Thank you. I know a higher body fat level can help bring on menarche.
I wish I could see some studies on this on present day women. I wish more people would be doing zc now, so I could get an idea easier. How might zc harm a female reproductive system, if it would even harm or hinder it? Does part of it depend on age of the mother? I bet there's a lot that can be studied, that could eventually provide us with knowledge of how to help each situation.
Were women who were out there hunting regularly less fertile than the ones who stayed home? That might be good, as giving birth in the middle of a big game hunt might not be conducive to getting the hunt done right.
I'm thinking zc may ovulate and not menstruate. What about Susun Weed, hmm... she says menstruating is good as it does detox the body of mercury and other excess, but then an active zc life might sweat out toxins? Plus, paleo hunting, the world probably didn't make the women toxic.