Well, Tyler, your views apparently aren't as different from mine as I expected. Yes, 2-4 years seem to be the most common weaning points for HGs, based on what I've read in scientific sources, and that fits nicely in the 2-7 years range, which is the
total range (also from scientific sources)--meaning it would include the more extreme outliers of HG groups. It doesn't mean that 7 years is a common weaning age, if that's how you took it. So it looks our numbers jibe, but no doubt you'll still find a way to disagree.
I'm also not implying that 2-4 years is optimal or necessary in today's modern world. Nor am I implying that zero other foods should be eaten before weaning. IIRC, Ray Audette started giving his son pemmican (sinfully heated--bad Ray, bad!

) at the age of 6 months. Nor am I implying by mentioning Ray's version of pemmican that I think anyone should heat their pemmican the way Ray does, as I've seen enough of your rants on heated pemmican (but I hadn't seen you rant about LLL--who I'm not promoting, BTW--in quite a while, so that was entertaining--thanks. Good times, good times.

). It's been quite a while since I've eaten pemmican of any sort, incidentally.
Your apparent confusion about RAW pemmican is understandable, given William's bizarre past posts on the subject. You may have missed my original question: "I wonder if a
raw form of pemmican would be tasty--like air-dried beef jerky blended with marrow or other soft animal fat that might not need to be rendered?" (
http://www.rawpaleoforum.com/omnivorous-raw-paleo/weaning/msg42882/#msg42882; note also that it was a question, not an assertion.) Does that not qualify as sufficiently raw? It's basically Lex's RAW mix (NOT his pemmican) except that air-dried lean meat is used instead of ground beef/organs and marrow instead of suet. If you've got some aversion to the term "pemmican" (perhaps due to William-inspired flashbacks?

), perhaps you can suggest another one-or-two-word term?
At any rate, I'm pretty sure Michael understood what I meant on these subjects, even if you didn't.