Author Topic: Martins journal  (Read 9231 times)

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Offline unthink

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Martins journal
« on: July 15, 2009, 04:09:54 am »
I´ve just let zero carb another go. 
I think the trouble before was that i didn´t get enough energy, and went into "starvation mode".  The troubles I have had includes; constipation, higher heartbeat. and sense of "heat" in the body, and a loss of energy. I think I ate to much fat as well.  I´v been on Zero carb now for two days, and it feels ok.

The trouble before was also that the fatsource i had didn´t taste s good.(grassfed) so i didnt feel like eating it a lot. It was really yellow and nice, but it smelled quite bad. It was like it was two tastes in one, tasting really good and tasting really bad.
I have some bone marrow as well, but it also smells a bit weird, the strange thing is that the marrow from non grasfed beef i have tasted before doesn´t smell at all, so i wonder why this one smells.

Now i´ve got hold of some really nice backfat.. it actually tastes herbs!. the taste has disapeard a bit since i put i in the freezer. (I bought 10 kilos of beefmince/ 10 kilos of backfat for 80 eur).  I do quite a lot of exercise so we see how it goes...  After a while i think i will include some carbs, from berries and similar things. I did some exercise today and it felt ok.


I think i don´t really do good on fruits so i leave that.. - I haven´t been eating it for quite some while now. -my intestines got a bit upset.

I´ve been quite low carb like 15-30g for quite a while, so maybe the shift isn´t that big. The reason i try is that this weekend i had some more carbs than usual, and after that the ezcema i have  flared up a bit. So i thought i could be connected to the carb input. Now after 2/3 days its almost gone.. we´ll see how it goes.

Offline Raw Kyle

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Re: Martins journal
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2009, 09:14:17 am »
I imagine being able to consistently do <50 grams of carbs a day would make zero carb an easier transition. Satya, who used to post here, claimed her transition was smooth and she was on vlc for a year or more I think before trying it.

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Re: Martins journal
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2009, 03:17:07 am »
I have a been a bit "heavy" for a couple of days. I noticed i slight shift this morning, but this evening again i felt a lack of energy.

I´m eating usually eat twice a day.. around 500g of beef mince(sometimes elk) and around 100g of every meal. This evening i didn´t really feel lika eating fat to the beef so i skipped it.  I had some liver to it instead.(like 50g)  How much organs do people eat around here?

I noticed a big shift in my "intestines" today. Before i have been slightly constipated but now everything seems like it should be. The eczema almost went away for a while, but came back a little bit today.

I´m wondering if whant to get more energy, would you still eat as much meat or would you eat a bit more fat instead. I mean if I eat like 1.5 kilo of meat a day.. thats almost 300g of proteins isn´t that quite much to cope with?  And i imagine days when I go windsurfing for 5--6 hours I would have to eat a lot more..

The difference between 15-30g and 0g carbs a day seems like huge difference..

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Re: Martins journal
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2009, 08:05:00 am »
I´ve just let zero carb another go. 
I think the trouble before was that i didn´t get enough energy, and went into "starvation mode".  The troubles I have had includes; constipation, higher heartbeat. and sense of "heat" in the body, and a loss of energy. I think I ate to much fat as well.  I´v been on Zero carb now for two days, and it feels ok.

Bouts of constipation followed by loose bowels, higher resting heart rate (usually in the 80s), feeling hot, and loss of energy are all very normal during transition from a glucose based metabolism to a fat based metabolism.  You just have to get through them, and it may take a few months before everything seems back to normal.  The good news is that you'll hit a low point after a few weeks and then suddenly you'll start to feel better and better until you finally notice you feel great but can't remember exactly when it happened.


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Re: Martins journal
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2009, 10:42:08 am »
the how much fat vs protein can be a mental process.   I like to eat fat first till I no longer want anymore and then do the same with meat.  takes the 'guess' work out of the mix.  I find my body/taste know best, or is at least a place to start.  The interesting thing is if you pay close attention it's different each time, just like one might think it should be.  But then there's that thinking thing again....

Offline unthink

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Re: Martins journal
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2009, 03:10:23 pm »
Sorry for not updating. I´m still zero carb. I have had a weak stomach for periods. I had one period when hade to sit on the toilet constantly for like 7 8 days. I went to to the doctor i got som immodium and some "flagyl" antibiotics. It made things better but now again i have really loose stools.

I have been eating some low quality meets and some cooked a bit on the outside - at times. I have had some periods of nausea as well. The taste of the meets are so different, i can´t eat it if itsn´t good quality anymore.

I havn´t been eating any organs. Only bonemarrow. if that counts.   I also have hade periods when i feel quite good. . I think one of the problems is getting enough energy. I have lost like 3-4kg. But at times when i have been able to eat some more i have felt good respons in my body..


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Re: Martins journal
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2009, 03:47:25 am »
I am still really bad.  Either i have a really bad infection, parasite, amoba or whatever.  Or I´m just not adapted; but 20 days, with chronic dierrhea,mucus,bloating,pain, going to the toilet 25 times a day, besides from being a living hell, tells me that it´s probably something else.

I have been to the doctor, and the took some tests for parasites etc, but didn´t find anything. I have been back and going again next week sometime, for more tests. Still i haven´t told them really about my diet, thinking that they would just advise me to stop. The doctor advised me to eat, rice soop, I tried it a couple a years ago after a cleansing, and I just remember that i got constipated from it.  I think I´m going to try a period of pemmican instead. My digestive track seemed to like it a while ago. But if nothing works... I´ll try stuff outside of the diet, watermelon, rice soop, anything.


Sometimes i feel really thirsty after i eat, i have a really strong cravings, for something, - i don´t know what. But it feels in my mouth somehow, like i really want to drink,,-and keep it in my mouth.   I thought maybe i was low in stomach acid, and tried some HCL, but with no change. Maybe its some mineral, or the digestion not working alright. ..

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Re: Martins journal
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2009, 05:13:12 am »
Well, antibiotics will screw up your bowel pretty bad.  Last time I had to take antibiotics it took me about a month to get back to normal.  Antibiotics will kill a lot of useful intestinal microflora and it'll take some time to recover.

I'd say go back to whatever diet that made you feel the best and then very slowly transition to whatever you are trying to achieve.  I think any drastic changes are really hard on the body.

Also, try to eat smaller amounts, it really helps if your stomach does not produce quality acid.

I found doctors are really of no use. They tend to treat only symptoms. Like, you have pain, here is aspirin.

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Re: Martins journal
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2009, 05:58:40 am »
Sorry for not updating. I´m still zero carb. I have had a weak stomach for periods. I had one period when hade to sit on the toilet constantly for like 7 8 days. I went to to the doctor i got som immodium and some "flagyl" antibiotics. It made things better but now again i have really loose stools.

...   I also have hade periods when i feel quite good. . I think one of the problems is getting enough energy. I have lost like 3-4kg. But at times when i have been able to eat some more i have felt good respons in my body.. 

    I'm glad you feel good sometimes.  Hopefully you are recovering.  I myself would avoid immodium and flagyl.  Immodium can be dangerous for eyes, and flagyl can cause problems for decades.  I've never done completely ZC though, so I don't know what you're going through at all.  You do what you have to do though.  Diahrrea holds its own dangers.  I had very loose stools the first month of RAF.  I was lucky.  I didn't have to do anything about it.
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Offline unthink

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Re: Martins journal
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2009, 11:53:13 pm »
Today I have felt a bit better. We´ll see how it goes. I´m eating mainly jerky and fat, feels like its a bit easier for the stomach. 

I just want to say that i do have experienced some benefits as well eating this way. Eczema more o less gone. It looks like some teeth have grown as well - not really sure but it looks like it.  More flexible.  I have lost some weight, 4 kg maybe. - which i didn´t need to lose.. So hopefully I´ll put it back on when I manage to increase my calorie intake.. 
Recovery after exercising is different. I wouldn´t say its worse, just different..

Offline unthink

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Re: Martins journal
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2009, 05:41:24 pm »
sorry for not updating. I´m feeling really good. Not optimal but really good. I notice a diference if i take some potassium and some more minerals when i do sports. My teeth seem to have grown.

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Re: Martins journal
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2009, 05:46:21 pm »
My resting pulse is also much higher.  I don´t know if this is bad or just is.  I use to have a resting pulse around 37-40.  Now its up to at least 60, if not more.

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Re: Martins journal
« Reply #12 on: December 25, 2009, 08:40:35 pm »

How are you doing. Your journal caught my eye because I am doing some things similar to you. I have had Irritable Bowel Syndrome for decades. I've been low-carb for about 20 years. I started VLC about a year ago and felt worse than I did on LC. More than 6 months ago, I figured my problem was eating any carbs at all, so I went ZC. But I still feel worse on ZC than I did on LC. So, yesterday I started a course of Flagyl and Cipro (the former kills anaerobic and the latter aerobic bacteria).

I am aware of all the side effects that these antimicrobials have the potential to create. But I am willing to take the risk.

It's not uncommon for people to be helped temporarily by antibiotics and then have their digestive problems return. One theory suggests that the underlying problem is a motility issue, whereby the intestines are not moving in a sufficiently coordinated way, allowing bacteria to remain, when they should be cleared out by peristaltic waves.

It's not clear to me whether you think the Flagyl helped you or not. Do you think it did?

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Re: Martins journal
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2010, 03:18:08 am »
No it didn´t.  It helped like for two days then things went back as before.  I ate some garlic ginger and some turmeric. It really helped to stop things up.  The last 2 months my stomach has been working more o less perfect. I´m still zero carb.


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