I got the following note from a member of another forum. I thought readers of my journal might be interested so I’m duplicating it here along with my reply.
Hi Lex,
I see you are still alive!
You may not have been keeping up with the latest Bru Ha Ha in the paleo world here on Jimmy Moore’s page. Lots of knives. http://livinlavidalowcarb.com/blog/is-there-any-such-thing-as-safe-starches-on-a-low-carb-diet/11809
Jimmy asked for comments about Paul Jamanet’s Safe starches in low carb and each expert...so to speak...offered their take. One was Kurt Harris who is in the camp of...... ok on safe starches and you can’t really survive well without them. I asked him about you and your carnivory. He replied as follows:
Dextery 4 hours ago in reply to Kurt Harris
• How do you explain Lex Rooker being a total carnivore for the last four years eating a diet composed of 85% fat and 15% protein and zero carbs? He seems to be thriving without safe starches. You know his Dexa Scan is fine. And his lipids are fine. Lex does not appear to be deprived of glucose at all. His ketones are doing just fine.
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Kurt Harris 1 hour ago in reply to Dextery
• How do you explain people surviving for years on vegan diets, even though it will kill you in the long run? It is not impossible that a person could go from the SAD to meat and water and get healthier, yet meat and water is the not the optimal diet or even a very good one. Look at Danny Roddy's experience. He was a protege of Lex Rooker and got scurvy...
Did Danny actually get scurvy or was that a rumor created by Sisson? Is it true or not? I could not find anything on Danny’s site. Did KGH misstate the facts?
Hope everything is fine in the clock repairing business.
Hi Dextery,
Sorry for the late reply. I've been out of town teaching a 1 week antique clock repair class. Just got back a couple of hours ago.
I spend almost zero time on the forums arguing over diet. What I'm doing seems to be working well for me at this time so I have no reason to look for an alternative. I really don't want to get dragged into discussions over "Safe Starches" or any other bit of dietary esoterica, as there is no way to tell what is safe and what isn't. Every self-proclaimed guru seems to be able to make the case that whatever they've chosen to eat is safe, or good, or optimal, or whatever. As for me, the best I can do is say that what I'm currently doing seems to be working but if I start to have problems I'll change in a heartbeat.
I have dinner with Danny on occasion and he's never mentioned scurvy to me, but that doesn't mean much. We usually talk about other things when we get together. One thing I can say is that Danny has never been shy about pointing out both the good and the bad of his dietary adventures on his blog so if he didn't mention it there then there is a better than even chance that it is just a rumor.
Dr. Harris isn't the only one that tends to assume that because Danny and I enjoy each other’s company on occasion, and we often agree in principal on the subject of diet, that Danny, (and others like him), are doing what I'm doing and it is not working for them. This is just not true. Danny has never done what I'm doing. He decided to try his own experiment with eating nothing but pemmican made from dehydrated muscle meat and rendered fat. He and I often discussed that this might lead to problems over the long term, and he did finally terminate the experiment as he wasn't getting the results he expected. Was scurvy an issue there? I have no idea. All I know is that after eating nothing but pemmican for more than one year, he gave it up because it wasn't meeting his needs.
In my case, I eat all parts of the animal in the form of Slanker's pet food. It is very strong tasting and as far as I know there are very few souls brave enough to eat the way that I do. Those that try it don't last very long as they can't tolerate the taste. I've been eating this way for about 5 years now with no signs of problems. I attribute my success to the pet food - not the fact that I eat zero carb. My own experience shows that when I'm away from home and not able to eat my normal daily mix for an extended period of time, I start seeing signs of problems brewing. When I return to my mix everything goes back to normal.
I also allow my food to sit out at room temperature for several hours before eating it. It becomes rather sour tasting, sometimes with a bit of a fizz to it - especially on very warm days, indicating to me that it is teaming with bacteria. It could well be that the bacteria are producing the vitamins or other nutrients that are in short supply in fresh raw meat. I just know that in paleo times there was no refrigeration and that much of the food we would have eaten would be swarming with bacteria. Who's to say that rotting meat teaming with bacteria isn't a vital part of our diet? I have no way of knowing, but it seems to make sense to me so I try my best to emulate what our natural environment would be like without all the modern food preservation techniques.
As you can see, my diet and lifestyle are far from just a simple zero carb, meat-only, diet. My food is a complex mixture of all parts of the animal and the exact make-up of this mixture changes with every order based on what went into the mix at that time. Every order of pet food is different. I also let my food ferment for several hours and sometimes overnight so that it is teaming with bacteria.
When I stop eating this mix and just eat a normal zero carb diet of fresh muscle meats I soon begin to notice little things cropping up, so I return to my tried and true mix and all is well again. I also don't know of anyone else that eats exactly the way I do, so just because others agree with me in principal, the devil, as always, is in the details. Very few are willing to deal in details. They want a quick magic cure-all that requires little thought and delights their taste buds.