Author Topic: ALWAYS REMEMBER!  (Read 35816 times)

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Offline political atheist

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« on: August 03, 2021, 09:36:39 pm »
ALWAYS remember! Please make as many children as possible, the pharmaceutical industry, the prison industry and the military industrial complex need more clients, while society needs more fascists, totalitarian single digit iq nobodies, communists, marxists, bolsheviks, leninists, SJWs, BLMs, , socialists, mercenaries, welfare/benefit queens/kings, cartel members, broken homes, broken people, broke/bankrupt people from all points of views, hitmen, hitwomen, murderers, murderers wearing uniforms/badges, drunkards, drug addicts, drug dealers, homeless, gang/mafia members, suicide victims, bullies, bullied, torturers, tortured, mentally and physically handicapped. Also, the banks need more people in debt and the workforce needs more slaves as well. etc.
Pumping out units, I mean kids, aka bringing innocent beings into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of misery, suffering, struggling, pain and DEATH, WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION/CONSENT, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, low IQ, **megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, hero complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome. Please stop being a sadist, masochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉

Offline GustafStahl

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« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2021, 05:20:43 pm »
I think those who are in the >130 range ought to have more kids, that the stupid shits are a waste of space and that they should be discontinued along with all modern grain-brained cultures and agriculture-based societies.
>150 somewhere, myself. No diagnoses or handicaps. Written books that would provide solutions, but nobody listens to me, anyway. Things are inexorably going towards mass-death and collapse.

Offline political atheist

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« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2021, 11:08:00 pm »
I think those who are in the >130 range ought to have more kids, that the stupid shits are a waste of space and that they should be discontinued along with all modern grain-brained cultures and agriculture-based societies.
>150 somewhere, myself. No diagnoses or handicaps. Written books that would provide solutions, but nobody listens to me, anyway. Things are inexorably going towards mass-death and collapse.

There is no moral, ethical or logical reason to procreate... unless you are stupid and or bored. Prove me wrong.
Pumping out units, I mean kids, aka bringing innocent beings into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of misery, suffering, struggling, pain and DEATH, WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION/CONSENT, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, low IQ, **megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, hero complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome. Please stop being a sadist, masochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉

Offline sabertooth

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« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2021, 12:11:15 am »
The ethics of "to breed or not to breed", is more of an individuals value judgement, where both sides of the Malthusians dilemma can have a valid point.

I have four children who I have to struggle to provide for in a world that is growing more hostile and heartless toward the ethos of free spirited shameless breeders...and yet I still have inexplicable dreams about having at least a couple more babies...perhaps its out of contrarian spite...or else an unbridled fidelity to the spirit of mother earth, to seed her bastard children of Eros.

Guess at age 38 its my own biological ticking away, if there is such a phenomenon in males, or perhaps Im an anomaly?? I am confounded by the general lack of interest by many of the breeding aged men and women, in even trying to raise a family. Its sad that many have seemed to have given up on even trying!! Sure many still manage to reproduce and muddle along, but there is in this generation a seeming lack of love, joy, or enthusiasm for the entire process, of mating, pair bonding, and bringing new life into this wild world?

A man who makes a beast of himself, forgets the pain of being a man.

Offline GustafStahl

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« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2021, 01:22:23 am »
There is no moral, ethical or logical reason to procreate... unless you are stupid and or bored. Prove me wrong.

You really don't get it? It is not about logic. Reality is wider than that narrow corridor. It is like trying to measure the beauty of a tree in Ohm or calories.  ;D

But by all means, don't. If it makes you happy. I want to outshine Chinggis Khan and leave a great legacy.

Offline smokeyquartz

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« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2021, 02:10:22 am »

I'm near your age(36) and female and I'm at the opposite end. It's never been a goal or wish of mine to be a mom. I never played house as a kid and never pretended any of my dolls or toys were my babies. I simply lacked that.

Then, around age 14, began sex ed in public school.  I got to see/hear on video exactly what a woman experiences when giving birth. I actually didn't watch, just listened to her scream as I counted the small flecks of gold in my desk...anything to distract myself from it. That cemented my decision, which I promised myself over 20 years ago now. I think it is the most humiliating, degrading, disgusting, atrocious experience any woman could ever have. It makes me recoil to this day. And that will never be me.

Intelligence doesn't really have anything to do with it. Maybe no fear of consequences? Or something like that. For a woman it could be a deadly experience...a punishment in a way. 

I agree with political atheist that it is only encouraged by govts now because they realize the falling birthrate means less taxes and fewer slaves for them. Good for me that my time is almost up.

Offline smokeyquartz

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« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2021, 02:37:11 am »
Also, the forced brainwashing of children, problems with  online bullying, parental controls over kids being granted to the govt makes anything about even raising children extremely unappealing because of the overwhelming problems and lack of discretion to make your own choices. I can't even imagine anything joyful about it.

Pairing up? Why. Men don't love or protect women. We had to become the men to protect ourselves...

Offline GustafStahl

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« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2021, 06:01:43 am »
Just got here, but I already do not want to hang out with you depressing people. No wonder this place is dead.


Offline smokeyquartz

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« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2021, 09:29:13 am »
So, we are disposable for expressing an opinion contrary to his liking.   l)

My comments are not representative of everyone on this forum, obviously.  I'm in the extreme minority with my views; I'm quite an unusual woman, I know.  I guess honesty and facts aren't appreciated.... we should always be happy and smiling!   Must be a lot of rainbows and unicorns wherever Gustaf is from...
« Last Edit: August 06, 2021, 09:46:54 am by smokeyquartz »

Offline Dingeman

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« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2021, 03:45:11 pm »
Also, the forced brainwashing of children, problems with  online bullying, parental controls over kids being granted to the govt makes anything about even raising children extremely unappealing because of the overwhelming problems and lack of discretion to make your own choices. I can't even imagine anything joyful about it.

Pairing up? Why. Men don't love or protect women. We had to become the men to protect ourselves...

I don't want to be rude but when you see an antelope being killed by a lion, do you identify with the antelope or the lion?

You talk about all the bad things that can happen to you in life as if they will happen to you, it makes you sound very bitter.

The whole thing about proper nourishment in raw meat is that it gives you strength, mentally and physically, to overcome all hardships of life. Women become attractive to men and men become strong enough to protect women. It sounds like it is you who does not fit into that equation, rather than the world being upside down. Raw meat has been very emancipatory for me, it made me realise that, in this day and age where everyone is malnourished on toxic foods, you have to actively work for this equation to work.

Just got here, but I already do not want to hang out with you depressing people. No wonder this place is dead.


What a dumb edgelord.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2021, 04:09:30 pm by Dingeman »

Offline MarkR

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« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2021, 05:06:04 pm »
I do see many issues along the way for having kids (i don't have any yet). Indeed there is 'forced' brainwashing (like you, Smokeyquartz, experienced in school with the video you mentioned. That sounds horrible), bullying (happened to me and my wife when we were young, and when you work through this, you come out better on the other end), etc etc. But i take this as a challenge and will face it head on. I do not want my children brainwashed and im thinking about moving to a different country+lifestyle to facilitate this. But in the end, your children will grow up and make their own choice and will have to find their way. I'm (very) happy to be alive, even more since i started eating raw meat. And i would wish this upon other humans as well, so being against having children seems to make me a hypocrite in a way.

I also do not believe that having children is a punishment for women, i think this only applies to the unhealthy (which is the average person now-a-days). My mother has 5 kids, and see always got annoyed when seeing people in movies scream their lungs out while giving birth. She found it totally ridiculous and dramatic. I think this is also part of the brainwashing of the masses to not make any babies. Scaring people into not doing it. And you also hear many young parents suffer with their babies and all the issues, but it is no surprise to me when you have a look at the environment (inside and out) these babies grow up. I'm generally more surprised that people are not sicker than they already are.

@political atheist: I'm a bid confused by your stand against having children. You seem to be very much against governments (it seems), but still you agree with them on not having children? Or do you not think that their is a big agenda from governments against having children?

Offline sabertooth

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« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2021, 10:46:18 pm »

I'm near your age(36) and female and I'm at the opposite end. It's never been a goal or wish of mine to be a mom. I never played house as a kid and never pretended any of my dolls or toys were my babies. I simply lacked that.

Then, around age 14, began sex ed in public school.  I got to see/hear on video exactly what a woman experiences when giving birth. I actually didn't watch, just listened to her scream as I counted the small flecks of gold in my desk...anything to distract myself from it. That cemented my decision, which I promised myself over 20 years ago now. I think it is the most humiliating, degrading, disgusting, atrocious experience any woman could ever have. It makes me recoil to this day. And that will never be me.

Intelligence doesn't really have anything to do with it. Maybe no fear of consequences? Or something like that. For a woman it could be a deadly experience...a punishment in a way. 

I agree with political atheist that it is only encouraged by govts now because they realize the falling birthrate means less taxes and fewer slaves for them. Good for me that my time is almost up.

As a pantheist, with existential tendencies who feels that it takes all kinds to make a world, I tend to see these fundamental differences in perspective as inevitable, given the widely divergent factors that we all are exposed to, that shape our worldview.

Rachel Carsons book "Silent Spring" expressed a powerful warning about the consequences of saturating the environment with hormone disrupting pesticides and chemicals. Not only did DDT reduce fertility in the birds, but the birds who where able to hatch their offspring, were witnessed to have diminished maternal and paternal instinct.

The correlation with hormone disrupters in animal observations to what is happening in human society is HUGE! These chemicals such as atrazine  can affect the sexual development and natural parental instincts in parts per trillion! Prenatal and developmental exposure diminishes the will and the drive to reproduce and form healthy sexual relations. Transgenerational hormonal birth control is also causing havoc on these delicate hormonal feedback systems. There was a study that showed that the Male chimps would avoid the females that have been treated with hormonal birth control. Birth control also disrupts the females judgement to chose mates of paternal virtue potential. The myriad of chemicals in the environment and constant use of personal care products have also distorted our pheromonal feedback systems, which evolved to guide the process of sexual attraction and the seeking of compatible mates. With all these confused and distorted signaling contamination, its no wonder so many humans are confused, Jaded, and hostile toward those who claim mating and reproduction can be a true blessing and healthy part of life!

This is not a man vs woman issue....these distortions have equally damaged both genders' ability to develop healthy matting pairs and nurture uninhibited parental instincts!

« Last Edit: August 06, 2021, 10:57:15 pm by sabertooth »
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Offline smokeyquartz

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« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2021, 11:09:39 pm »

Thanks for being understanding.  I really think you are most likely right about being affected by chemicals and what_not in the environment.

I know I sounded really pessimistic, but to me, unquestioned optimism in raising kids would be the same as saying "I'm going to sail around the world!" And not even stop to consider all the difficulties that would entail, nevermind preparing for them. There is also simply the lack of instinct/lack of will on my part. I know some women are so desperate to have a baby they will go to almost any length (no matter how cringeworthy). But I can honestly say that never once in my life have I had a "baby craving"/insatiable desire to be pregnant or whatever. At this age I doubt that would ever change. So, in order to have kids you actually have to WANT to have them in the first place. Even if I was completely optimistic, I just don't have the instinct or want to have them. Never have. I do have some maternal instincts, though. Like if I hear a kid crying or in distress it makes me stop and I do want to protect them/comfort them.

Offline sabertooth

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« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2021, 01:46:24 am »
I have waxing and waning cycles, of optimism and pessimism. Im a juxtapose of the Cynical and Pollyanna, and somedays I have regrets on my choice of brood mare, but on the whole my children have given me a since of home, family, and belonging that I personally felt was needed.

I will agree that for those who have no wish or inclination to have children, that it is foolish for others to try to convert them into accepting a way of life they do not wish. Still from outward appearances it often seems that many of those who resist parenthood would actually make much better parents than the majority of people who end up for some reason or other, spawning broods of unwanted bastards. There is an Idiocracy Bell Curve to much of how modern humans seem to be reproducing these days. The Dunning Kruger effect is strongly convincing many bright young people, that they aren't cut out for parenthood, or that the world already has too many people; while on the other side there are multitudes of fools who rush right in like mindless salmon in a mad dash to reach spawning grounds before death by exhaustion.

Ive seen this phenomenon play out with the women I once considered courting....many of the most balanced, responsible, intelligent, and capable young women were entirely uninterested in having babies or raising a family. This is only partially explained by the phenomena of birth control and hormone disrupting chemicals. The other side of this is social conditioning and perceived societal expectations. Women are heavily conditioned in the modern world that they must succeed first in education and carrier, and having a child or two is something you should wait until you are over the age of 30 to consider. A young woman with a baby is excluded from much of the culture, and is often looked down upon by the so called liberated class of professional working class women, and so many women take birth control like a religious sacrament, and avoid anything to do with babies or young children altogether!

The problem is with this modern arrangement of putting off childbirth, is that once a woman has reached 30 years old, and likely has been in a series of relationships with men who were likely not the ideal father architype, then it becomes evermore difficult from a psychological level to form long term pair bonding with a mate. Under this new paradigm men also become more inclined to not fully pair bond during the full maturation phase of the mid 20s and by age 30 many become hopeless swingers' or incells!

These are general trends I have seen, and of course there are always many exceptions, but never the less if these trends continue on this trajectory it looks like the preceding generations are destined for further mutilations. My prime directive and mission in regards to my own progeny is to attempt to maintain a reserve of heirloom, unmodified, free range, organic humans....and pray to all that is holy that somehow we can fall through the cracks of annihilation, to emerge and evolve into the next phase with our souls not entirely warped by the current demons that have descended upon the remnants of the free world, under the current global war against humanity....mewhahahaha

A man who makes a beast of himself, forgets the pain of being a man.

Offline smokeyquartz

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« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2021, 02:24:01 am »
Yes, you are absolutely right Saber. Young women are pushed to get a career and are warned not to depend on men. And by teaching women this, they are simultaneously teaching young men not to be providers/leaders, therefore fulfilling the warning.  And any young woman who falls in love, becomes pregnant before college is scorned by her peers and society. Nevermind this was exactly the correct timing for women since the beginning of humanity.  Then they wonder why, in their mid 30s they are infertile and have difficulty to have children.

Yours is a worthy goal. I wish you success, happiness to us all.

Offline political atheist

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« Reply #15 on: August 08, 2021, 01:24:37 am »
Nobody provided any logical, ethical and moral reason to reproduce.

Only bored, poor(so they can get 'benefits' from gubment, 99% of women make children solely for this reason alone) and stupid people reproduce.

Most people were borne as accidents or were made so the parents can FINALLY dominate, abuse and use powerless human beings(children), since most people are slaves and are being dominated, used and abused since birth to death.

So yeah, there is ZERO moral, ethical and logical reason to reproduce.

Everything you breeders wrote here is totally  illogical and retarded. You are just regurgitating the BS that you was conditioned with since birth.

I modified a bit my original post:

ALWAYS remember! Please make as many children as possible, the pharmaceutical industry, the prison industry and the military industrial complex need more clients, while society needs more: fascists, totalitarian single digit iq nobodies(to enforce and carry out satan’s plans), communists, marxists, bolsheviks, leninists, SJWs, BLMs, socialists, mercenaries, welfare/benefit queens/kings, cartel members, broken homes, broken people, broke/bankrupt people from all points of views, hitmen, hitwomen, murderers, murderers wearing uniforms/badges, abused, abusers, drunkards, drug addicts, drug dealers, homeless, gang/mafia members, suicide victims, bullies, bullied, torturers, tortured, mentally and physically handicapped, racist group gang members. Hell also needs more residents. Also, the banks need more people in debt and the workforce needs more slaves to participate in the rat race as well. Add to the list if you will.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2021, 01:29:39 am by political atheist »
Pumping out units, I mean kids, aka bringing innocent beings into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of misery, suffering, struggling, pain and DEATH, WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION/CONSENT, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, low IQ, **megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, hero complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome. Please stop being a sadist, masochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉

Offline sabertooth

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« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2021, 07:47:50 am »
Nobody provided any logical, ethical and moral reason to reproduce.

Only bored, poor(so they can get 'benefits' from gubment, 99% of women make children solely for this reason alone) and stupid people reproduce.

Most people were borne as accidents or were made so the parents can FINALLY dominate, abuse and use powerless human beings(children), since most people are slaves and are being dominated, used and abused since birth to death.

So yeah, there is ZERO moral, ethical and logical reason to reproduce.

Everything you breeders wrote here is totally  illogical and retarded. You are just regurgitating the BS that you was conditioned with since birth.

I modified a bit my original post:

ALWAYS remember! Please make as many children as possible, the pharmaceutical industry, the prison industry and the military industrial complex need more clients, while society needs more: fascists, totalitarian single digit iq nobodies(to enforce and carry out satan’s plans), communists, marxists, bolsheviks, leninists, SJWs, BLMs, socialists, mercenaries, welfare/benefit queens/kings, cartel members, broken homes, broken people, broke/bankrupt people from all points of views, hitmen, hitwomen, murderers, murderers wearing uniforms/badges, abused, abusers, drunkards, drug addicts, drug dealers, homeless, gang/mafia members, suicide victims, bullies, bullied, torturers, tortured, mentally and physically handicapped, racist group gang members. Hell also needs more residents. Also, the banks need more people in debt and the workforce needs more slaves to participate in the rat race as well. Add to the list if you will.

I rebuke such ad hominem attacks; I understand the cynical worldview extremely well, but I have also seen pure joy in the life of my own children, and couldn't care less if the pessimist of the world are not able to see the value and potential that is evident within the human experience of reproduction. 

Why does the reason for having children need to be qualified by logic or ethic or moral judgments?? The rest of creation doesn't meet any such criteria so why should the children of earth be held to such arbitrary standards?? "Its a fool who looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart"

I personally feel like children have given my life a deeper meaning, and a sense of home and belonging. I was nurtured and cared for as a child and grew up in a family, and there is something that seems so natural about continuing the cycle with a family of my own.

There are also plenty of purely materialistic and selfish motives under the surface if you dig deep, that could be construed as logical moral and ethical, for those who think in such terms....I have always had the hope that just maybe one day some of my many grandchildren will be close enough to me in heart and mind, to help care for me as I begin to age and can no longer provide for myself....I seriously doubt a state run nursing home would allow the kind of dignified environment for a raw carnivorous renegade such as myself. Hopefully if we are not all geocided by Malthusian's by then, I could live in a rustic cottage on the same property as some of my offspring and I can share my wisdom as well my foibles with future generations, and they can help provide me with Meat if I am no longer able to process my own animals.
A man who makes a beast of himself, forgets the pain of being a man.

Offline political atheist

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« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2021, 09:41:08 pm »
At the end of the day, only poor, stupid and bored people reproduce. It is that simple, really.
Pumping out units, I mean kids, aka bringing innocent beings into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of misery, suffering, struggling, pain and DEATH, WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION/CONSENT, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, low IQ, **megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, hero complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome. Please stop being a sadist, masochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉

Offline sabertooth

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« Reply #18 on: August 11, 2021, 12:46:31 am »
At the end of the day, only poor, stupid and bored people reproduce. It is that simple, really.

This is why it has been said that " The Meek shall inherit the earth"
A man who makes a beast of himself, forgets the pain of being a man.

Offline smokeyquartz

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« Reply #19 on: August 11, 2021, 02:29:57 am »
At the end of the day, only poor, stupid and bored people reproduce. It is that simple, really.

I think you are going a bit bonkers here.

Although I personally don't want to have kids, reproduction is simply the natural result of healthy and correctly functioning animals/humans. It is only within the past 100 years or so that people were able to make a "choice" about this part of life. 

There are some good reasons, both personally and evolutionarily, to have children. Saber already mentioned the fact of having caretakers in your old age. This is how it would have been naturally before the invention of sick care homes for profit.  Also, more people in a group means more protection from others and help with acquiring resources for survival (think groups of people needed for a hunt, gathering foods during a harvest etc.)

Yours and my perspectives are the unnatural ones and really contrary to survival.  But we are what we are.

I also can't determine what the real agenda of the elites is. Simultaneously they are accused of actively decreasing world populations through their vegan and climate agendas being forced on people but at the same time pulling back women's reproductive rights to have more tax payers for the national debt...they are counterintuitive.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2021, 03:20:43 am by smokeyquartz »

Offline political atheist

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« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2021, 12:29:29 am »
I think you are going a bit bonkers here.

Although I personally don't want to have kids, reproduction is simply the natural result of healthy and correctly functioning animals/humans. It is only within the past 100 years or so that people were able to make a "choice" about this part of life. 

There are some good reasons, both personally and evolutionarily, to have children. Saber already mentioned the fact of having caretakers in your old age. This is how it would have been naturally before the invention of sick care homes for profit.  Also, more people in a group means more protection from others and help with acquiring resources for survival (think groups of people needed for a hunt, gathering foods during a harvest etc.)

Yours and my perspectives are the unnatural ones and really contrary to survival.  But we are what we are.

I also can't determine what the real agenda of the elites is. Simultaneously they are accused of actively decreasing world populations through their vegan and climate agendas being forced on people but at the same time pulling back women's reproductive rights to have more tax payers for the national debt...they are counterintuitive.

Give me ONE logical, ethical  ore moral reason to make reproduce.
Pumping out units, I mean kids, aka bringing innocent beings into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of misery, suffering, struggling, pain and DEATH, WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION/CONSENT, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, low IQ, **megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, hero complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome. Please stop being a sadist, masochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉

Offline political atheist

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« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2021, 12:30:07 am »
This is why it has been said that " The Meek shall inherit the earth"

You still did not provide ONE logical, moral or ethical reason to reproduce.
Pumping out units, I mean kids, aka bringing innocent beings into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of misery, suffering, struggling, pain and DEATH, WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION/CONSENT, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, low IQ, **megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, hero complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome. Please stop being a sadist, masochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉

Offline sabertooth

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« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2021, 08:54:58 am »
If a political atheist insist on beating this dead horse named logic, morality, ethics; I will indulge...

If one can find nothing logical about having a loving family, nothing moral about establishing the transgenerational transfer of knowledge between parent and child, nothing ethical about taking responsibility to shepherd children through the transformation of growing up;) then there can be no understanding between you and me!

For those who understand no explanation is necessary, for those who don't understand no explanation is possible!
A man who makes a beast of himself, forgets the pain of being a man.

Offline political atheist

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« Reply #23 on: August 13, 2021, 01:10:56 am »
If a political atheist insist on beating this dead horse named logic, morality, ethics; I will indulge...

If one can find nothing logical about having a loving family, nothing moral about establishing the transgenerational transfer of knowledge between parent and child, nothing ethical about taking responsibility to shepherd children through the transformation of growing up;) then there can be no understanding between you and me!

For those who understand no explanation is necessary, for those who don't understand no explanation is possible!

Dude, you are deluded and illogical as fuck, living in the matrix from this point of views and you talk like a feefail(woman).. It is proven that men living with women have drastically reduced IQs and will adopt female traits.

Most people are bored as fuck. You need to read books, find some CONSTRUCTIVE hobbies and enjoy YOUR life.

Bringing into the world more: fascists, totalitarian single digit iq nobodies(to enforce and carry out satan’s plans), communists, marxists, bolsheviks, leninists, SJWs, BLMs, socialists, mercenaries, welfare/benefit queens/kings, cartel members, starving/thirsting people, broken homes, broken people, broke/bankrupt people from all points of views, hitmen, hitwomen, murderers, murderers wearing uniforms/badges, abused, abusers, drunkards, drug addicts, drug dealers, homeless, gang/mafia members, suicide victims, bullies, bullied, torturers, tortured, mentally and physically handicapped, racist group gang members IS NOT A CONSTRUCTIVE HOBBY.
Pumping out units, I mean kids, aka bringing innocent beings into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of misery, suffering, struggling, pain and DEATH, WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION/CONSENT, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, low IQ, **megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, hero complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome. Please stop being a sadist, masochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉

Offline Dingeman

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« Reply #24 on: August 13, 2021, 03:28:29 pm »
Dude, you are deluded and illogical as fuck, living in the matrix from this point of views and you talk like a feefail(woman).. It is proven that men living with women have drastically reduced IQs and will adopt female traits.

Most people are bored as fuck. You need to read books, find some CONSTRUCTIVE hobbies and enjoy YOUR life.

Bringing into the world more: fascists, totalitarian single digit iq nobodies(to enforce and carry out satan’s plans), communists, marxists, bolsheviks, leninists, SJWs, BLMs, socialists, mercenaries, welfare/benefit queens/kings, cartel members, starving/thirsting people, broken homes, broken people, broke/bankrupt people from all points of views, hitmen, hitwomen, murderers, murderers wearing uniforms/badges, abused, abusers, drunkards, drug addicts, drug dealers, homeless, gang/mafia members, suicide victims, bullies, bullied, torturers, tortured, mentally and physically handicapped, racist group gang members IS NOT A CONSTRUCTIVE HOBBY.

Can't believe someone with worldviews like this is on a forum dedicated to health, lmao


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