beef may be expensive and more difficult to find but how is the availability of meats such as lamb or goat? These would be fine to subsist on and would perhaps be cheaper than the beef available to you.
Lamb and horse are widely available, though just as expensive as beef. I eat all three, though rarely due to price.
Depending on where you live, whether in a city or a rural area, you could also supplement with wild game. If you could manage to kill a deer it could feed you for months.
Oh, no no no. I live in the heart of the city, but lack of experience is the least of issues here. Though abundant in the past, they a rare sight nowadays - wild animals and derivatives of the modern Occidental culture just do not mix. Whatever hunters are left mostly go for pheasant and a rare boar.
Now, considering this situation, I'd never kill a deer. I do not deserve to. Now, if I did or planned to do anything to secure their survival, I'd consider the option, but as is - no.
I would listen to the advice on grainfed meat. Raw grainfed is still better for you than the cooked meats you are ingesting now and should not be immediately struck down just because it's inferior to grassfed. I'd give it a shot and see how you do on it.
Look, uh, I wouldn't. 'Grainfed' is just an assumption, who knows what they actually eat.
The thing is, there is just no love and respect for the animal whatsoever. There is no connection to the land, ultimately, there is not
self-respect in Serbia. I hate to throw such wide proclamations, but they simply apply. I won't elaborate on whys and hows as it won't do much help to truly relate anyhow - just take my word on it. People shit where they eat here and if it's shit I eat, I'd rather it cooked at least. Precaution.
I will admit I don't know much about Serbian cuisine but the Wikipedia stub does list some fermented vegetables products. Perhaps you could ferment some things raw rather than just consuming fresh. I'm sure others could elaborate on this (I have no firsthand knowledge on fermentation).
I'm not sure I follow. What exactly do I have to accomplish by fermenting vegetables? Easier digestion?
I can believe that there's no organic meat industry in Serbia. Apparently, Eastern/Southeastern Europe is very bad re that, BUT I refuse to believe that there are no grassfed meats available. It's physically impossible. Now, I'll grant that there's probably no "official" grassfed industry but there will , inevitably, be a number of small-time farmers here and there who feed their animals only on grass and who (inadvertently) obey most or all of the standard organic laws re vaccination, but who won't feel the need to mention that their animals are grassfed unless you ask. I've seen this in Italy where the organic/grassfed meat industry is practically nonexistent, yet I'm able to get hold of decent sources of grassfed horsemeat.
Friend, you are small-time - horsemeat? As stated, I regularly eat unicorn. Delicious.
Jokes aside - I've already said this to William - there is no grassfed anything here. Perhaps, small chance, somewhere, out there in the mountains, but for sale? No. The fact that they'll all claim otherwise holds little water to me as I've no reason whatsoever to trust them. They've uttered lies worse than that.