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Offline smokeyquartz

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Using Diet to Heal
« on: July 27, 2021, 08:29:23 am »
Reposting this again because when I finally hit "submit" the "DNS could not be reached" error message came up.  Hope I'm not wasting my time twice!

I've been here a while but have not followed the advice completely.  Right now my major problems are serious skin disorder (wounds take a very long time to heal if at all, I also have dry, flaky patches on my face that are noticeable even with makeup), anhedonia (lack of pleasure/motivation), weight gain, and muscle weakness/fatigue. 

I know the major thing I need to do to reverse this is stop eating sugar/caffeine.  A major part of my lack of motivation, I believe, is how I feel trapped in my life.  I can see myself doing the same thing forever, and nothing will ever change, and then I die.  It doesn't make me sad or cry; I'm not depressed.  But I just can't get any enjoyment out of my life as it is, and I don't have any motivation to try to "improve" myself for a life that doesn't please me.  My life is pretty much a pointless existence and my only "pleasure" lately is through consumption of goods (shopping), food (chocolate/lattes), and entertainment.  It's like an endless rewind of the same stuff over and over.  My life is "The Morning Half-Life Blues" by Marge Piercy.  I'm not really alive.

I don't know if I can do totally raw carnivore for healing for multiple reasons.  A major reason is that it's not possible socially.  I've gotten over my fears of parasites since reading some of Aajonus's ideas about how they can only be harmful in a body that doesn't eat a regenerative diet (they eat dead tissue, which is regenerated by the raw diet), and I do incorporate raw meat into my diet now.  I love raw chicken with honey and spices.  Even if I had the self-discipline to eat this way at all times, it would be extremely difficult socially.  I have to hide my raw meat eating habit now as it is because I do not live alone.  For this reason, I've thought of eating a more plant-based raw diet but still incorporating the raw meat.  I've been reading the authors Carol Alt (who eats all raw, including eggs, fish, and meat but a lot of produce) and Natalia Rose (she only eats raw produce, but cooked eggs and fish as well).  I think this would be best for me. 

I don't know how to get my motivation in order to be disciplined.  Otherwise, I'm a very responsible person, and the "anhedonia" doesn't affect my work life at all - I get everything done, on time or ahead of time.  I don't know where to start because a major reason for my indulgences in these bad dietary habits (sugar/caffeine) is simply to escape from my life.  There's a major emotional component; I feel trapped.  Many times I simply drive to get physically away from where I am.  Even if I broke free, I would hardly know what to do with myself, lol. 

Just sharing thoughts with, hopefully, people who can understand.

Offline Dingeman

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2021, 03:00:31 pm »
The truth is that if you aren't willing to eat raw meat, you won't change your anything about your health and feel stuck in this negative cycle forever.

For me it was easier, all the foods that you ''cheat'' with actually make me feel terrible. I had to start eating raw meat just to feel alive/OK, that makes it easier.

A tip I can give is just to make sure you eat 200g of raw meat a day. As long as you sneak that in there every day you will be making progress, though slower than going all raw. Also, try to avoid the sweets and addicting stuff by eating raw meat instead when you get the urge for those addictive foods.

If you truly want to heal quickly/efficiently without eating a lot of raw meat every day, making a good ''high meat'' is the way to go. A properly fermented high meat (3/4 months old, fridge fermented, aired every 2 days, I recommend chicken) is so powerful that merely eating 1 piece every 3 or 4 days yields a ton of benefits for your body. Still, it requires dedication by buying a small mini fridge and taking care of the ferment, and I don't know anything about your living situation so it is possible that this interferes with your social life.

My point is, you have to get real and commit to this diet. If that takes telling your surroundings about it, then that is a step you must take (we've all been there). Once you actually start eating it you will realise that it is easy; eat the right food and you will feel better, there is nothing else to it.

Offline smokeyquartz

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2021, 06:08:13 am »
Is it ok to eat chicken gallbladder?  Are there any benefits from it?  I just bought some chicken livers, and noticed something weird with one of them.  It looks just like in this picture: 

I'm finding the liver itself already extremely bitter, and I don't know if I can even finish it.

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2021, 03:25:05 pm »
It is okay, but the gallbladders are what is making the chicken livers very bitter  ;D

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2021, 05:48:53 pm »
For me social aspect is part of the healing process, and it's about choice. Am I afraid to stand out? To maybe to eat alone, to -  sometimes - sacrifices communal dinner/community life for true health?
I eat often alone, not always, but that's because I realise the positive aspects of my raw paleo nutrition are stronger than the feeling of sharing a meal together with others. Especially in the long run.
There is only one person around here who really knows about my raw meat habits, this is a very conservative place where veganism has become huge, and bakeries the biggest dealers lol...
Outside of this place I know some people who are more open to raw paleo/raw meat, so actually I know more people outside of my hometown that would be more into it.
So the point it to not be afraid to do what you need to do for promoting health, be selfish in a good way. In the end, it's about caring for your self. Do you want sacrifice yourself for the sake of what others think about you?

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2021, 10:19:27 pm »
I found an Italian butcher shop near me that has all kinds of "weird stuff."  lol.  And most of it is supposed to be antibiotic-free, etc.

I got chicken chicken hearts, but I can only eat a couple at a time.  Like this morning, I tried to eat 10 of them, but when trying to eat the 4th one, I gagged on it.  So, I am ashamed to say I did end up cooking the others so I could get them down and not waste them.  I don't find the taste of chicken hearts to be bad; it is pretty mild, but for some reason I just gagged on it.  The chicken liver that I ate previously was not from this butcher (and the one that I had that tasted bad actually wasn't attached to the gallbladder at all, it just tasted bad all on its own); so maybe chicken livers from this butcher will be better.

I continue to eat raw chicken with honey and spices, and I think that instinctively right now I am drawn to really mild-tasting raw foods like white meats.  I don't know if I should just continue to follow my instincts or should I try to "push" myself past them in order to get better.  For instance, should I have forced myself to eat the rest of the chicken hearts raw even if I was gagging?  I don't know.

Offline Dingeman

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2021, 03:33:47 pm »
Maybe you like raw red meat better than white meat?

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2021, 05:38:14 am »
So an update on the chicken livers.  This time I got Bell & Evans Air-Chilled chicken livers from a local supermarket.  They are fed grain but no antibiotics.  Well, they are great.  I can't eat a whole lot of them at once, but the taste is just on the other side of mild.  It's the first liver that I actually want to eat it raw and I don't gag or grimace!  You can tell the difference between these livers and the others that I got.  These chicken livers are a dark red color and the others that tasted so bitter were pale and pink-yellow looking.  So, if you see Bell & Evans chicken livers, don't be afraid to buy and eat them.  They are good!  I wish all the meat could be this good quality.

Hopefully I can find beef liver that tastes this good one day.  I always find beef liver extremely bitter, and I've even drove over a half-hour to a farm to get grass-fed organic beef liver.  One thing I find odd about grass-fed beef liver is that, in addition to the bitterness, it has a "medicinal" taste to it, if that makes sense (the ones I've tasted anyway)...not pleasant.

I'm still finding it hard to eat 100% raw because of the social difficulty.  I have to eat alone and hide my meals.  But I know it's also an excuse that I use in order to not change, because change is both painful and exciting at once.  When one thing changes, everything must change... I really believe that is true.  If you are unhealthy and you become healthy, all the energy in your life must change because you are essentially a "new" person.  This unspoken energy is everywhere; people pick up on each other's moods all the time and it affects everything (at least for me, maybe that is why I eat bad food a lot in order to numb myself to not pick up on things).  So, if you have an energy mis-match to your environment after you heal yourself, you can't stay in that same environment.  The energy has to match, just like heat transference in physics. I know maybe this sounds weird/absurd to people, but I know it is true.  So, if I don't match my environment anymore, then what will I do?  Must leave the things that make life secure; this is the reason underneath, I think.

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2021, 01:09:23 am »
I eat beefliver at the moment only when it is high. I get mine fresh, but eating it fresh does not really do much for me. I do not really like the taste, but i think that is due to the quality. These cows are taking proper care of on a smallish farm, and live a pretty natural live. But not 100% grassfed and living outside at all times.

I also buy (via the post, so frozen) beefliver 100% grassfed, always outdoors, no hormones/injections/anything. It is from Scottish highlander cows, with all the hairs i guess they do not mind the cold Dutch winter weather. That liver however tastes like dark chocolate, amazing. So i have learned to never 'swear off' any food based on trying it once from one source. There really can be a world of difference. I enjoy trying food from as many different places and pick out the best. The modern hunter haha

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2021, 06:06:35 am »
Thanks MarkR and everyone.  Dark-chocolate liver sounds good, lol.

Chicken update - I'm wanting to eat less chicken now.  I liked the taste before, but now what I like most is the raw chicken marrow and chicken blood inside the bones.  It has a spicy taste to it, like the spices I use.  So, I really want whatever has that taste to it.

I think I am going through a detox, as they say here, because today I don't feel so great.  But, when I try to eat 100% raw, I eat a lot less and I think I'm not getting enough calories. 

Today I ate some ground beef (grass fed) from the butcher.  But it was previously frozen.  It has more of the spice taste to it than the chicken, but a lot of red meat still has a kind of anemic taste and is not really bloody enough. 

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2021, 09:09:40 am »
What I ate today... some raw beef (left over from yesterday), supermarket cooked shrimp (it was pink not gray like the uncooked kind, but still cold), raw bone marrow with raw honey, and, my cheats - DD frozen matcha latte and a kit kat bar.  I think the latte cravings are for the creamy dairy in them.  The raw marrow is really creamy when it gets room temperature.  It's so good.  But I still have a hard time eating adequate calories when eating raw meat.

I'm worried right now.  So worried about whether I will be forced to take the jabb in order to keep my job.  I guess I could decide to be fired from my job for not taking it and preserve my health, which is already bad to begin with.  I actually have a problem that is under control through medication but I haven't specifically mentioned it here.  People who are on this medication have children with birth defects if they take it during pregnancy.  But it keeps my condition under control, to the point that I don't even realize I have it most of the time.  Some people who have gone off the medication have had their condition return after one or two years, even worse than previously.  I am afraid of how the jabb will make me deteriorate, maybe make my condition worse than ever.  So scared.  But what are my choices?  If I am fired, then what will I do?  I can't get another job because then every employer is going to make the jabb a condition for employment, and most of the other jobs will pay less than the one that I have.  It would have to majorly overhaul my life in order to not be forced to have this against my will - become homeless or something.  I hate Byden.  He is a terrorist thug.  With his speech, he has basically said to all Americans, "It's your money or your life."  If we give up our life (take the jabb) then we can keep our money (job).  If we keep our life (not take jabb), then we must give him the money (give up our job). Just like a thug in a dark alley.  He is despicable.  It should never come to the point where some greedy idiot in DC makes a decision concerning my private health. 

I want to be free, live without so many possessions anymore so that I don't have to worry about "losing" things.  Just get rid of possessions because they hold you back.  The big one that ties everyone to their jobs in the US is the "health benefits" (as if anyone has actually benefited from them in the past 4 decades... we just get sicker and sicker here in the US).  If you have no insurance, you better own nothing at all because the "heroes" in the healthcare field must be paid greatly for their good deeds... it's not done out of the goodness of their hearts.

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2021, 06:05:16 pm »
It took me a long time (and i think im still not really used to it) to figure out portion size when eating raw. My plate sometimes looks very empty, but still my body tells me im done with food. Since raw meat is so easy on the body i do not check in with my stomach usually. Because my stomach will always feel 'empty'. When im really done with eating is when i do not feel like eating anymore. The food really start to loose flavor in my experience and eating starts to feel like something im doing against my will. I also never feel the typical SAD hunger anymore. In my case 'hunger' feels more like becoming slow in the brain and sleepy/weak in the body. I personally many times do not feel like eating at all, I still do it because im trying to gain some weight/fat. But im not sure whether it is really smart to go against what my body tells me.

Kitkat bar, haha, i used to love those. Haven't tried them in probably 2 years. I doubt they will still be as tasty as they once were. Never have any craving for any of that stuff anymore.

The Vax situation is f*cked. I work in the Netherlands for a big tech company, so i think it will be a matter of time before they also start with mandatory Vax. I have saved up a lot of money over my last 5 years of working so i have some buffer. My work is very relaxed and i get by with doing very little and getting payed well, although i do not like the job at all. I think i will stay for now, but i will eventually have to make a switch to a more meaningful job, with or without the forcing of the vax. Is your boss already harassing you about the Vax? All the media is fearmongering, to ruin your life basically. And your worrying might at the moment not be needed, worrying about the future is even more pointless, who knows what will happen maybe your boss/company will not agree with Biden and also not mandate anything. It would be better to spend your energy in this moment to constructively think about your options. I'm for instance, already doing as much homesteading as possible (i would like to buy some more land one day). Learning the skills and technics for growing food, learning how to sew, preserve food etc etc. These things keep me busy, i learn stuff and im not spending time engaging in the fear mongering of the media. If you know which changes you want to make in your live anyway, start with them now :-). For you, maybe you can have a look at where the conditions seem better in the US? I hear there are quite some states that do not go along as hard as some other states. Maybe it is time to move?

I think the vax will at best not do you any harm, but i really doubt it. I cannot be good for your health. Taking any kind of pill is not good for you health i would say. It might help with some symptoms, but your health will always deteriorate slowly due to not fixing the cause of the symptoms and slow poisoning due to chemicals. I would take my changes with 'health benefits' and not worry about that. Unfortunately in the Netherlands it is mandatory to have health insurance. So i 'have' to throw away 80 euros (that is the cheapest i can find, but of course it gets higher every year) per month on it.

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #12 on: December 25, 2021, 10:48:00 pm »
Well I haven't been here in sometime.

I've been really stressed the past two months because of work.  As of yet, there has been no "workplace mandate."  We are able to avoid the federal mandate because we don't meet the criteria.  However, there is a sh*t-stirrer in the office who is making it her personal business to involve some government authorities to try to force everyone who is unvaccinated to get it.  This woman is a trouble-maker but has some support in her opinion of forced vaccination, so I don't know what will happen.  I call her and the others "the Coalition".  However, I don't know how she would be able to *prove* that anyone is unvaccinated without having access to their medical records *and* having signed HIPAA release from that person in order to give that information to some other authority.  SO, given those roadblocks, I believe those of us who believe in freedom at the office are still safe.  But it's still a really hostile environment with constant whispering and gossiping.  Every day.  It's like living in hell.  I only stay at the job because it pays the bills (pays well) and helps me support my family.  I'm trying to find something else that doesn't require the jab.

In addition to this, I've had some really bad luck over the past two months.  Personal things have happened that I don't want to say. 

It would mean so much to just have one person (in person, not online) who felt the same as me that I could talk to.  I did find a group of people near me who believe in medical freedom and I went to their recent meeting.  So, that is one good thing.  The stories of persecution there were awful.  Discrimination is alive and well.  One woman was bullied out of her workplace after her coworkers harassed her extensively after learning she was unvaccinated.  Another woman was forced to give birth wearing a face mask in the hospital.  Now the hospitals near me are all requiring visitors to be vaccinated.  So if my elderly parents get hospitalized, I am discriminated against and not allowed to visit, even though the vaccinated can still spread the disease themselves.  Even landlords are requiring it in some places.  So, the unvaccinated do not even have the right to live!

I am losing hope.  I really do not want to be part of society anymore.  I only stay part of it for my elderly parents.  Otherwise, I would sell everything, buy a van, and live in it. 
I feel most sad for Australians; I saw on the news they are requiring the unvaccinated to live in concentration camps like in Nazi Germany.  Even one of their congressmen is in the concentration camp!  The mainstream Australians have drank the Kool-Aid.  I think most Americans (including myself) have always seen Australians as the most rugged, self-reliant individualists in all of Western civilization.  It is so, so sad to see that whole country give up their right to their own body and violently (yes, abusively and violently) suppress all opposition.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2021, 10:54:00 pm by smokeyquartz »

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2021, 03:56:14 am »
Try not to become Demoralized, that's exactly what the bastards running this want!  This moment in time is meant to be our test; it is the ordeal we must go through in order to prove ourselves worthy of the next step in human evolution, however the chips may fall.

If we can survive the great culling and genetic warfare currently being waged, while preserving our biological integrity, then there may be a chance to come out the other side of this thing with our humanity intact. You are not alone in this struggle, and there are higher powers at work that protect those with the will to protect themselves.

Events have been set into motion where the decimation of the population may be inevitable; as it has been during the various other eras of culling throughout the human epochs. Saving everyone was never an option regardless of what era or what war one finds themselves alive in. Wars have causalities, and there are people who are already lost beyond hope, so do not waste your strength fighting for the doomed. Instead seek out allies amongst the strong, work to build a parallel society and prepare for a long siege; this will be a war of attrition, and only those with true grit, endurance and strength of will are going to be judged by the Gods of fortune as worthy of inheriting the wind!
A man who makes a beast of himself, forgets the pain of being a man.

Offline smokeyquartz

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #14 on: December 26, 2021, 06:30:12 am »
Sabertooth, I hope you don't mind me asking, but when you talk about higher powers protecting you, would you tell me who/what you are referring to? 

I have been "seeking" (both formally and informally) but I feel so separated from whatever forces/gods there are in the universe. 

I understand if you don't want to answer.

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #15 on: December 26, 2021, 08:45:12 am »
Sabertooth, I hope you don't mind me asking, but when you talk about higher powers protecting you, would you tell me who/what you are referring to?   

Ive been asking myself that question for as long as I can remember, and the answers have changed continually along with the various stages of this incarnation. The truth is ultimately beyond words, All I have to offer others is remnants of sentiments, memories and epiphanies; that have over the years changed me from a cynical nihilistic youth, into a much more humble in the face of the mystery Man. When I was a child of 3 years I noticed a birth mark below my knee and remember my mother telling me its from when my guardian angle kissed me as a baby. At times through my growth I have felt the benevolent spirit watching over me, while at other times during my sickness I have felt cursed and outcast by God.

During my last severe bout of illness back in 2008 I remember being stricken terrible with sickness, and also a deep despair of a realization that my life could end in a sick meaningless mess of madness and my young children will become lost to the wicked world. While bedridden with viral meningitis and through the subsequent months of flair ups of an unknown affliction, I prayed constantly for relief, while also promising to God, that if I were to become well again, that I would serve a higher calling whenever called upon.

Of course with life being a fickle tempest, even after regaining health, I often failed to live up to my vows to God. Many other times since those darkest days, I have had challenges, made mistakes, and faced moments of Doubt; but since regaining my faith, I have always looked past these trifles for the opportunity for redemption and renewal by Spirit. Each new suffering that emerges is now viewed upon as a learning experience, instead of a divine punishment; and the pain of existence is transformed into a passion to keep living for the divine moment, regardless of the precarious status of an ever falling sky, or the torment of ever wayward Spirits.

In order to order a Modern Society, the collective mind of humanity infernally attempts to force the separation of the secular from the spiritual worlds; to divide God from Science; to segregate the Ape from its essence. These circumstances create a chronic state confliction and leads to many feeling discombobulated and out of touch with our own nature. Perhaps to a certain degree we must learn to accept these harsh man made realities and try to see that these systems of social control are in many ways necessary for maintaining order among an ever growing horde of highly volatile hominids with Genocidal tendencies. The question then is how best to organize and implement these massive systems of regulations and mental control; which is as much a matter of Art and Religion, as it is of science and reason.

In some ways its easier for many of us to hide behind the dogmas of the Gods, or the iconography of the secular philosophy, or some other mental tripe made up by the control freaks of the day; than to face up to our own individual responsibility in the creative process of life as it manifest here and now. God Consciousness is our birthright as human beings; the ability of the earths children to think for themselves and direct their own destiny, is in direct accord with the fundamental forces of creation itself. The same forces of creation and destruction, that evolved within the movements of the Stars and galaxies, work to shape and form the societies of humankind.  This ancient religious sentiment of a cosmic consciousness worldview, in which there is no separation between the creator and the creation, is extremely empowering to the individual; as well as can be extremely disruptive to precarious hierarchical societies built upon restricting and enslaving the individual. I know from first hand experience that those clinging to worldly power do not want to hear anything about the existence of any such higher powers. I am currently under felony indictment and at war with the State that has become Deaf, Dumb and Blind to the truth that there is a higher form of justice than the planet of the ape courts will ever acknowledge.

These dynamic conflicts of (power and control)(creator and Creation)(Slaves and Masters) have played out through the sagas of the ages, and for those with eyes to see, are being played out right now on a scale and sophistication, so grandiose, it boggles the mind to begin to fathom. From within this wilderness backwater forum; from the tiger eyed view, I sit as a silent (and sometimes not so silent) witness, to this divine comedy; not knowing whether to laugh, cry or scream. If there is anything I am sure of, it is that those wild angels watching over the fleshlings of earth are getting one hell of a show.

Not sure if that answers the question, but thanks for allowing the space for some of these musings to be let out.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2021, 01:26:46 pm by sabertooth »
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Offline smokeyquartz

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2021, 09:37:37 pm »
Well, today I am home instead of at work.  I woke up with a stuffy nose, and in the past I would normally just go to work and power through the day, as it otherwise doesn't affect me.  However, the fear level in my office is so high that it's actually a hostile environment, and if I would show up at work sounding "nasally" there would have been an uproar (even though they are all vaxxed they are still deathly afraid of the common cold). 

So, on the "eve" of New Years' Eve, I am sitting at home because of this nonsense.  I actually suspect that this head cold is the result of me having to work on shredding papers that are about 40 years old and sitting in a basement full of dust.  I take the old documents upstairs to shred, but there is still a plume of fine powder that comes when you empty the shredding bin.  And I do wear a mask while doing this, but who knows what chemicals were used in paper back in the 1980s and what the degredation of those chemicals can cause. I really think my symptoms are due to this shredding work that I have been doing for over a week, and not the virus.

Either the colleagues will be saying I'm lying to get off of work (which I never call off) or they'll think I'm at death's door from the flupocalypse virus. 

That is the kind of work environment I have to go to every day.  I wish I were a man so I could have been a bricklayer or something instead.  Office environments are so toxic and gossipy.

I guess I will try to do some work around the house and reading today. 

I have been really not on the primal diet at all lately.  The raw meat hasn't been appealing to me.  Recently I've felt/intuited that I might like it more if it were aged.  So, last night I left out two slices of top round in the fridge.  I intend to age them for about a week or so, following some of the instructions on older discussions on this forum.  I have a feeling I will like the taste once it's aged/fermented. 

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #17 on: January 01, 2022, 12:22:12 am »

These dynamic conflicts of (power and control)(creator and Creation)(Slaves and Masters) have played out through the sagas of the ages, and for those with eyes to see, are being played out right now on a scale and sophistication, so grandiose, it boggles the mind to begin to fathom. From within this wilderness backwater forum; from the tiger eyed view, I sit as a silent (and sometimes not so silent) witness, to this divine comedy; not knowing whether to laugh, cry or scream. If there is anything I am sure of, it is that those wild angels watching over the fleshlings of earth are getting one hell of a show.

This is mostly how I try to see this whole situation. Looking into what is really going on with people, the level of brainwash, the fearmongering, all the systems at play is really awe-inspiring to me. I look at it with great admiration for whomever put it all into play. It did took me a while to be able to look at it this way, and i think somewhere along that journey i realized my life might be very different from what i expected. It might also be filled with a lot of suffering and eventually (of course) death, maybe prematurely.

This is also what Victor Frankl discusses in his "Man's search for meaning" -> to be able to cope with these kind of situations it might be best to look at it as an experiment. Some experiment you can control, like your diet, some you cannot. Either way, if you feel curious about what is going to happen, life becomes more doable.

I share your sentiment about having someone to talk to in real life. I think you are doing good with going to meetings, staying at home you will never meet anyone.

Regarding whether your nose is running due to the shredding work or the virus, Politcal Atheist spammed this forum regularly, with the same post, which contains some good information regarding virusses, illness, etc.

Hang in there, and focus on the things that matter, like your family and health :-)

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #18 on: January 03, 2022, 07:31:02 am »
Thanks Mark & Saber for the encouragement.

Well, I thought I will post my results from the "dry-aging" here in my journal.  I tried some pieces of it today (it had been aging for about 4-5 days uncovered in the fridge and became hard and darker in color). It tasted like cardboard or nothing basically.  So, I am kind of disappointed.  I posted on another thread here about whether I had aged it correctly or not, so I guess I have to educate myself on how to do it properly.

If I would age it longer, I believe it would get even drier and chewier and have a bit more concentrated flavor, but not much.  And maybe it depends on which muscle part of the animal it comes from.  Before I put in the fridge, I had tried some of it raw and it tasted pretty bland to me.  That is a problem for me is that raw meat kind of tastes bland.  I want something stronger or more sour.  So, that's why I was trying to age it.

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2023, 01:15:33 am »
Update. I've been following raw on and off.

The problem for me is that raw meats taste bland and I cant eat it all.  That results in me eating less protein than I need for repair/optimum.

I'm not sure if I should still keep trying.  I hVe no problem with fish and I eat whole salmon filets raw, which I love.

Just wondering what I should do. My skin heals  better when I eat a lot of protein, but again I can't eat a lot raw. I'm interested in the Instinnctotherapy approach and if I follow that then I should listen to my instinct when I eat raw and stop eating meat when it no longer appeals.

I want to try high meat bc I have a theory that the flavors from cooking might mimic those in bugh/rotten meat, and maybe that is what my body really wants.

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #20 on: January 06, 2023, 09:18:24 pm »
There are millions of way to season meat so it will not taste bland.

You can also try warming it up to body temperature. That will improve taste.

You can also look for other sources of meats.

If the meat has been frozen it will taste a lot more bland. If it's feedlot meat, it will taste a lot more bland.
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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2023, 07:05:10 am »
In the spirit of guitarman, I'm going to also give an update.

The last year was fairly disappointing in all, career, love.

Things I've done/doing to try to find friends:
-attend gun shows bc self-reliant people who believe in liberty are there (have not found anyone at these events very talkative lol)
-annual group camping event (insufficient attendance and the people were cliquey)
-signed up for WWOOF website, and I plan to use my limited work vacation time this summer to live/work on a farm. 
-Other than those things, I cannot find anyone else like me.

I still have health problems, which I take ownership of for not following aajonus or raw 100%.  Many days I am extremely tired and drag myself through the day.  I've been doing multiple things to help, and I think it is helping somewhat because this morning I had enough energy that I cleaned! (something that hardly ever gets accomplished, lol).

New protocols for me to help with fatigue:
-No caffeine (drink dandelion/chicory root coffee instead)
-vitamin D supplement at least 1000IU a day (there is no sun in Pennsylvania from November-March, and eating eggs, marrow, and salmon has not helped)
-hot baths up to 2 hours
-continue eating instinctively raw when I can   

I wish some of the others would post updates. 

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #22 on: June 02, 2023, 05:25:04 am »
Still here and I'm still eating raw when I can.  I have at least 1 raw meal a day and it's usually fish. 

My skin improves when I exclude dairy and caffeine (no lattes) and up the protein.

There is something that bothers me majorly, which I've written about before, and I don't know how to solve it.  The muscle weakness and fatigue really interferes in my having a social life.  The things I really want to do, like camping, hiking, dancing, are not accessible to me because I basically am exercise intolerant.  I can't even walk a mile before feeling my legs burning and muscles weak. It's almost like having chronic fatigue syndrome but I'm not sleepy.  I've been researching acidity and pH on the forum and I think I do have a significant pH imbalance (I mean, I think my body has a hard time maintaining a neutral pH in blood, but it obviously does because I'm still alive).  I think this stems from my abysmal diet in the past couple years.  I had tried very low carb or no carb but wouldn't be able to keep it up and would then rely on periodic binges of caffeine and sugar, which is horrible.

I usually don't have an appetite for raw red meat, but since cutting back on coffee, I actually did enjoy a piece of petite sirloin and it tasted good.  when I don't like the meat it has an acid taste to me.  I tried to eat raw petite sirloin for lunch today and it had the acid taste again. 

I've been relying more on feeling and instinct rather than following a particular plan or menu.  I've read Maximize Immunity by Bruno Comby and Instinctive Nutrition by Schaeffer.  What I've learned is that after being on such a bad diet for so long, the instincts and appetite might be blunted.  When I cut back on caffeine and sugar, I am having less of an appetite and sometimes I eat nothing.  I worry that this might be contributing to my muscle weakness, but at least I am not eating the bad things (so much).

I keep thinking that I would really like to try high meat, but not the slimey kind.  I'd like to try a molded, dry-aged, deep red meat.  I just think I would enjoy it a lot but I'm not sure how to make that.  Every time I try to make it myself it, the meat just dries like cardboard. And I also want to eat wild greens and do juicing.  I'm wondering if this is my body trying to replace magnesium and other minerals from having to use it so much for digesting caffeine and sugar.  I just really think good bacteria from real food would make a significant difference.  I might try fermenting wild greens in addition to juicing and the raw fish.  I've put a thick slice of petite sirloin on a place in the fridge.  It's dark red and I'm hoping it will age nicely with a molded crust on the outside and stay dark red inside.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2023, 05:37:41 am by smokeyquartz »

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #23 on: July 06, 2023, 05:35:15 am »
I had gotten suet from a butcher and was eating it by breaking off pieces.  It had a cheesy smell and I know it wasn't grass-fed, but eating it reduced my cravings for chocolate/sugar.  I read Aajonus say somewhere that chocolate cravings are signs of a fat deficiency, and I think he was right.  It kind of had the texture of chocolate.

However, the suet goes bad pretty soon.  Mine started to get black mold spots on it within two weeks, so I could not finish it all.  I feel bad wasting it, but I have no way to keep it other than in plastic bags in the fridge, and I don't trust that anything fermenting in plastic is safe. 

Then I bought some supermarket grass-fed beef from a local store.  I have had grass-fed beef from that store before, but this one was actually good.  The meat was a darker red color and tasted better.  And even more unique, the fat was yellow!  It was the first time I actually had a grass-fed meat where the fat in it was really yellow.  I thought how strange!  But I ate it.  Unfortunately there was not a lot of fat, and most of it tied to connective tissue that was inedible.

I found a grass-fed farm near me (there are multiple actually), and of course they all sell the meat frozen.  But this meat that I bought there does not look at all like the good grass-fed I got at the supermarket.  The fat is white.  I don't know if this has to do with the cut (delmonico) or perhaps the farmers are actually NOT grass-feeding the animals. 

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Re: Using Diet to Heal
« Reply #24 on: July 08, 2023, 06:48:17 am »
Don't store meat in a plastic bag. You're adding chemical toxicity to it for no good reason. Keeping it in the bag is also the cause of the mold that you don't want. Keep it open to low humidity air and it will be more likely to dry out rather than go moldy.
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