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Offline Iguana

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Hi from France
« on: July 18, 2009, 03:18:40 am »
Hi everyone,

"Carnivore" is a friend of mine and he told me about this forum.

I've been eating exclusively raw and instinctively for 22 years, starting in January 1987 after having read GC Burger book. By the way, an English translation of the first edition of that book "La guerre du cru" is on line here:

I hope to be able to contribute quite often to your discussions !

Best regards,

« Last Edit: July 18, 2009, 03:42:35 am by Iguana »
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

Offline cherimoya_kid

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Re: Hi from France
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2009, 03:29:42 am »

A number of us here do eat somewhat instinctively, in that we eat 1 food at at time, and pay attention to the taste change.  Most of us don't eat a lot of fruit/honey, unlike the true Instinctivore types, but we definitely appreciate G.C. Burger's work, in that it brought raw-meat-eating to wider attention, and, in my case, was the first exposure I had to RAF at all, through a friend.

Again, Welcome!

Offline phatdave

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Re: Hi from France
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2009, 04:00:47 am »
Wow 22 years is a long time compared to my x months! What do you eat on a typical day?

Offline Iguana

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Re: Hi from France
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2009, 04:31:06 am »
Wow 22 years is a long time compared to my x months! What do you eat on a typical day?
It varies widely from day to day, but I like to eat some fruit for lunch, between 11 am and 1 pm (nothing early in the morning). I may also eat oysters or eggs for lunch sometimes, there's no rigid rule. In the evening I generally eat meat or eggs or shellfish or wild seafish followed by some vegetables, often some kind of nuts, almonds or avocados. Then a little bit latter, fruits again !
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

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Re: Hi from France
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2009, 06:07:06 am »
Wow, 22 years.  Welcome!
How old are you now?
How did your health change? Improve?
How does your health compare to your friends, relatives, brothers and sisters of your age group?
How does your health compare today at your age vs your parents at this age?

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Re: Hi from France
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2009, 06:23:00 am »
Hi everyone,

"Carnivore" is a friend of mine and he told me about this forum.

I've been eating exclusively raw and instinctively for 22 years, starting in January 1987 after having read GC Burger book. By the way, an English translation of the first edition of that book "La guerre du cru" is on line here:
Welcome Francois!

I see the foreword to the book at that link is written by Dr. Seignalet. That's fantastic--I've been looking forward to reading anything in English by Dr. Seignalet after reading about his tremendously successful results treating his patients with his version of Instincto. Anyone not familiar with him can find his website at .ttp://
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Offline Iguana

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Re: Hi from France
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2009, 03:18:10 pm »
Thanks guys for your warm welcome messages from all over the World !

Wow, 22 years.  Welcome!
How old are you now?
How did your health change? Improve?
How does your health compare to your friends, relatives, brothers and sisters of your age group?
How does your health compare today at your age vs your parents at this age?

Well, I’m 63 years old. I didn’t have big health problems when I started to eat “instincto” but I had flu about 4 months a year or even more, a kind of dermatosis appearing  sporadically and some other minor troubles. All this is almost completely over. By almost I mean about 90 – 95% over. I appear to be in a better health than most people of my age, but most of my cousins of about my age are also in good health and my parents were too at my age.

However I must say that I jeopardized my physical condition during my growing up because I didn’t want to eat meat and vegetables until I was 18 years old and I was mostly feeding instead on white sugar and white flour !

By the way, the English translation of the book of GC Burger on line is not the first edition as I wrongly indicated, but the third and last edition called “Manger vrai”.

Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

Offline PaleoPhil

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Re: Hi from France
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2009, 10:37:23 pm »
Welcome from the green hills of Vermont, USA, which derives from the name a French man applied to it: Verde Monte. We have many people of French descent in this state.
... I had flu about 4 months a year or even more, a kind of dermatosis appearing  sporadically and some other minor troubles.
As you probably know, flus do not last 4 months. That sounds more like it was food intolerance and/or allergy, which your improvements with diet would seem to confirm, yes?

By the way, the English translation of the book of GC Burger on line is not the first edition as I wrongly indicated, but the third and last edition called “Manger vrai”.
So Instinctotherapie: Manger Vrai (aka Anopsology at is the third edition of La Guerre Du Cru?

What do you think of Dr. Seignalet's cure claims? They sound too good to be true, but there are many reports of amazing health improvements on RPD, RAF, Paleo, Near-Paleo and Zero Carb, of which I have personally observed more than a dozen cases.

The reported favorite foods of Instinctos--fruits, meats, fats, organs, and seafood--match up pretty well with what people have found to be their favorite and healthiest foods here, and Instincto also shares raw-eating with RPD, so there seems to be much in common.

It just occurred to me that one member here is almost Instincto, since he seems to eat based on his tastes, though he cooks his animal foods. As a result he eats a lot of fruit--which, as Carnivore indicates, seems to be the Achilles heel of Instincto. I remember reading about that problem at some time ago. Perhaps modern domestic fruits lack the "stops" that wild fruits have? Another problem, of course, is that fruits are not available year-round in the wild like they are in supermarkets. My guess would be that the most successful Instinctos would be those who limit their intake of fruits, such as by eating only wild fruits and/or only in season. What is your take on the fruit issue?
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Offline Iguana

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Re: Hi from France
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2009, 05:14:30 am »
Welcome from the green hills of Vermont, USA, which derives from the name a French man applied to it: Verde Monte. We have many people of French descent in this state.

Thanks Phil ! "Verde Monte" must be Italian I guess since in French it would rather be "Mont vert" or "Montagne verte" ?
I answer to your highly relevant comments and questions here : 
« Last Edit: July 20, 2009, 05:30:28 am by Iguana »
Cause and effect are distant in time and space in complex systems, while at the same time there’s a tendency to look for causes near the events sought to be explained. Time delays in feedback in systems result in the condition where the long-run response of a system to an action is often different from its short-run response. — Ronald J. Ziegler

Offline PaleoPhil

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Re: Hi from France
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2009, 09:38:04 am »
Thanks Phil ! "Verde Monte" must be Italian I guess since in French it would rather be "Mont vert" or "Montagne verte" ?
I answer to your highly relevant comments and questions here : 
Oh yeah, I meant "Mont Vert." I don't know where I got "Verde Monte" from. My history teachers would kill me. LOL
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
Beware of problems from chronic Very Low Carb


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