Author Topic: Guittarman Checking in After a Few Years! Updates and Opinions!  (Read 3081 times)

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Offline Guittarman03

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Guittarman Checking in After a Few Years! Updates and Opinions!
« on: February 24, 2023, 10:01:46 am »
I'll start with a few paragraphs personal update, and then go on to what I'm learning about health and longevity, which interestingly aren't exactly the same thing (but interrelated).

So every now and again I find myself re-committing to the raw paleo lifestyle, which usually has me checking in here to see how things have progressed. In the interim years I'm usually just out living life, having fun, or pursuing passions. Even at my worst I still tend to try and maintain some semblance of reasonable food choices.

The past few years I've traveled S America, taken Ayahuasca, partied, meditated, learned Unix, got into crypto early enough for a nice payday, and learned how to navigate markets/investment. Spent the past 6-9 months being relatively unhealthy, not sleeping enough, not enough variety in food, not enough exercise, too much booze.

It was painfully obvious to me that I was visibly aging, which was a pretty big thing I wanted to avoid when I started this journey 15 years ago (altho ofc it's unavoidable). So I decided that the least I could do was get back into RP. That was a couple weeks ago now.

I'm pleasantly surprised how quickly I can see immediate reversal in some of those signs. Simply sleep, resistance training, and raw paleo.

But what is raw paleo exactly? It's quite varied. Everything from borderline vegan to 100% carnivore. I don't have time to lay out the full case, but at this point I think it's *very* clear what a generally ideal RP diet looks like:

60-80% fat. Then half-and-half carbs/protein. Minimizing: Seeds (worst), then starch and sugar; in favor of *soluble* fiber.

Now ofc there is always variability here. Some people can't tolerate any plant material and need months-to-years to heal from rare conditions. Some of you are gym rats and can justify some extra starch/sugar, and protein. But overall, by and large, the ideal RP diet is fairly simple.

One big mistake that I and others here make, is eating too much protein. Consuming it raw is the primary saving grace that we get; avoiding many negative/aging effects of extra protein. Now I know this might sound crazy, but I'm going to side track here, only to come back and tie it all together.

I started this journey at 25 years old. I'm now almost 40. It was clear to me at 25 that not only was the established medical paradigm out to lunch, but the cutting edge aging research was woefully incomplete. Turns out that vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are (mostly) not strongly correlated to longevity (with some exceptions).

But guess what. In the past 15 years, they've learned ALOT about what actually causes aging, and how to avoid it. Wouldn't ya know, raw paleo, exercise, rest, and lifestyle are the foundation of anti-aging. LMAO. But there are some very counter-intuitive results from the huge mass of studies that have emerged.

For example, if you want to live longer, gents, chop off your nuts. Eunuchs live on average 14 years longer than the average male. As it turns out, testosterone and high male sex hormones, While correlated with strength and quality of life, are anti-correlated with longevity.

The paradox is that low T men tend to be weak, have brain fog, and lower quality of life. Now of course I'm joking about becoming a eunuch, but it's striking example of this paradox.

The other thing is protein heavy diets. One of the many aging pathways, is clumps of protein that get stored inside of cells and interfere with gene transcription, epigenetic function, and intercellular communication. Another pathway is something called senescent cells. These are zombie cells which wont die, due to various malfunctions, and they secrete inflammatory and panic signals.

This happens to you *REGARDLESS* if you're 100% on raw meat or not. One of the ways to clear these proteins and cells, is fasting. I've done a 7 day and 15 day fast in the past few years.

Additionally, eating lots of red meat, caused my ferratin (iron content stored in cells) to increase to borderline problematic levels. Iron is heavily oxidizing, and when your body is unable to tuck it away, it causes damage. I actually have to chelate that out. Primarily using tumeric rn to do that, but I'm adding IP6 soon to get it done faster.

So I'd like to conclude this update, with a plug for longevity supplements. Yes I know that's triggering for many people. Essentially, researchers like David Sinclair, and many others, have actually begun to crack this nut. They're *actually* are starting to understand the mechanisms and patheways by which we age and ultimately die. Most of the vaccinated plebs have no idea, and never will.

But look this guy up on YT. He's 53. Tell me he doesn't look like he's in his 30s/40s. He's obviously doing something right.

Even better, these compounds and supplements they're experimenting with are shown to significantly extend lifespan in everything from mice, to yeast, to insects and other mammals ... And almost all of them are sourced directly from ... FOODS. They isolated, concentrated, and administered at levels far higher than you'd ever get from eating foods.

The other problem is that foods are now often unreliable sources of these various compounds, whether that's due to soil depletion, pesticides, or other industrial unhealthy practices.

I will eternally be greatful for the preservation that Raw Paleo has given me. It was always my hope that I could stay young and preserve my health long enough for them to actually start figuring this stuff out. Well, we're on the verge of alot of people being very young/healthy well into their 50s/60s, and the next 10-20 years will almost certainly see protocols that can significantly reverse aging, and in fact, we're already seeing some of the first human trials where they're taking 2-10 years off biological age.

So I'll leave yall with that. Start researching this stuff. Start learning about it. Because you're all here for the same reason I am. To extend our health-span for as long as possible. And probably anyone willing to go to the lenghts to eat a raw paleo diet, is someone that we want on this Earth for as long as possible.

When you consume an organism it loses individuality, but its biological life never ends.  Digestion is merely a transfer of its life to mine.

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Re: Guittarman Checking in After a Few Years! Updates and Opinions!
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2023, 09:15:19 pm »
Thanks for sharing your experiences and research!
Keep in touch!

David Sinclair?

I think this is his website
« Last Edit: February 24, 2023, 10:42:31 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Offline Guittarman03

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Re: Guittarman Checking in After a Few Years! Updates and Opinions!
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2023, 03:25:26 am »
Yep that's him. Although I'm not sure about the second website, but the YT channel, yes.

I only just recently started my supplemental longevity self experimentation, so I'll keep in touch on how that goes. I'm going in for stem cells next week, and full blood work. I'd like to get my Horvath Age and Glycan Age, but there's no labs that offer it in Mexico. So I'll have to wait a couple months till I make a trip to the states.

BTW, kudos on the website maintenance. This thing runs/loads lightning fast.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2023, 04:58:17 am by Guittarman03 »
When you consume an organism it loses individuality, but its biological life never ends.  Digestion is merely a transfer of its life to mine.

Offline smokeyquartz

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Re: Guittarman Checking in After a Few Years! Updates and Opinions!
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2023, 06:38:03 am »
It's good to hear from someone who hasn't been here in a while.

I wish more of the others would come back and chime in.  I want to know how everyone is doing. 

Offline biowolf

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Re: Guittarman Checking in After a Few Years! Updates and Opinions!
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2023, 01:20:27 am »
give us an example of what you are eating on the daily

Offline Guittarman03

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Re: Guittarman Checking in After a Few Years! Updates and Opinions!
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2023, 08:12:56 am »

I try to wait a 2-3 hours before eating, but if I did a big workout the day before I might eat sooner.  This will usually be a cup of blueberries, some grassfed cheese, a bit of raw steak, and maybe if I have some .."salad".. left over from the day before.

This is also where I take a set of supplements that are supposed to be health-span / life-span enhancing:
- NMN + pterostilbene. DNA repair, energy/metabolic health. Psterostilbene helps absorption
- Fisetin.  Clears senescent cells and damaged proteins being stored in cells
- AKG. Regenerates your stem cells, enhances mitochondria and epigenetic functions. Supposedly good for skin, and even gray hair.
- Hyaluronic acid (oral). Holds moisture for the skin.
- IP6. This one is personal, because I had very high ferratin (iron), and I need to get that down.

And again, these are all compounds found in food. Except I'm not sure about IP6.

I don't really do lunch, but I might have a few extra bites of steak, berries, or a banana or mango before heading to the gym.


It's my biggest meal. I eat steak basically every day, lol. Once a week or so, bone marrow and liver. But the bulk of my calories the past couple weeks has come from a salad that I make with combinations of the following: Onions, carrots, tomatos, avocado, bell peppers, beets, mushrooms, arrugula, spinach, broccoli, ginger, tumeric. For dressing/fat I will use some combo of olive oil, avocado, and cheese. Sometimes ACV or lemon/lime juice. It's important to keep in mind that the largest caloric portion of dinner comes from fats, not protein or carbs.

I've cut back on meat consumption significantly, at least for now. I need to try and get that ferratin under control, so reducing red meat is helpful. And also, I do believe strongly in variability of diet. All animals/humans were seasonal eaters, and there would've been times where we consumed less meat. Lord knows I've spent decades consuming quite a lot, so I figure it's probably a good idea to spend a month or so cutting back.

At some point here, I'm going to hit the bodyfat levels I want (10% or less), and then I'll target some hypertrophy (muscle growth). I'll need to add more protein, and potentially a sugary fruit (before workout) and/or starchy carbs (after workout - glycogen replenishment). But I'll take that as it comes, and try and bulk up on as few calories as possible.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2023, 09:41:03 am by Guittarman03 »
When you consume an organism it loses individuality, but its biological life never ends.  Digestion is merely a transfer of its life to mine.


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