Author Topic: Teeth keep getting worse (2 years raw primal)  (Read 5154 times)

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Offline smilebreathe

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Teeth keep getting worse (2 years raw primal)
« on: April 27, 2020, 10:26:11 pm »
Hi fellow life experimenters :)

22 months of raw primal diet - teeth worse, wounds heal slow - what's up?

I'm a 27 year old male, 195cm/90kg (6'4/200lbs). For my entire life I was extremely healthy, strong and fit. Never sick. No surgeries or drugs.

I messed myself up by getting into vegetarianism from 2015-2017. Then in July 2017 I did 6 weeks waterfasting (and sauna daily) followed by 10months fruitarianism until I finally woke up in July 2018 when I could sometimes barely walk, weighed 64kg (140lbs), and had massive erosion of the roots of my teeth. The first 3 months of recovery I had mainly raw dairy, eggs and berries, gained my 30kg (60lbs) back, and my weight has stayed there since. Since then I have eaten 'raw primal diet' which is high fat all raw, mainly animal foods (meat, fish, chicken, organs, eggs, dairy), vegetable juice (mainly celery, fennel, cabbage) and some berries and honey.

I source the absolute highest imaginable food quality, never eat junk, and I never drink or smoke. I use blue blocker glasses before bed, and spend the wintertime in tropical climate, and the summertime in Switzerland, so I get lots of sun, grounding, activity.

Symptoms I had the first year that are now solved: Eye tetany, energy crashes, inconsistent morning wood.

Symptoms that persist are:
   - Very acidic urine (pH 5.5) and saliva (pH 6.5-6.8)
   - Teeth chipping, breaking, getting more translucent and more caries
   - Slightly receded gumline (0.5mm)
   - Brittle toenails (they also have fungus since I was 15)
   - Joints cracking i.e. knees when coming up from a deep squat
   - Shoulder injury/inflammation that keeps persisting
   - Burping, also when waking up in the morning
   - Very very slow wound healing, for example a fingernail-sized wound on my ancle still has some scab on after 5 weeks…
   - Diarrhea when traveling
   - Bloodshot eyes
   - Fingernails have vertical ridges (maybe normal)
   - Occasional sleep trouble
   - Occasional muscle tetany
   - Occasional erection problems and orgasms with barely any sensation (Note: This could also be related to me having 5 years of no sex nor masturbation until I stopped the fruitarianism).
   - I pick my nose a lot… Don't know if that's a symptom, but could be
   - Nail pictures:

Supplements I started using after the first year (july2019):
   - Bee pollen 2 tsp/day
   - Sea salt to taste
   - ACV/lemonjuice with meat/fish meals
   - Wheatgerm oil (A.Vogel)
   - Magnesium threonate 1500mg/day (Double Wood)
   - Magnesium oil transdermally 20 sprays/day (MgCl)
   - Iodine lugols 5% 12 drops/day (Heiltropfen)
   - Organic sulfur 2 tsp/day (Organic Sulfur 4 Health)
   - Silica gel (Orgono)
   - Young at Heart (Dragon Herbs)

My blood type is A positive.
I have done regular blood tests and hair mineral analyses, which you can see here:
I can make new tests as needed.

A day of eating varies, but on average its something like:
   - 11:00 - 400g green juice + 25g butter
   - 12:00 - 300g beef + 100g organs + 200g tomato + 75g butter
   - 14:00 - 5 eggs blended with lemonjuice + 300g berries + 50g butter
   - 16:00 - 400g green juice + 25g butter
   - 17:00 - 300g fish + 400g cucumber + 75g butter
   - 19:00 - 500g fermented milk + 50g butter
In total around 600g meat/fish, 100g organ, 800g green juice, 300g butter, 500g fermented milk, 5 eggs, 300g berries, 200g tomato, 400g cucumber.

I've recently started adding bone broth (not raw).
In the winter when traveling I've tested having less/no green juice, but that didn't seem to help, maybe the opposite.

Problems I can think of:
   - Maybe I have weak digestion so I don't absorb the nutrients.
   Maybe I have a parasite infection that steals the nutrients.
   - Maybe I lack one or more minerals that just cant be obtained from food anymore with our depleted soils. Could try shilajit, DE, epsom salt baths, bone broth, potassium, chromium, manganese, selenium etc
   - Maybe I'm eating too much animal foods compared to minerals/alkaline (acidosis)
   - Maybe I should drink more water, I rarely do, but I'm only thirsty once a month if ever. I assume I get enough from my food.
   - Maybe I've been eating too many carbs in fruit, honey, fermented milk. Since march I have removed these.
   - Maybe I should cut out raw dairy, as some people on rawpaleodietforum say that was the thing that made their teeth better.
   - Maybe I should eat 2-3 big meals instead of many small.

A piece of my molar broke off a month ago. Something is not working. I would appreciate your perspective on what it could be.


Offline Susadele

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Re: Teeth keep getting worse (2 years raw primal)
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2020, 06:47:48 pm »
Hello Thomas,

I would firstly ask about why you do some things, that I stumbled upon when reading your post.
When questioning it, I am not saying that you're doing these things wrong, but at least I could imagine that these are causing problems or are not ideal:

- Why do you take so much Lugols Iodine? I mean it sounds like a lot to me. Even one drop orally daily is a lot for some people. Maybe you have a good reason or clearly benefit from it?
- For what reasons do you consume the other supplements? Do you clearly benefit frm one of these / have a deficiency? As you surely know, supplements can be too "one-sided", resulting in deficiencies / imbalances in other areas. And to find out these newly created deficiencies it often not an easy thing to do.. Nevertheless, sometimes supplements helped me a lot and might have even been necessary. But yeah it can be tricky to keep it in a balance.
- How do you decide on what to eat? I mean is it based on rules, dogma, appetite, instinct, expected feeling afterwards etc.?
- Which organs do you consume? In which amounts? Balanced? How do you decide on which ones / how much to eat?
- Why do you eat so many tomatos with your meat meal? Why not eating raw eggs alone?
- Do you have access to other raw animal fat sources than butter, like suet, back fat etc? I can imagine some people here would recommend increasing your fat intake compared to the amount of muscle meat you consume. But you better wait what others here say about that or read on that topic here on the forum.
- I definitely would have suggested to cut back on the green juices. Some people report benefiting from it, I do as well occassionally, when I feel like my body needs it, but the amounts you drank daily sound a lot. Some people here even recommend not to drink them at all. Because they might lead to mineral deficiencies, are not a natural food etc.
You say you might even feel worse when consuming less green juices for some time. Why you think so?
- Can you calculate how many carbs you consume per day? Do you feel better consuming less or more? I personally would consume fruit when living in warm / hot / tropical climate.
- Regarding your assumption that you might have a parasite infection: If it were intestinal parasites depleting you that severly from nutrients I am pretty sure (but don't know) you would have some intestinal symptoms and or weird stool. Does it apply to you?
- Just an idea (& might only be some not so relevant finetuning): I am wondering if it so good to spend the whole year in warm climate / summer for people who are genetically used to live in a colder environment for some part of the year. I don't know about your genetics though. Just as summer, winter has its positive effects on the body. Like calming down, having a rest from the more "exciting" time of the year. I haven't done research on that topic, but intuitively I feel like there might be something about it.

I hope this is helpful for you. I might have other things in mind but I guess that's enough at first. I have to say that I couldn't watch your files because I currently have no promising internet source to do so.
I wish you luck figuring out your problems. It seems like you already made some progress :)

Offline Susadele

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Re: Teeth keep getting worse (2 years raw primal)
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2020, 06:50:57 pm »
I forgot:
When did you start getting the bloodshot eyes? Prior raw paleo? Are these persistent?

Offline smilebreathe

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Re: Teeth keep getting worse (2 years raw primal)
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2020, 12:28:48 am »
- Why do you take so much Lugols Iodine? I mean it sounds like a lot to me. Even one drop orally daily is a lot for some people. Maybe you have a good reason or clearly benefit from it?
- For what reasons do you consume the other supplements? Do you clearly benefit frm one of these / have a deficiency? As you surely know, supplements can be too "one-sided", resulting in deficiencies / imbalances in other areas. And to find out these newly created deficiencies it often not an easy thing to do.. Nevertheless, sometimes supplements helped me a lot and might have even been necessary. But yeah it can be tricky to keep it in a balance.
A health coach was advising iodine and other supplement amounts based on energetic testing with a pendulum. I gave it a chance...
- How do you decide on what to eat? I mean is it based on rules, dogma, appetite, instinct, expected feeling afterwards etc.?
- Which organs do you consume? In which amounts? Balanced? How do you decide on which ones / how much to eat?
- Why do you eat so many tomatos with your meat meal? Why not eating raw eggs alone?
I'd say its based on the ideas of the raw primal diet, but I eat when I'm hungry, and I eat what I want the most. I'm not very tuned-in to how I feel afterwards etc

- Do you have access to other raw animal fat sources than butter, like suet, back fat etc? I can imagine some people here would recommend increasing your fat intake compared to the amount of muscle meat you consume. But you better wait what others here say about that or read on that topic here on the forum.
Yes I can get that, I'm currently omitting dairy as a test.

- I definitely would have suggested to cut back on the green juices. Some people report benefiting from it, I do as well occassionally, when I feel like my body needs it, but the amounts you drank daily sound a lot. Some people here even recommend not to drink them at all. Because they might lead to mineral deficiencies, are not a natural food etc.
You say you might even feel worse when consuming less green juices for some time. Why you think so?
Each winter I didnt have green juices for 5-6 months and those months I have the most diarrhea (But it could be cause I'm traveling abroad). I could test omitting them but I enjoy them a lot and I still believe they have good properties (Norman Walker, etc)

- Can you calculate how many carbs you consume per day? Do you feel better consuming less or more? I personally would consume fruit when living in warm / hot / tropical climate.
I feel pretty good on whatever. But in tropical climate I seem to crave more fruit as cucumber/watermelon. Here in Switzerland I get just carbs from the green juice and maybe 200g berries, and fermented milk.

- Regarding your assumption that you might have a parasite infection: If it were intestinal parasites depleting you that severly from nutrients I am pretty sure (but don't know) you would have some intestinal symptoms and or weird stool. Does it apply to you?
I rarely have slight discomfort in my stomach, but no weird stool no :)

- Just an idea (& might only be some not so relevant finetuning): I am wondering if it so good to spend the whole year in warm climate / summer for people who are genetically used to live in a colder environment for some part of the year. I don't know about your genetics though. Just as summer, winter has its positive effects on the body. Like calming down, having a rest from the more "exciting" time of the year. I haven't done research on that topic, but intuitively I feel like there might be something about it.
I think you have a point with this, thanks for pointing that out. I might try to stay this winter to honor my genetic heritage! :)

When did you start getting the bloodshot eyes? Prior raw paleo? Are these persistent?
It started with raw paleo and has been there constantly since

I hope this is helpful for you. I might have other things in mind but I guess that's enough at first. I have to say that I couldn't watch your files because I currently have no promising internet source to do so.
I wish you luck figuring out your problems. It seems like you already made some progress :)
Thank you so much for taking your time to try to help me, it is much appreciated!!!!! Very kind of you :)
« Last Edit: April 29, 2020, 12:50:36 am by smilebreathe »

Offline Susadele

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Re: Teeth keep getting worse (2 years raw primal)
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2020, 12:25:21 am »
You're welcome :)

Is your fat / butter intake also based on satiation / taste?
I am curious if it will change when you include suet / back fat etc.
I have to rethink my assumption that you might not eat enough fat. On the first read it crossed my mind, on the other side, you also add butter / fat to eggs, juice etc, summed up, it might be ok. I can't give a propper guess because I never really weighed the amount of fat I ate. I eat fat to satiation and do good with that. But I know it is a big topic and for some it might be helpful to experiment on that. But you probably did your research on the different recommended fat-protein ratios and maybe you already figured it out for yourself.

Regarding the blood shot eyes: When I ate only beef and fat for about two weeks I got blood shot eyes after a few days. Before that I already ate raw meat from time to time, raw dairy (, raw liver) and raw eggs daily.
As soon as I ate less meat / protein (and more fat as the new calorie source) it passed. I remember someone here in the forum reported getting blood shot eyes in the beginning of raw paleo.
Another popular cause of blood shot eyes is riboflavin / b2 deficiency. But I can't imagine someone would ever get it when starting a raw paleo diet, as organs, eggs and dairy are excellent sources of b2. Only if you supplemented with b1.

Which organs do you consume?

Haha, I only mentioned the winter-could-be-beneficial thing because many people have in mind how beneficial it might be to get a lot of sun whole year 'round to load up on vit d, but what if then one would miss the benefit of colder times? :) In the end it might depend on what the body needs most in the current state "happier" surrounding, sun, vit d or calmer, colder times.

Did you start all the supplements at the same time?
Some people on the forum would rather recommend consuming high quality seaweed as Iodine source, since it contains all the synergistically working nutrients, being a whole food. But here again, Lugols & seaweed / iodine was discussed in the forum already.

Regarding green juices: I can't recommend not to drink them. Some people clearly benefit from it, some not. For me juicing was awkward because it seems so "unnatural" to me, so I skipped it a few times, but always came back consuming it round about once a week because it is doing me good. I wouldn't drink more than what I feel benefits me though.

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Re: Teeth keep getting worse (2 years raw primal)
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2020, 07:58:28 pm »
A health coach was advising iodine and other supplement amounts based on energetic testing with a pendulum. I gave it a chance...I'd say its based on the ideas of the raw primal diet, but I eat when I'm hungry, and I eat what I want the most. I'm not very tuned-in to how I feel afterwards etc
Yes I can get that, I'm currently omitting dairy as a test.Each winter I didnt have green juices for 5-6 months and those months I have the most diarrhea (But it could be cause I'm traveling abroad). I could test omitting them but I enjoy them a lot and I still believe they have good properties (Norman Walker, etc)
I feel pretty good on whatever. But in tropical climate I seem to crave more fruit as cucumber/watermelon. Here in Switzerland I get just carbs from the green juice and maybe 200g berries, and fermented milk.
I rarely have slight discomfort in my stomach, but no weird stool no :)
I think you have a point with this, thanks for pointing that out. I might try to stay this winter to honor my genetic heritage! :)
It started with raw paleo and has been there constantly since
Thank you so much for taking your time to try to help me, it is much appreciated!!!!! Very kind of you :)

Did you tell your health coach your problems who advised to take supplement? If so, what did he say?

Did the health coach set up your eating program and food selection?


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