Please consider watching the following 3 documentaries (and consider sharing them online on all platforms):
Go to YouTube and copy-paste this in the search engine: ‘Spacebusters The End Of Germ Theory’
Go to Google or YouTube and copy-paste this in the search engine: ‘Everything Wrong With The Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less’
Go to Google or YouTube and copy-paste this in the search engine: ‘Altiyan Childs Exposes Freemasonry’
Even though I could not come up with ONE logical and or ethical and or moral reason to force innocent beings into this hell hole without their consent/permission and I also understand that the ONLY things I can guarantee for my future kids is unimaginable suffering and death, I AM STILL ready to FORCE innocent beings into this hell hole without their consent/permission because I am: irresponsible, selfish, poor, lonely, shallow, stupid, bored and megalomaniac with hero complex and virtue signalling syndrome.
I am going to be absolutely so happy and proud and joyful when my kids will become future: pharmaceutical/medical industrial complex’ life long clients/victims, prison/military industrial complex clients/victims, fascists, satanists, totalitarian single digit IQ nobodies, communists, marxists, bolsheviks, leninists, SJWs, BLMs, socialists, mercenaries, religious freaks wearing funny clothing and head coverings spreading ‘peace’, prostitutes/escorts/sugar babies, sugar daddies/sugar mamas, female rapists, pimps, welfare/benefit queens/kings, cartel members, starving people, broke(n)/bankrupt people from all points of views, hitmen/hitwomen/assassins, murderers, witches/warlocks who curse others, murderers wearing uniforms-badges/white coats-stethoscopes/suits-ties, abused people, abusers/users, drunkards, drug addicts, drug dealers, alcoholics, homeless, gang/mafia members, suicide victims, bullies, bullied people, torturers, tortured people, mentally and physically handicapped people, orphans, victims of organ harvesting and human trafficking, single mother victims, dead soldiers, racist group gang members, prostitutes, residents of hell, debt slaves, suckers to participate in the rat race that enables the world wide criminal syndicate(royalty, bankers etc.) to stay rich and become richer.