Author Topic: What would be the best temperature for storing meat in the freezer/refrigerator?  (Read 4635 times)

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Offline Qondrar_The_Redeemer

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For meat (muscle, organs, fat), what would be the best temperature to keep them as fresh as possible in the refrigerator? I'm also curious about ideal freezer temperatures, mostly to prevent freezer burn.

Regarding high meat, would it be best to just leave it outside the refrigerator?

Offline kelpguy

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to learn more about temperatures, do an internet search for ageing beef.

i don't have a dedicated fridge to hang meat like some other members (envy, envy) but i slice beef muscle and heart and air dry it on racks in the bottom drawer of the fridge (36f); makes for tasty snacks!!!  doesn't last long tho bcuz i can't not eat it.

freezer burn:
i've stored various foods in the freezer for more than a year and not had freezer burn issues.  i double bag items in poly produce bags and insert that in a 'freezer' zip lock bag, making sure to squeeze out all the air i can before i close the zip lock..

Offline Qondrar_The_Redeemer

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An update on my situation. I have experimented a bit and found that at around 32-35 degrees Fahrenheit/0-2 degrees Celsius the meat will keep fresh for weeks, if not months. This has been particularly useful for fats (such as bone marrow and suet), preventing them from going rancid fast.

Offline owsleytest

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How do you store your meat/fat/organs inside the fridge? I’ve used large glass Pyrex baking trays to lay meat on uncovered and I’ve also used tightly sealed wide mouth glass jars. I find the sealed jars cause the meat to quickly smell unpleasant for my housemates when kept uncovered on dishes it does not gather such a strong odor. If I were to live alone the odor would be a non issue.

Offline Qondrar_The_Redeemer

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I keep all my organs/fat/muscle uncovered at around 32-35 degrees Fahrenheit/0-2 degrees Celsius, placed on some butcher paper.

I would suggest keeping it uncovered unless you are trying to make high meat. In the past, I've had meat at somewhat higher temperatures stored in plastic for over a week, after which it would gain a vile bitter taste. If you do plan on keeping it in sealed jars, I suggest airing it regularly. Since your problem seems to be your housemates, keeping it uncovered would be fine.


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