Author Topic: MovNat  (Read 4048 times)

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Offline Spearhead

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« on: November 18, 2009, 03:06:34 am »
Hey guys,

Just wanted to share this fantastic wildlife based fitness movement I recently discovered called MovNat (short of Movement Naturelle) that was refined by Erwan Lecorre off of the Method Naturelle philosophy of Georges Hebert in the early 1900s. The guy does some incredible stuff and you can see some of his methods and videos on his site: He's also close friends with the author of Born to Run, Christopher McDougall and he himself follows at least a Paleo diet (not sure if he eats raw). He also has monthly seminars all over the United States and often times in Itacare, Brazil (paradise). Once I get my health in better order I am definitely going to be attending some of his seminars.


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