(I can't reply to other posts for a week or so, so don't think I'm rude for not replying in time):-
I was thinking about Iridology recently. For the first 3 years of going rawpalaeo, my irises did indeed lighten in colour around the edges, but then the process seemed to stop, until a couple of years ago or so, where there has been a much slower lightening of my irises, once again. Previously, at the start of the RAF diet, I'd noticed that consuming any dairy, raw or otherwise, made my irises go black over time, and that eliminating it lightened my irises to some extent - I should mention that before turning to raw meat-diets, my (brown) irises had become so dark they were almost black, and that they are now light green/grey in the outer edges, with gradually darker elements towards the region of the pupils(my inner iris is now only a light brown). Anyway, my health-problems were generally all resolved in the first 3 years of the diet, without my irises clearing up completely, so I don't think that the state of the irises directly corresponds to one's health, but it's always possible that 3 decades of eating cooked foods means that there is a lingering minor toxicity within some of my tissues that requires a couple more decades to get rid of(though my former symptoms of ill-health are long gone).
Anyway, what I wanted to know is whether others have experienced a full or partial clearing up of their irises from a RAF diet? I've heard claims that irises only clear up due to raw dairy consumption, but given my own dairy-free experiences, I have strong doubts re this spurious claim.