Hi Ionna! I guess raw tiger nuts (I find they help most in the form of a raw flour that is not refined or separated at all and is instead a truly whole ground raw tuber flour, of which I normally filter out the largest bits and make a raw horchata with--I'll bet I would handle raw fresh whole tiger nuts well too, if they were available, as I handle raw small potatoes quite well now), raw jicama, raw green and semi-ripe plantains and bananas (and some ripe to super-ripe ones now and then--I think my tolerance is gradually increasing for the super-ripe ones; and semi-green and even some some green bananas now taste sweeter and yummier to me and I found dried semi-ripe plantains to be the tastiest form of banana of all for me--like a yummy fruit leather--but they don't always come out well), raw mung bean starch, raw berries and papaya and other raw fruits (some in moderation, and I had to build up my tolerance for some of them), raw and cooked potatoes (including cooked and cooled, which increases their RS3 content), cooked beans, uncooked soaked oats (rolled or steel-cut, which are briefly heated during processing). Also one particular goats milk kefir, for some reason, and raw fermented honey and raw honey rich in honeydew from insects feeding on bushes/shrubs/trees. I'm probably forgetting some things. I have encountered hostility to these foods from both Paleoists and Peatarians, most of whom haven't even tried most of the foods, so I haven't found many people to discuss them with, aside from Tatertot Tim and a few other people.
People tend to become heavily influenced by one or more diet gurus, such as Loren Cordain, Ray Audette, Mark Sisson, Gary Taubes, Jimmy Moore, Jack Kruse, Ron Rosedale, Ray Peat, Doug Graham, Dr. McDougall, T. Colin Campbell, .... and tend to reject anything that doesn't fit with their claims. I think they all offer some interesting info, but I don't think any of them gets everything right (and I don't mean disrespect by that--I don't think anyone gets everything right, including me).
I don't know if these foods are a mere stepping stone to a diet richer in other foods that Peatarians, raw vegans and some raw Paleoists advocate, like super-ripe sweet fruits, or if they are part of a long-term healthy diet, such as Tatertot advocates. I'm open to either possibility. For now I'm just thankful that they seem to be helping. I've never been one to say things like "zero carb for life" or "high carb for ever" and what I've learned in my own experience and watching others over the years has reinforced for me that such claims are empty and the people who shout them the loudest usually end up changing their tunes later on.
I've been wondering if it might be beneficial to include some C4 plant foods beyond tiger nuts in my diet, given the recently discovered role of C4 plant foods in the evolutionary history of our ancestors going back millions of years. I am still getting used to the possibility, though, as they are not what I would have guessed years ago would be healthy foods, given the influence that Loren Cordain, Ray Audette and certain others had on me.