Good question. I'm probably going to be buying a condo soon, and my preference, other than my computer desk, would be to use floor cushions, Japanese low tables, etc. but I don't think anyone else would care for it. I find that squatting or lotus-sitting are easier on my back than dangblasted modern chairs (is it that way for anyone else here?), but I know it would piss off some of my relatives and friends and possibly make my neighbors think I'm a wacko. Sometimes stuff like that makes me wish I lived in Mongolia or Japan or South Dakota where it would fit in more or people might not care or I might not have many neighbors or visitors to deal with. Right now I'm leaning toward saying "Screw 'em all." It's likely, though, that if I don't buy standard furniture my relatives will buy it for me and then I'd have to insult them (in their eyes) by refusing it.
I love how Inuit eat right on the floor even today. They became even cooler in my eyes when I saw that. Why can't everyone be more like them? Confound these modern INconveniences of torture like chairs and high tables.
My mother used to scold me endlessly for squatting or kneeling on the floor instead of "sitting straight" up in a chair. She said it must be hard on my knees and back, but I found it just the opposite, which was why I did it. It baffles me why people think sitting up on a chair with the legs dangling is more comfortable than squatting, kneeling or lotus. Most kids seem to know this instinctively. Luckily, the raw carnivore diet makes Western chairs more bearable, but it's still even more uncomfortable as an adult to sit in them than it was as a kid. I've just been conditioned more to conform at this point.