An exemple of a paper that shows the relationship between lifespan, health and heated food ingestion. Note that lowAGE and RegAGE diets just differ by heating temperature and/or duration and AGEs= glycotoxins
Reduced Oxidant Stress and Extended Lifespan in Mice Exposed to a Low
Glycotoxin Diet
Association with Increased AGER1 Expression
Weijing Cai*, John Cijiang He, Li Zhu*, Xue Chen*, Sylvan Wallenstein, Gary
E. Striker and Helen Vlassara*
From the Department of Geriatrics,* Division of Experimental Diabetes and
Aging, the BioMath Department, and the Department of Medicine, Division of
Nephrology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York
Aging is accompanied by increased oxidative stress (OS) and accumulation of
advanced glycation end products (AGEs). AGE formation in food is
temperature-regulated, and ingestion of nutrients prepared with excess heat
promotes AGE formation, OS, and cardiovascular disease in mice. We
hypothesized that sustained exposure to the high levels of pro-oxidant AGEs
in normal diets (RegAGE) contributes to aging via an increased AGE load,
which causes AGER1 dysregulation and depletion of anti-oxidant capacity, and
that an isocaloric, but AGE-restricted (by 50%) diet (LowAGE), would
decrease these abnormalities. C57BL6 male mice with a life-long exposure to
a LowAGE diet had higher than baseline levels of tissue AGER1 and
glutathione/oxidized glutathione and reduced plasma 8-isoprostanes and
tissue RAGE and p66shc levels compared with mice pair-fed the regular
(RegAGE) diet. This was associated with a reduction in systemic AGE
accumulation and amelioration of insulin resistance, albuminuria, and
glomerulosclerosis. Moreover, lifespan was extended in LowAGE mice, compared
with RegAGE mice. Thus, OS-dependent metabolic and end organ dysfunction of
aging may result from life-long exposure to high levels of glycoxidants that
exceed AGER1 and anti-oxidant reserve capacity. A reduced AGE diet preserved
these innate defenses, resulting in decreased tissue damage and a longer
lifespan in mice.