Why do you find that high of a % of fat helpful over more protein?
hmmmm, because in the way beginning (after reading av, but before finding this forum) i would eat the lean meat and dip the pieces into egg yolk. i guess wanting fat with my meat was intuitive, and the amounts of each would be about the same. so, i looked up on fitday to say what i was eating, and that was the approx percentage. though i do not eat egg yolks as much anymore (i'd love to!, but they go thru me too fast
) i just substitute the approx same amt fat and that amount still feels best. too much fat and my food goes thru me, too much protein and my energy just isn't right. anymore protein and i'd feel like i overate, yet still hungry for something.
Based on what i have read it usually is to prevent constipation from a high meat diet?
i have to laugh.. while probably true for most, i would welcome anything constipating
Does it also help you digest meat better having a higher fat?
my digestion is great whether i eat just lean looking meat or a 'regular' fat day or a high-fat day, so i'm not sure the fat is necessarily helping, though i know if i eat too much fat on a given day that my digestion will be not-so-good. this probably relates to your constipation question, but i'm soooo not constipated that i don't feel i need fat for that. it's about feeling satisfied and energized for me.
What advantage do you find in only 1 meal a day?
it just feels good - during the day i'm not hungry, but my stomach is empty and i like that feeling for getting through the high demands of my day and/or a morning workout. i think digestive energy is underrated. just feels better to eat when i'm not stressed, not thinking about a million other things i have to do.
also it's just so much simpler
the only other eating pattern i really like is two small meals: one in the morning after a workout, the other around 2pm. sometimes i do this on the weekends. i like having the long fasted time before bed.
I'm afraid i would eat a lot of meat to fill my tummy (which is not overweight by the way but i can eat!) then get sick from only having a lot of meat sitting in my stomach. Did you ever experience that in the beginning with the only meat meals?
well, in the beginning i had to overcome initial fears of eating raw meat, lol, so i was making sure to eat enough and definitely not eating too much then. if i eat too much of a great thing, my digestion is off, so learn to listen to my body for that too.
hope this helps! as you continue on, you'll find more of what does(n't) work for you, and even that can change. listen and trust your body over your mind!