time the official origin given by the government has been ambiguous. This uncertainty about the origin of Covid 19 is a deliberate part of the psychological warfare tactics, being used to deceive even the most intelligent people, about the nature of what is truly going on. Regardless of if there is or isnt a virus or if its natural or synthetic, the real threat to humanity, is to be found in the tyranny, that is using baseless fear as a justification to dominate the once free people of Earth!

If the powers that be, on all sides of the current world power struggle, can keep the common people enraptured in petty pedantic arguments regarding the nature and origin of the "invisible menace", then they are accomplishing the goal of distracting everyone from the truth that the entire situation is actually an epic fraud, that is being used to cover for this unprecedented authoritative global power grab. This is the one of the greatest crimes in Human history, and thats saying a lot.

Montagnier even after becoming enlightened on many subject may still be blind to how he is being used as a political pawn by the French government to give credibility to the fear based authoritative clampdown on the people of France. The sophistication of these counter intelligence operations have evolved greatly since the days of Gladio. In this current scam, useful geniuses and publicly trusted figures are being utilized as unwitting dupes, just as effectively as the useful idiots of Stalin. The worlds of Science, as well as Politics has been so compartmentalized that not even the most educated minds can see the full picture, and for the most part there is a situation where the all our are Einsteins are on leashes. Most of Mainstream Science and Political leaders have become as common whores, beholden totally to the money and power structure and even those with the best intentions will in the end will be forced in some capacity into the service of Mammon.

Its possible that Montagnier can be a good man and still wrong about the nature of viral phenomenon. The so called HIV virus and the AIDS causality theory's which made him famous is totally bogus!!! I profess that much of what passes for mainstream virology is totally fraudulent and more based on superstition inherited from cults of demon possession.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2020, 09:06:30 am by sabertooth »
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Alex Jones is a gatekeeper, he is going with the fake 'virus' narrative of the professional liars in the idiot box.

Since when do we trust the professional con artists, liars from the idiotbox, I mean teLIEvision?

Bio-weapons DO NOT exist. What exists is 5G, 6G, 7G and chemical weapons and man made poisons found in the: air, water, food, clothing, carpets, dental materials(amalgam is 50% mercury, the ''composites are full of nano metals/plastics), pharmaceutical drugs, nutritional supplements supplements(yep, the additives like silica, silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide are NANO TECH), vaccines are full of mercury, aluminum, nano metals), cleaning products, beauty products(make up, hair paint, perfumes etc.), hygiene products(soaps, shower gels etc.), shampoos, toilet paper lined with nano metals, wall paint, mattresses, furniture, sun protection creams, artificial light after sunset(yes, any artificial light after sunset will reduce your melatonin hormone production to a point where you never get a deep restorative sleep, your body thinks the sun is always up), any artificial smell is basically good smelling pesticide.

The so called ''second wave'' will be a fully functional 5G/6G/7G system that will poison you from the inside and the symptomatic manifestation of this poisoning will look like ''diseases''.

Since ALL ''diseases'' are just a symptoms of the body's desperate attempt to detox itself through the lungs(coughing, mucus, blood), ears(ear wax, blood), scalp(dandruff, hair loss), raised body temperature(sweating), runny nose(mucus), eyes(watery), gums, skin(boils, black dots, spots, psoriasis, scales, orange/yellow color[toxic bile coming through the skin] etc.).

You should read some books Alex Gatekeeper Jones on how do body works. Piece of trash.

Again, 'viruses'' are made by the cells to cleanse themselves, viruses are like soaps/solvents, and there are as many types of solvents as there as man made poisons. ;-)

You see, the satanic THEORY of evolution, the HELLiocentric cosmology THEORY, the germ THEORY and the multi-trillion dollar/year pharmaceutical murdering industry cannot exist one without the other, they go hand in hand. Satan reverses everything God Jesus Christ created. People are loving it.

Offline smokeyquartz

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I think it could be both (engineered virus with plan for reduced freedom of all, mandatory vaccination). 

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I think it could be both (engineered virus with plan for reduced freedom of all, mandatory vaccination).


A 'flu' is mainly a viral detoxification of the
respiratory, intestinal and/or lymphatic systems, like cleaning the carbon from a car’s engine. Influenza flushes the body of many accessible stored toxins and allows for a fresher, cleaner-running body.

Rejoice and see them through. Increased vitality follows if flu are not stopped with drugs and a healthful diet is eaten that helps the flu process.

Viruses are not living organisms. They are solvents manufactured within cells. They do not self-replicate as believed. Viruses are body soaps. They cleanse contaminated cells, or parts of cells, from the body.

When damaged, decaying or dead cells are so polluted that microbes, such as bacteria, parasites and fungi, cannot eat and eliminate the contaminated damaged, decaying or dead tissue, cells manufacture viruses (solvents) to dissolve and dilute the chemically contaminated waste for elimination through mucous membranes, skin, tear ducts, ear wax, gums and tongue.

I reiterate, when damaged, decaying and dead cells are too toxic from chemical pollution (from shampoos, cosmetics, medication, preservatives and pesticides in food, processed foods, and pollution of water, air and land), bacteria and fungi cannot survive to eat and discard those contaminated damaged, decaying and dead cells.

The body almost exclusively uses viruses (solvents) to dissolve, and hopefully neutralize and eliminate those contaminated damaged, decaying and dead cells. Science knows that viruses are NOT living organisms.

They cannot reproduce so, the belief that they self-replicate
is preposterous. Cells manufacture viruses. Viruses are solvents.

Saying that viruses self-replicate is the same as saying soap self-replicates.

Offline sabertooth

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Its likely that Alex Jones is likely playing a controlled opposition role in all of this, one day he will be agreeing with David Icke that this is a false flag and acknowledging the fraudulent nature of the pandemic, then the next day he will be pushing products to protect people from the hoax. The nature of this particular conspiracy may be far greater in scope for any one person or pariah to grasp. The Information war is Real, even if its most prominent mercenaries are double agents.

There is biological warfare and Genetic engineering being perpetrated against the people, and although the mainstream construct of what Viruses are and how they operate may be false....this does not mean that the effects of Chemical pollution, Electromagnetic over saturation, GMO mutagens, that are being attributed to a virus, are false. There is some serious mad science going down, and Synthetic Weaponized Viral DNA cannot be entirely dismissed. If combined with the chemical immune suppressants, aggravated by EMF radiation and directly injected into the body, these Altered Genetic agents, may be able to do great harm.

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Its likely that Alex Jones is likely playing a controlled opposition role in all of this, one day he will be agreeing with David Icke that this is a false flag and acknowledging the fraudulent nature of the pandemic, then the next day he will be pushing products to protect people from the hoax. The nature of this particular conspiracy may be far greater in scope for any one person or pariah to grasp. The Information war is Real, even if its most prominent mercenaries are double agents.

There is biological warfare and Genetic engineering being perpetrated against the people, and although the mainstream construct of what Viruses are and how they operate may be false....this does not mean that the effects of Chemical pollution, Electromagnetic over saturation, GMO mutagens, that are being attributed to a virus, are false. There is some serious mad science going down, and Synthetic Weaponized Viral DNA cannot be entirely dismissed. If combined with the chemical immune suppressants, aggravated by EMF radiation and directly injected into the body, these Altered Genetic agents, may be able to do great harm.


there is no biological warfare... only chemical and frequency wars... u keep going/pushing with the mainstream germ theory lie/narrative... wtf???

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I understand the need to debate the nature of Germ theory narrative, but with regard to what is going on, there is indeed Biological warfare, let us not get bogged down in semantics! The combination of Chemicals , EMF and altered Genetic Agents are what I consider biological weapons.  The Genetically modified DNA going into vaccines and GMO crops are biological weapons that are detrimentally altering human physiology, and along with chemical and EMF pollution, constitutes a type of biological soft kill agenda that incrementally weakens the human race. The biological softkill when combined with advanced pharmacological, psychological, and sociological mind control techniques has created a trans-humanistic ecological whirlwind, that is beyond the understanding of even the most brilliant minds of our day to fully comprehend.

I take the Brave New world view, in that Vaccines publicly stated mission of artificially inducing immunity is a false flag cover for a more sinister agenda.  The Medically induced Brain Damage such as Autism is not a side effect, it is a direct effect, and the small sanctum of people in charge of administering the poisons are aware of what they are doing to us. It is my conviction that the Brain damage is deliberately engineered much in the same way in the Brave new world the lower caste were given contaminated fetal nutrition in order to create a large population of semi-retards to act as a servant class.

The goal of such world controllers is not to completely retard the entire population, but instead would be to limit the intellectual capacity of the average person. Universal mandated vaccines, fluoride in the water, formula feeding, poor nutrition along with other factors such as electronic ultra saturation has contributed to the systematic lowering of the average persons mental abilities.  Knocking about 10 to 20 IQ points off on average....of course some people will be damaged much more in the case of severe retardation and autism, this is simply collateral damage! While there will be a small percentage of people with very little noticeable damage, and these lucky few will be incorporated into the Alpha Managerial Class. This system of intellectual culling prevents the meteoric rise of large numbers backwoods intellectuals, so as to mitigate any chance for the organic development of millions of individual Geniuses with the trouble making capacity of Thomas Jefferson, Franklin, or any legions of modern day Galileos.

The more technologically advanced things become the greater the division of labor, and the less necessary it becomes to have a large population full of highly critical thinkers, and so methods are devised to limit intellectual capacity. Highly intelligent people would not be happy serving as mindless drones in a heartless hierarchy , and would inevitable attempt to buck the systems of control..... and so methods such as chemical intoxication, propaganda, social conditioning, hormonal manipulation and regressive education have been developed and greater and greater degree since the industrial revolution.

For those who haven't studied these subjects in depth such postulations may seem a bit absurd, conspiratorial, or even paranoid.....this would be primarily because we have all been raised within the womb of this gestating Brave New World, and been subjected to its conditions from birth. Being long subjugated to these state of affairs, it becomes difficult for any individual to truly awaken to the reality of what is going on from an objective perspective.

Life on earth didn't evolve in a Day, and this rise of tyrannical technocracy has its own evolutionary course, which began way before the Corona Contrivance has brought about its crescendo.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 12:28:00 am by sabertooth »
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Offline smokeyquartz

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Yes, Sabertooth is right.  This is part of a plan for incremental control over the population.  American society is returning to the old feudal system of Europe.  This is evidenced in the corporate hierarchy/Human Resources' control over our private lives (for those of us that work in such an environment) and the government's disrespect for each person's bodily integrity.  A lot of the state governors are using this as an excuse for displays of power and tyrannical behavior.  Allow individuals to make their own choice whether to wear masks or not or to stay home or go out.  As long as we are accepting the risk, it's our right to live our lives as we see fit.


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