Author Topic: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks  (Read 106049 times)

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Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #25 on: August 11, 2009, 07:05:00 pm »

Aspen/Carbondale, CO - Workshop, potluck & private consults w/Aajonus - September 6, 2008?
From:  aajonus ( 
Sent: 11 August 2009 00:08:19
To:  aajonus (

Schedule of Events: 

Don’t miss the opportunity to meet the man who outlives his medical death sentence from blood and bone cancers by 40 years, and he did it through diet alone.  Dr. Aajonus Vonderplanitz will be coming to the Aspen/Carbondale, CO area Saturday September 10 – Tuesday September 12.
Dr. Vonderplanitz had eight “incurable diseases” including blood and bone cancers, developmental autism, diabetes, psoriasis, bursitis and angina all by the age of 20.  He was forced to learn the “truth” about how nutrition affects our health on his own, after being sent home from the hospital with only three months to live.  He outlives his medical death sentence by 41 years, enjoying excellent health, clarity and energy, now at age 60 after adopting the “Primal Diet”.  In 2001, Dr. Vonderplanitz wrote the expert report that changed the laws in the state of California, reversing a 38 year ban on raw diary. 
Do not miss this opportunity to meet Dr. Vonderplanitz in person and learn the truth about how specific foods promote a life of health.  He is also an expert in iridology and will be conducting private iridology readings.  Iridology is an ancient form of seeing exactly what is going on in the body at the cellular level through the irises.  The irises are connected to every part of the body through the central nervous system.  Dr. Vonderplanitz can offer you insight on what is happening inside the body and exactly what foods to eat to support specific ailments. 

Saturday September 10  -   Noon – 7 PM
Lecture and Workshop $95
Location:  549 Main St., Carbondale, CO  81623  970-963-1504

Saturday September 10  -   5:30 -- 7 PM
Mini-consults; each involves glandular and blood analysis and dietary suggestion, lasting 6-10 minutxs. $40 each.

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday September 11-12 *
Private Iridology Readings. By appointment only.  Every organ, gland and system are connected to the iris through the central nervous system and brain.  Learn what is happening in your body before it can be diagnosed by western medicine.  Receive a personal food prescription designed just for you.

$400 First time readings - 70 minutes
$325 follow-Up appointments - 55 minutes. Increased prices will help fund TrueNatures expensses.
Please contact Branden Cohen at 970-618-0039 or to register for the workshop or private consult. Appointments fill very fast so call early.


*An Individual Consult includes iridology, glandular analyses and very detailed, personalized food recommendations.
Aajonus has perfected the technique of iridology over the last 35 years to aid him to evaluate conditions in the
deepest areas of the body. The iris is connected to every organ and tissue in the body by way of the nervous
system. Iridology allows Aajonus to access information about the body non-invasively that would normally be very
difficult to obtain.  Attending the workshop or reading either of Aajonus’ books is required before attending a private iridology reading.  Both books, "We Want To Live" and "The Recipe for Living Without Disease" are available at 800-247-6553 or

Branden Cohen



"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
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Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #26 on: August 18, 2009, 07:20:02 pm »

Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 15:50:57 -0700
Subject: Los Angeles - Primal Potluck at Aajonus' patio - Sept 13, 2009

Let's celebrate at the annual Primal Potluck at Aajonus'


   Our rawfood feast is almost here.  Whether you eat Primal Diet 100%
          or not, let's get together for some culinary fun!  Bring your favorite raw-food dish!
  It’s  easy; select and make a recipe from Aajonus' recipe book.

Sunday, September 13, 2009, from 1 - 5 p.m.
(Potluck from 1-3 PM and Q&A from 3-5 PM.)

2300/2900 S Kanan Dume Road, Malibu, CA 90265

You do not need to RSVP, but if you get lost, call
Aajonus at               310-589-0589       

 !!!! Some people are very SCENTsitive so please refrain

from using colognes, perfumes and fragrant oils.  Thank you!!!!

If you stay beyon potluck-festivity to enjoy and learn from Aajonus’
answers, please bring $30.  Raise your hand if you have a question.
There is no fee for the potluck, but everyone is expected to bring
and share a raw-meat dish for 4 people that is compatible with
Aajonus’ Primal Diet (no salt, no store-bought sauces, and no
vegetable salads, please!).

P.S.  You may bring guests and guests are required to bring raw-
food dishes, not wear perfumes or fragrance oils, and pay $25 if
they stay for Q&A. Anyone wanting to ask questions must have
read the book:  We Want To Live.  This will be available at the
Potluck, standard price, and Aajonus will autograph them if you wish.

If you have an email address and receive this flyer via postal mail, please
let us know by emailing with “Potluck - postal to
email” as Subject; we will save trees and reduce pollution.  Thank you!

Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) to Kanan-Dume Road (approximately
18 miles north of I-10, just beyond Paradise Cove) and turn right. 
Drive 3.5 miles, pull to the right and turn in front of the yellow
diamond-shaped road sign with an arrow pointing downward and
stop in front of the short stone/cement wall and pole gate.

exit in Agoura Hills and exit.  Turn southbound.  Follow Kanan
Road for 9 miles through 3 tunnels (after a few miles the street
name changes to Kanan-Dume Road)).  At approximately 1/2 mile
past the 3rd tunnel (posted T-1) look for a “break area” road sign
on the right with an arrow pointing downward.  Turn left onto the
wide shoulder on the opposite side of the road and stop in front
of the short stone/cement wall and pole gate.

FROM EITHER DIRECTION:  Park outside the gate on the
shoulder of the road.  Or park in the lot to the right just inside the
gate if the gate is open.

Walk down the drive and take the left fork in the road. (Follow
the signs to "Aajonus" & "The Cliff House" to the left.)
After approximately 60 feet there is a stairway on your right.
Descend the staircase until you come to two houses at the
bottom. It’s the house on the left!  Walk on the right side of the
house to the backyard.  Welcome!
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #27 on: September 06, 2009, 07:42:10 pm »


Come join a raw food gathering
Followed by Q&A with Aajonus
Bring your favorite raw food dish

HOST:         Liza Szabo
WHEN:       Sunday, September 27, 2009
                   1:00 pm for the Potluck
                   2:30 for Q&A with Aajonus
WHERE:     1663 Corte Orchidia, Carlsbad, CA. 92009
INFO:          760-603-YOGA (9642) OR

 Some people are very SCENT-sitive, so please refrain
from using colognes, perfumes, and fragrant oils. Thank you!

There is no fee for the potluck, but everyone is expected to bring and share a raw food dish for 3-5
people that is compatible with Aajonus’ Primal Diet.  All food items must be fresh, unfrozen, raw,
organic, and pesticide free.  This includes red meat, fish, or chicken, which can be obtained at
Whole Foods or Jimbos markets.  There should be no salt, no store-bought sauces, and no
vegetable salads, please!
Call Liza (760-603-9642) if you need suggestions for potluck dishes. Please write your recipe on a
3X5 card to share with others.  We will be compiling recipes for future distribution.
If you wish to stay beyond the potluck festivity for a Q&A session with Aajonus and/or have a mini-
consultation, please bring $25 for each.  You may want to schedule a full consultation with Aajonus
prior to the potluck.  Reading his book, "We Want To Live" is required before consultation. His
book can be purchased on the publisher's website:, and Liza, Cynthia, or
Aajonus will have some books available.
If you have an email address and want to be on our mailing list, please let us know by emailing  and with “Potluck - postal to email” as Subject.
We will save trees and reduce pollution.
Directions To Liza Szabo RDH, MA,ND,  Home Office & Health Studio
NOTE: If there is any confusion while you are finding your way to the potluck, you can call Liza
at number above for assistance.
From Highway 5 San Diego or Los Angeles
Highway 5 to Poinsettia Exit
Go East approx. 2 miles to top of hill
Turn right on Black Rail Road (by the water tanks)
Go I block to First Left onto Corte Orchidia
Go almost to the end of Cul De Sac on your right
From the East
Take Aviara Parkway West to Black Rail Road
Turn Right or North on Black Rail Road
Go to Corte Orchidia and Turn Right
Alga Road from Rancho Sante Fe Road turns into Aviara if you are coming inland
Eventually Poinsettia will be opened up all the way from El Camino Real and you can take Poinsettia
to Black Rail when construction is complete

"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.


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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #28 on: September 06, 2009, 09:10:29 pm »
Isn't there supposed to be a new photo of him somewhere?

Would be most interesting.

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #29 on: September 07, 2009, 05:07:26 am »
Please don't post here in future as it's reserved solely for Aajonus meetings info.

The claimed photo is found here but doesn't actually show Aajonus at all:-
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

Offline reyyzl

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #30 on: September 10, 2009, 03:31:16 pm »
  Anyone have a date for Toronto 2009?  I have some info, but not complete.
"A genuine RPDer should always live by the coast." -TylerDurden Global Moderator Mammoth Hunter

Too often we get caught up trying to get to the end. What is most important however is to discover the beginning. We don’t solve problems or start to heal unless we can be willing, be kind, laugh a little and commit to seeking until we find. If we can, we’ll get started. I’ll meet you at the beginning!
“Reflections on My Travels…India” by Michael J Tamura ~ pg. 57

Offline reyyzl

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #31 on: September 14, 2009, 05:08:06 am »
FREE LECTURE. Toronto WORKSHOP, Mini-consults & INDIVIDUAL CONSULTS Saturday thru & inc. Monday

Time: October 24, 2009 at 11:45am to October 26, 2009 at 11:45pm
Location: _ for lecture and workshop: Harbourfront Community Centre
Street: 627 Queens Quay W.
City/Town: Toronto, ON, M5V 3G3
Website or Map:
Phone: 416-206-9402
Event Type: aajonus' appearances, and, primal potlucks
Organized By: Rasha

SATURDAY, October 24, 2009 NOON – 1:00 PM
Please call Rasha for reservations and directions at 416-206-9402.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2009, 1:00 PM until 5:30 PM; $85.

No more than 30 people may receive Mini-consults in which Aajonus analyzes each person's glands and recommends particular food s/he could eat to speed better health, lasting 6-10 minutxs.: additional $40. Saturday OCTOBER 24 - 5:30 PM until--as late as 7 PM Please call Rasha for reservations and directions at 416-206-9402.

Private Iridology Readings.
By appointment only. INDIVIDUAL CONSULTS* are available Sunday through Monday OCTOBER 26.
Please call Rasha for reservations and directions at 416-206-9402.

Cash or checks accepted only.
*Individual Consult requires approximately 70 minutes and costs $375; includes iridological and glandular analyses. These are very full and comprehensive, so please bring a recorder to tape your session. Mini-Consults & Workshop can be recorded for personal use.!!!
Reading the book We Want To Live is a requisite to individual consults.
Follow-up consults last about 55 minutes and cost $300.

note: not liable for any mistakes. call Rasha, it is her event. I may have details wrong.
"A genuine RPDer should always live by the coast." -TylerDurden Global Moderator Mammoth Hunter

Too often we get caught up trying to get to the end. What is most important however is to discover the beginning. We don’t solve problems or start to heal unless we can be willing, be kind, laugh a little and commit to seeking until we find. If we can, we’ll get started. I’ll meet you at the beginning!
“Reflections on My Travels…India” by Michael J Tamura ~ pg. 57

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #32 on: September 17, 2009, 05:00:53 pm »
Would you like to meet the man who, as a young adult had 8 "incurable" diseases
including blood & bone cancers, and Type I diabetes, and through personal experimentation,
reversed his diseases through diet alone...and later helped 232 out of 242 people put their
cancers in remission through diet alone and was confirmed by neuroscientist Dr. Elnora Van Winkle
..and was on Ripley's Believe It Or Not TV program July 17, 2002...and in 2001 wrote
 the expert report that reversed Los Angeles County's 38-year ban on Grade A raw dairy?

A terminal cancer survivor, now leading nutritionist and expert iridologist.
Aajonus had developmental autism, diabetes, psoriasis, bursitis, and angina, and was
diagnosed with stomach, blood and bone cancers at age 20.  He outlives his
medical death sentence by 41 years, enjoying excellent health, clarity, and energy.
Don't miss this opportunity to meet Dr. Vonderplanitz and learn the truth about how
specific foods promote a life of health and vitality.

LECTURE: 11 - 12 PM - FREE
*please bring your own lunch
WORKSHOP:  12:15 PM to as late as 6 PM - $85
No more than 12 people may receive MINI-CONSULTS in which Aajonus analyzes
each person's glands and recommends particular food s/he could eat to speed better
health:  additional; approximately 10 minutes each $40.
LOCATION For Free Lecture, Workshop and Mini-Consults:
Double J Farm       3070 Wehr Road      Hamilton, Ohio  45011
Joe and Janet Streit
Individual Consults Sunday, November 15, 2009
*Individual Consult requires approximately 70 minutes and costs $375; includes iridological and glandular analyses.
Attending the workshop or reading the book We Want To Live is a requisite to individual consults. 
The book can be purchased by calling 1-800-247-6553, for $30 + S&H.
Follow-up consults last about 55 minutes and cost $300.
For reservations to any or all of these events,
Contact Marcia at 513-300-3110 or  mstephens for downloadable pdf versions of both books and newsletter subscription.

"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #33 on: September 19, 2009, 04:29:43 pm »
TORONTO, Canada - Free Lecture, & Workshop w/Aajonus - October 24, 2009?
From:  aajonus ( 
Sent: 18 September 2009 22:14:51
To:  aajonus (
  1 attachment
 ATT00001 (147.9 KB) 

Do You Want Radiant Health And Vitality?








WORKSHOP:  1:15 PM to 7 PM - $100

MINI-CONSULTS (6-10 minutes each):  7 - 9 PM - $40

For reservations to any or all of these events,

contact Rasha @ 416-206-9402 or

Location for Free Lecture, Workshop and Mini-Consults:
Harbourfront Community Centre
627 Queens Quay W. Toronto, Ontario


An Individual Consult includes iridology, glandular analyses and very detailed, personalized food recommendations. Aajonus has perfected the technique of iridology over the last 37 years to aid him in evaluating conditions in the deepest areas of the body. The iris is connected to every organ and tissue in the body by way of the nervous system. Iridology allows Aajonus to access information about the body non-invasively that would normally be very difficult to obtain. Attending Aajonus' Workshop or reading his book, We Want to Live, is a pre-requisite for an Individual Consult. The book can be purchased for $40 + S&H by calling 1.800.247.6553. An Individual Consult lasts approximately 70 minutes and costs $375 USD. Follow-ups last approximately 55 minutes and cost $300 USD. For appointments and directions, contact Rasha @ 416-206-9402 or

I have been following Aajonus’ diet for three years.  His diet healed my severe ADHD, autism, IBS, GERD, osteoporosis, social anxiety disorder and a speech impediment.  It gave me a life and hope for my future when everything else had failed.  I am having my best year in school and plan to begin college in the fall, something I would have never considered three years ago.        Matthew M., age 18   Omaha, NE


For three years I struggled with chronic fatigue and an unexplained, uncontrolled weight loss down to 78 pounds. I took every conceivable test and tried every remedy.  I also followed diets from several different nutritional philosophies.  Nothing really worked until I met Aajonus.  In six months on his diet I gained 70 pounds of athletic weight and my body felt recharged.  Two years later, I feel healthier than I did prior to becoming ill.  (To view my photos, along with 30 pages of mind-blowing testimonials, visit and                           Jeff S., age 36   St. Louis, MO
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #34 on: October 12, 2009, 04:22:15 pm »

  Our rawfood feast is almost here.  Whether you eat Primal Diet 100%
       or not, let's get together for some culinary fun!  Bring your favorite raw-food dish.
               It’s  easy; select and make a recipe from Aajonus' recipe book.

Sunday, Sunday November 1, from 1 - 5 p.m.
(Potluck from 1-3 PM and Q&A from 3-5 PM.)

    * 1 Buccaneer St. #5, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
      (Just two blocks South of Washington Blvd on Oceanfront Walkway
      where Venice and Marina Del Rey meet.)
    * You do not need to RSVP.

<>!!!! Some people are very SCENTsitive so please refrain
from using colognes, perfumes and fragrant oils.  Thank you!!!!

If you stay beyond potluck-festivity to enjoy and learn from Aajonus’
answers, please bring $30.  Raise your hand if you have a question.
There is no fee for the potluck, but everyone is expected to bring
and share a raw-meat dish for 2-4 people that is compatible with
Aajonus’ Primal Diet (no salt, no store-bought sauces, and no
vegetable salads, please!).

P.S.  You may bring guests and guests are required to bring raw-
food dishes, not wear perfumes or fragrance oils, and pay $30 if
they stay for Q&A. Anyone wanting to ask questions must have
read the book:  We Want To Live.  This will be available at the
Potluck, standard price, and Aajonus will autograph them if you wish.

If you have an email address and receive this flyer via postal mail, please
let us know by emailing with “Potluck - postal to
email” as Subject; we will save trees and reduce pollution.  Thank you!

Parking:  There is a public parking lot at the end of Washington Bl. ($5 ?). Or park  free
on Pacific Ave if you can find a space, or metered parking on Washington Bl.
Walk on Oceanfront Walk to the 8th building facing the ocean South of Washington Bl.,
enter the tall white building on the corner at Buccaneer, upstairs on the right #5.
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #35 on: October 17, 2009, 03:43:14 am »
This Coming Tuesday

Time: October 20, 2009 from 12pm to 1pm
Website or Map:
Phone: (646) 716 - 8138
Event Type: internet, radio, interview, with, dr., aajonus, vonderplanitz, ph.d., nutrition
Organized By: Jim Ellingson
> Get the complete announcement at:
> (including more background, links, photos)
> Internet Radio interview with
> Dr. Aajonus Vonderplanitz, Ph.D. Nutrition
> Special Host Marilyn Gang Discusses The Primal Diet with Dr. Aajonus Vonderplanitz, Ph.D. Nutrition,
> Tuesday October 20, 2009 at 12:00pm EST
> On The Debbie Papadakis Show on Aware Talk Radio
> Join special Host Marilyn Gang, BA, MA, CNP, founder of the Toronto Dowsers,, former trustee of the American Society of Dowsers, along with Dr. Aajonus Vonderplanitz, Ph.D, an extraordinary
> American nutritional consultant, creator of the Primal Diet, author of "We Want To Live", and authentic Raw Food diet advocate.
> They shall be discussing Aajonus' perspective and experience on food,
> nutrition & real health.
> Join us and contribute to this vital discussion on this week's show. Call
> in with your questions.
> Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2009
> Time: 12:00 noon EST, 9:00 a.m., PST
> Call in number for your questions: (646) 716 - 8138
> Click to listen to the show:
> - OR -

Please share
"Genuine truth angers people in general because they don't know what to do with the energy generated by a glimpse of reality." Greg W. Goodwin

Offline reyyzl

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #36 on: January 29, 2010, 03:13:16 am »
W. Palm Beach/Lake Worth, FL - Lecture & Workshop by Aajonus -March 27, 2010?
From:    aajonus
Sent:   Thu 1/28/10 12:46 PM
To:   aajonus

W. Palm Beach/Lake Worth, FL are fortunate to welcome gifted

HEALTH and Nutritional Practitioner

 "I attended Aajonus' lectures/workshops every year for 7 years and I learn so much more each time. That's because as I practice the diet, I understand more of what Aajonus told us in the workshop. As I understand more, I learn more. I get more in control of my life every year because Aajonus gives me the opportunity with his yearly workshops."  -  John Richter - 38



WORKSHOP:  SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 2010,  1:15 PM - $95

At the lsat segment of workshop, Aajonus will conduct Mini-Consults.  A Mini-Consult includes glandular analyses and specific food recommendations to improve health.
The cost of a Mini-Consult is an additional $40.  For reservations, call Isolde.

LOCATION for Lecture and Workshop:


INDIVIDUAL CONSULTS:  Sunday and Monday MARCH 28th & 29th.
Delray Beach, FL 33483

An Individual Consult requires approximately 70 minutes and costs $385.  The consult includes iridology, glandular analyses and very detailed, personalized food recommendations.  The iris is connected to every organ and tissue in the body by way of the brain and the nervous system.  Iridology is a fascinating analytical tool that can reveal conditions in the deepest areas of the body.   Reading Aajonus’ book, We Want to Live, is a pre-requisite for an Individual Consult. The book can be purchased for $30 + S&H by calling 1.800.247.6553.
For appointments and directions, call Isolde.

Follow-up consult requires approximately 50 minutes and costs $315.

Only cash or checks accepted.

LOCATION for Consults will be set within 2 weeks of scheduled consults and you will be notified.

*Recordings are for personal use only and cannot be shared, sold or distributed in any manner.

Thank you.
"A genuine RPDer should always live by the coast." -TylerDurden Global Moderator Mammoth Hunter

Too often we get caught up trying to get to the end. What is most important however is to discover the beginning. We don’t solve problems or start to heal unless we can be willing, be kind, laugh a little and commit to seeking until we find. If we can, we’ll get started. I’ll meet you at the beginning!
“Reflections on My Travels…India” by Michael J Tamura ~ pg. 57

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #37 on: February 12, 2010, 06:03:18 pm »
Southern New Jersey are fortunate to welcome gifted

HEALTH and Nutritional Practitioner

 "I attended Aajonus' lectures/workshops every year for 7 years and I learn so much more each time. That's because as I practice the diet, I understand more of what Aajonus told us in the workshop. As I understand more, I learn more. I get more in control of my life every year because Aajonus gives me the opportunity with his yearly workshops."  -  John Richter - 38




For reservations call Vicki 609-519-4328.

WORKSHOP:  SATURDAY, April 10, 2010,  Noon-7 PM - $95

At the last segment of workshop, Aajonus will conduct Mini-Consults.  A Mini-Consult includes glandular analyses and specific food recommendations to improve health.
The cost of a Mini-Consult is an additional $40.  For reservations, call Vicki Lee 609-519-4328

LOCATION for Lecture and Workshop: 

Fertigs Funeral Home of Mullica Hill
63 N Main Street Mullica Hill
Harrison Twp. New Jersey 08062

DIRECTIONS:  Go to Mapquest for directions from your area. Very easy to find.


INDIVIDUAL CONSULTS:  Sunday and Monday April 11 and 12.
414 Middlesex st

Gloucester City, NJ 08030

856-349-2328 land line to reach Aajonus that day if you are late or lost

609-519-4328 cell to reach Vicki


An Individual Consult requires approximately 70 minutes and costs $385.  The consult includes iridology, glandular analyses and very detailed, personalized food recommendations.  The iris is connected to every organ and tissue in the body by way of the brain and the nervous system.  Iridology is a fascinating analytical tool that can reveal conditions in the deepest areas of the body.   Reading Aajonus’ book, We Want to Live, is a pre-requisite for an Individual Consult. The book can be purchased for $30 + S&H by calling 1.800.247.6553.

For appointments and directions, call Vicki 609-519-4328 or email @

Follow-up consult requires approximately 50 minutes and costs $315.

Only cash or checks accepted. After making reservations, send your checks, made out to Aajonus (first name only) to hold your reservation, to:

Vicki Lee

414 Middlesex st.

Gloucester City, NJ 08030

*Recordings are for personal use only and cannot be shared, sold or distributed in any manner.

Thank you.

"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #38 on: March 22, 2010, 09:02:29 am »
Replies to this email go to J.. Wisconsin ... May 1, ..r
« Last Edit: April 25, 2010, 10:58:55 am by reyyzl »
I am the creator of the primal diet friends social networking site, thanks to Jim and Barbara Ellingson's suggestion.

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Magical Mystery Tour - Tonio interviewing Aajonus
« Reply #39 on: April 09, 2010, 08:33:30 pm »

MP3 will be available some time after 10 AM East coast I believe.  Listen live now.

interviewed on the radio on April 9th, 2010 from 8:30 - 10 AM EST. The person conducting the interview is Tonio Epstein. Tonio is planning an interview with a lot of audience participation. He is preparing by putting together your questions ahead of time. Here is the chance to get your most burning health and nutrition question answered.
Send ONE question to If this interview is overloaded and not all questions are addressed, no doubt Aajonus will be invited back at a later date. Here is what Tonio told me:
"For those who wish to listen live via internet go to Not sure how many people can listen at once. The direct call-in phone number to me in the studio is +1(802)454-7762. Callers will be put on the air directly with no screening or introduction. Internet listeners will need to turn down the volume on their computers as there is a 30-60 second delay in the webcasting."
The station is 91.1 FM on your radio dial.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2010, 08:45:10 pm by PrimalLadyRosy »
I am the creator of the primal diet friends social networking site, thanks to Jim and Barbara Ellingson's suggestion.

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #40 on: April 23, 2010, 04:42:13 pm »
Join fellow Daytonians and Cincians for a nutritional consult
to live disease-free with more clarity, strength and energy with

Aajonus Vonderplanitz, Ph.D. Scientific Nutritionist

coming to us from Malibu, CA, author of We Want to Live, and
The Recipe For Living Without Disease

DATE: Monday May 10
Times:  8:15 AM to 9 PM

Place: Northside of Dayton; address will be given to people signed for consults week prior to appointments.

To schedule consults, please contact Aajonus at email address

Cash or checks accepted only.

*Individual Consult requires approximately 70 minutes and costs $385; includes iridological
and glandular analyses. Reading the book We Want To Live is a requisite to individual
consults.  The book can be purchased by calling 1-800-247-6553, for $30 + S&H.
Follow-up consults last about 55 minutes and cost $315.
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #41 on: April 24, 2010, 12:42:19 am »
Our potluck rawfood feast is coming. Whether you eat the
       Primal Diet 100% or not, let's get together for some culinary delights!
            Bring your favorite raw-food dish! 
                  It’s  easy; pick a recipe from Aajonus' recipe book.

Sunday, May 23, 2010 from 1 - 5 p.m.

(Potluck from 1-3 p.m. and Q&A from 3-5 p.m.)
(Hollywood/Silver Lake area: see directions below.)
You do not need to RSVP but if you get lost, call Barbara.
!!!! Some people are very SCENTsitive so please refrain

from using colognes, perfumes and fragrant oils.  Thank you!!!!

If you stay beyond potluck-festivity to enjoy and learn from Aajonus’
answers, please bring $30.  Raise your hand if you have a question.
There is no fee for the potluck, but everyone is expected to bring
and share a raw-meat dish for 2-4 people that is compatible with
Aajonus’ Primal Diet (no salt, no store-bought sauces, and no
vegetable salads, please!).

P.S.  You may bring guests and guests are required to bring raw-
food dishes, not wear perfumes or fragrance oils, and pay $25 if
they stay for Q&A. Anyone wanting to ask questions must have
read the book:  We Want To Live.  Books will be available at the
Potluck, standard price, and Aajonus will autograph them if you wish.

If you have an email address and receive this flyer via postal mail, please
let us know by emailing with “Potluck - postal to email” as Subject; we
will save trees and reduce pollution.  Thank you!

From the 5 frwy, exit Los Feliz going west; turn left on Griffith Park Blvd - when it ends at Sunset Blvd., turn right, then turn left at 2nd light onto Sanborn Ave.*

From 101 frwy, exit Sunset Blvd south, stay on Sunset for about 4 miles, then turn right onto Sanborn Ave.*

From the 10 frwy, exit Vermont St. north, turn right onto Santa Monica Blvd. When it ends at Sunset, at the green light, advance about 10 feet then turn right onto Sanborn Ave*.

*Once on Sanborn off of Sunset, proceed up the hill, down the hill, through the stop sign at Del Mar. 960 Sanborn is the grey building in the middle of the street with entrance on your left. Park on your right or go around the "island".

For more info, call Barbara
"A genuine RPDer should always live by the coast." -TylerDurden Global Moderator Mammoth Hunter

Too often we get caught up trying to get to the end. What is most important however is to discover the beginning. We don’t solve problems or start to heal unless we can be willing, be kind, laugh a little and commit to seeking until we find. If we can, we’ll get started. I’ll meet you at the beginning!
“Reflections on My Travels…India” by Michael J Tamura ~ pg. 57

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #42 on: April 24, 2010, 04:07:09 pm »
the Wisconsin workshop has been CANCELLED.  If you would please make note of this on your webpages.

    Cancelation of May 1 workshop.

Replies to this email go to Jennifer Peterson; to send emails to Aajonus, send to his email address. Thank you.

Come to his very affordable workshop in
Viroqua, Wisconsin

Please call Jennifer for reservations and directions or email jlpeterson @yahoo.

WORKSHOP:  SATURDAY, May 1, 2010, 1 PM until as late as 7 PM;  $95.
No more than 30 people may receive Mini-consults in which Aajonus analyzes
each person's glands and recommends particular food s/he could eat to speed better health:  additional $40. Please call Jennifer for reservations and directions or email jlpeterson @yahoo.

INDIVIDUAL CONSULTS* are available Sunday and Monday May 2-3.
Please call Jennifer for reservations and directions or email jlpeterson @yahoo.

LOCATION for lecture, workshop and consults:
One Sun Farm
S4374 Haugrud Hollow Road
Lafarge, WI 54639

"A genuine RPDer should always live by the coast." -TylerDurden Global Moderator Mammoth Hunter

Too often we get caught up trying to get to the end. What is most important however is to discover the beginning. We don’t solve problems or start to heal unless we can be willing, be kind, laugh a little and commit to seeking until we find. If we can, we’ll get started. I’ll meet you at the beginning!
“Reflections on My Travels…India” by Michael J Tamura ~ pg. 57

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #43 on: April 25, 2010, 11:09:27 am »
Aajonus will be in
Chicago, Illinois
LaFarge, Wisconsin
Dayton/Cincinnati, Ohio
and Los Angeles, California!

See below for details


Aajonus will be in Chicago, Illinois April 24-28, 2010.
Free Lecture: Saturday - Noon to 1 PM

Workshop: Saturday - 1 PM to as late as 7 PM
Consults are available Sunday through Wednesday April 25-28
Location: Whole Foods Market, 500 E. Ogden Ave, Hinsdale, Illinois 60521

For reservations, appointment and directions, call Sheri at 630-257-9092.

Aajonus will be in Dayton, Ohio and Cincinnati, Ohio On Monday, May 1, 2010.
To schedule consults, please contact Aajonus at

Cash or checks only.


... Wisconsin


If you are interested in presenting a Primal Diet workshop in your area, please arrange the following:* Provide a space and approximately 30 people at $85 each for 5 to 7-hours workshop.
Attendees may receive a mini appraisal to determine food-needs appropriate for each individual for an additional $40.�
This is done in the presence of everyone so that all present may gain from the info.
Provide a minimum of 10 people for Initial Personal Consults ($385 each).
*Or provide 65 people for the workshop but no Individual Consults.

Individuals obtaining Individual Consults and attending the Workshop do not receive a mini-consult at the workshop.
They receive it during their personal consults as part of their full consult.

The person arranging the workshop will receive in exchange a) admittance to the live workshop and b) an Individual Consult without charge. If several
people are responsible for producing the events, $485 credit toward consults is divided by the number of responsible people producing the events.� If a greater number of people attend and receive consults than the minimum,the ratio of credit divided between producers is increased proportionately.

Free Lecture starts at 11 am or noon and lasts for 60 minutes.

Workshop ($95 each) starts at 12:15 or 1:15 pm and lasts 4-6 hours depending on number of people receiving mini-consults. Maximum of 12 people for mini-consults at $40 each.

People wanting to attend Workshop but not receive mini-consult pay $95; no maximum of people for workshop except room capacity.
I conduct consults on the day(s) following the workshop. I can do 10 consults per day over a 13-hours period.
If anyone calls for an appoint who has had a full-consult with me, the cost of a follow-up is $315.
Follow-ups cannot be included in the 10-minimum full-consult requirement stated above.

Attached Nutritional Consult sheet and Request For Advice form are to be given to each individual receiving an Inperson-consult.
Attending the workshop removes the requirement of reading my book We Want To Live.
Please begin scheduling consults at 8:15 AM. Full first-time consults require 70 minutes but schedule 75 minutes for first-time consults.
Follow-up consults require 55 minutes but schedule 60 minutes for follow-up consults.

After scheduling every 4 consults, schedule an hour break for me.
Schedule all consults on day following workshop if less than 10 consults.

Thank you!
"A genuine RPDer should always live by the coast." -TylerDurden Global Moderator Mammoth Hunter

Too often we get caught up trying to get to the end. What is most important however is to discover the beginning. We don’t solve problems or start to heal unless we can be willing, be kind, laugh a little and commit to seeking until we find. If we can, we’ll get started. I’ll meet you at the beginning!
“Reflections on My Travels…India” by Michael J Tamura ~ pg. 57

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Next Month
« Reply #44 on: April 28, 2010, 05:16:44 am »
Come join a raw food gathering
Followed by Q&A with Aajonus

Bring your favorite raw food dish

HOST: Cynthia Lamborne

WHEN: Sunday
1:00 for the Potluck*
2:30 for Q&A with Aajonus

WHERE: 939 Avenida de San Clemente
INFO: Call Liza

Some people are very SCENT-sitive, so please refrain from using colognes, perfumes, and fragrant oils. Thank you!

There is no fee for the potluck, but everyone is expected to bring and share a raw food dish for 3-5 people that is compatible with Aajonus’ Primal Diet. All food items must be fresh, unfrozen, raw, organic, and pesticide free. This includes red meat, fish, or chicken, which can be obtained at Whole Foods or Jimbos markets. There should be no salt, no store-bought sauces, and no vegetable salads, please!

Call Liza (760-603-9642) if you need suggestions for potluck dishes. Please write your recipe on a 3X5 card to share with others. We will be compiling recipes for future distribution.

If you wish to stay beyond the potluck festivity for a Q&A session with Aajonus and/or have a mini-consultation, please bring $25 for each. You may want to schedule a full consultation with Aajonus prior to the potluck. Reading his book, "We Want To Live" is required before consultation. His book can be purchased on the publisher's website:, and Liza, Cynthia, or Aajonus will have some books available.

If you have an email address and want to be on our mailing list, please let us know by emailing and with “Potluck - postal to email” as Subject.
We will save trees and reduce pollution.

Directions To Liza Szabo RDH, MA,ND, Home Office & Health Studio

NOTE: If there is any confusion while you are finding your way to the potluck, you can call Liza at number above for assistance.

If you have an email address and want to be on our mailing list, please let us know by emailing with “Potluck - postal to email” as Subject. We will save trees and reduce pollution.

Directions To Cynthia’s:

From Frwy 5 take Encinitas Blvd East up the hill to light at Balour St.
turn Right then go 4 streets to Guadalajara st. and turn

Right to
Avenida de San Clemente turn Right again and it’s the 2nd house on the Right.


« Last Edit: April 28, 2010, 05:23:13 am by reyyzl »
"A genuine RPDer should always live by the coast." -TylerDurden Global Moderator Mammoth Hunter

Too often we get caught up trying to get to the end. What is most important however is to discover the beginning. We don’t solve problems or start to heal unless we can be willing, be kind, laugh a little and commit to seeking until we find. If we can, we’ll get started. I’ll meet you at the beginning!
“Reflections on My Travels…India” by Michael J Tamura ~ pg. 57

Offline sanborn

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #45 on: May 04, 2010, 01:45:59 am »
Aajonus will be in Dayton, Ohio and Cincinnati, Ohio On Monday, May 10, 2010.
To schedule consults, please contact Aajonus at

Cash or checks only.

Potluck with Aajonus in Los Angeles, California on Sunday May 23rd, 2010.

Location: 960 Sanborn Ave, L.A., Ca. 90029
Time: Potluck party 1-2:30, question and answer 2:30 to approx. 5 Pm.
There is no need to RSVP but for information about what dishes to bring and directions, call (323)913-9741 or email

P.S. You may bring guests and guests are required to bring raw-food dishes, not wear perfumes or fragrance oils, and pay $30if they stay for Q&A. Anyone wanting to ask questions must have read the book: We Want To Live. Books will be available at the Potluck for the standard price, and Aajonus will autograph them if you wish.
Primal Potluck with Aajonus Sunday May 30th in San Diego/Carlsbad, California!

Potluck starts at 1 PM, question and answer period starts at 2:30 until 4:30 approximately.

Location: 939 Avenida de San Clemente, Encinitas, California 92024font>

Directions: From Hwy 5, take Encinitas Blvd. east up the hill to light at Balour St., turn right then to 4 streets to Guadalajara St. then turn right to Avenida de San Clemente, turn right again and it is the 2nd house on the right, #939.

Here is what to expect at potlucks, free lectures, paid workshops and individual consultations.

A potluck is a potluck party in someone's home, a chance to meet others on the diet, share recipes or just plain party. This is followed by a 2 hour question and answer period for those who wish to stay and pay $30 to participate. Potlucks only occur in southern California due to demands on the author's time. There may be up to six per year.

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #46 on: May 07, 2010, 03:27:01 pm »
Aajonus will be in Dayton, Ohio and Cincinnati, Ohio On Monday, May 10, 2010.
To schedule consults, please contact Aajonus at

Cash or checks only.

Potluck with Aajonus in Los Angeles, California on Sunday May 23rd, 2010.

Location: 960 Sanborn Ave, L.A., Ca. 90029
Time: Potluck party 1-2:30, question and answer 2:30 to approx. 5 Pm.
There is no need to RSVP but for information about what dishes to bring and directions, call (323)913-9741 or email

P.S. You may bring guests and guests are required to bring raw-food dishes, not wear perfumes or fragrance oils, and pay $30if they stay for Q&A. Anyone wanting to ask questions must have read the book: We Want To Live. Books will be available at the Potluck for the standard price, and Aajonus will autograph them if you wish.
Primal Potluck with Aajonus Sunday May 30th in San Diego/Carlsbad, California!

Potluck starts at 1 PM, question and answer period starts at 2:30 until 4:30 approximately.

Location: 939 Avenida de San Clemente, Encinitas, California 92024font>

Directions: From Hwy 5, take Encinitas Blvd. east up the hill to light at Balour St., turn right then to 4 streets to Guadalajara St. then turn right to Avenida de San Clemente, turn right again and it is the 2nd house on the right, #939.

Here is what to expect at potlucks, free lectures, paid workshops and individual consultations.

A potluck is a potluck party in someone's home, a chance to meet others on the diet, share recipes or just plain party. This is followed by a 2 hour question and answer period for those who wish to stay and pay $30 to participate. Potlucks only occur in southern California due to demands on the author's time. There may be up to six per year.

   Did it change, Sanborn?  Tyler did that one at the top of the page, but it can never be too much (-:  It's good.

    May 30th's San Diego'-appearances-and-primal-potlucks/msg34653/#msg34653
changed address to same as the following San Diego address'-appearances-and-primal-potlucks/msg16656/#msg16656
« Last Edit: May 07, 2010, 03:33:05 pm by reyyzl »
"A genuine RPDer should always live by the coast." -TylerDurden Global Moderator Mammoth Hunter

Too often we get caught up trying to get to the end. What is most important however is to discover the beginning. We don’t solve problems or start to heal unless we can be willing, be kind, laugh a little and commit to seeking until we find. If we can, we’ll get started. I’ll meet you at the beginning!
“Reflections on My Travels…India” by Michael J Tamura ~ pg. 57

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #47 on: May 07, 2010, 04:15:48 pm »

Come join a raw food gathering
Followed by Q&A with Aajonus
Bring your favorite raw food dish

HOST:         Liza Szabo
WHEN:       Sunday, May 30, 2010
                   1:00 pm for the Potluck
                   2:30 pm for Q&A with Aajonus
WHERE:     1663 Corte Orchidia, Carlsbad, CA. 92009
INFO:          760-603-YOGA (9642) OR

 Some people are very SCENT-sitive, so please refrain
from using colognes, perfumes, and fragrant oils. Thank you!

There is no fee for the potluck, but everyone is expected to bring and share a raw food dish for 3-5
people that is compatible with Aajonus’ Primal Diet.  All food items must be fresh, unfrozen, raw,
organic, and pesticide free.  This includes red meat, fish, or chicken, which can be obtained at
Whole Foods or Jimbos markets.  There should be no salt, no store-bought sauces, and no
vegetable salads, please!
Call Liza (760-603-9642) if you need suggestions for potluck dishes. Please write your recipe on a
3X5 card to share with others.  We will be compiling recipes for future distribution.
If you wish to stay beyond the potluck festivity for a Q&A session with Aajonus and/or have a mini-
consultation, please bring $35 for each.  You may want to schedule a full consultation with Aajonus
prior to the potluck.  Reading his book, "We Want To Live" is required before consultation. His
book can be purchased on the publisher's website:, and Liza, Cynthia, or
Aajonus will have some books available.
If you have an email address and want to be on our mailing list, please let us know by emailing  and with “Potluck - postal to email” as Subject.
We will save trees and reduce pollution.
Directions To Liza Szabo RDH, MA,ND,  Home Office & Health Studio
NOTE: If there is any confusion while you are finding your way to the potluck, you can call Liza
at number above for assistance.
From Highway 5 San Diego or Los Angeles
Highway 5 to Poinsettia Exit
Go East approx. 2 miles to top of hill
Turn right on Black Rail Road (by the water tanks)
Go I block to First Left onto Corte Orchidia
Go almost to the end of Cul De Sac on your right
>From the East
Take Aviara Parkway West to Black Rail Road
Turn Right or North on Black Rail Road
Go to Corte Orchidia and Turn Right
Alga Road from Rancho Sante Fe Road turns into Aviara if you are coming inland
Eventually Poinsettia will be opened up all the way from El Camino Real and you can take Poinsettia
to Black Rail when construction is complete
"During the last campaign I knew what was happening. You know, they mocked me for my foreign policy and they laughed at my monetary policy. No more. No more.
" Ron Paul.

Offline sanborn

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #48 on: June 09, 2010, 02:12:32 pm »
The next Primal Diet potluck is scheduled for September 25th in the Los Angeles area.  The location will be announced about a month before the potluck.  You are the first to hear this.  It would be nice to meet in person at this, if you are in the area.

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Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« Reply #49 on: July 13, 2010, 10:13:50 am »
Sunday September 26, Los Angeles Primal Potluck from 1 - 5 p.m.
(Potluck from 1-3 PM and Q&A from 3-5 PM.)

Location: 1 Buccaneer St. #5, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 (Just two blocks South of Washington Blvd on Oceanfront Walkway where Venice and Marina Del Rey meet.)

You do not need to RSVP.

October 2, Aspen/Carbondale Colorado Workshop and consults;  contact Kimberly Williams at 970-366-6424 or
The location of the lecture will be NUR-ISH Raw Living Foods, 904 Hwy 133, Carbondale, Colorado 81623.

October 9, Sedona Arizona  Workshop and consults:
contact  Aileen Rose at 928-646-0297 or

Workshop at:  Westcott Home Auditorium, 1013 E. Mingus, Cottonwood, AZ 86326

October 15, Chicago Workshop and consults:
contact Sheri Giachetto at 630-257-9092 or
ctober 24, San Diego Primal Potluck 1 - 5 p.m.
(Potluck from 1-3 PM and Q&A from 3-5 PM.) at Liza Szabo's, 1663 Corte Orchidia,Carlsbad, CA. 92009

INFO:  760-603-YOGA (9642) OR

October 30, St. Louis Missouri Workshop and consults. Contact Jeff Slay at

Renegade Health Radio Show,
nutrition on the radio, interviewing Aajonus - on November 11, 2010. Details to be announced on this page

Here is what to expect at potlucks, free lectures, paid workshops and individual consultations.
A potluck is a potluck party in someone's home, a chance to meet others on the diet, share recipes or just plain party. This is followed by a 2 hour question and answer period for those who wish to stay and pay $30 to participate. Potlucks only occur in southern California due to demands on the author's time. There may be up to six per year.

Free lecture - no hype or products; just the truth about pure, whole foods and what they can do for you, regardless of your current condition. These usually run about one hour.

Paid workshop - coverage of topics of importance to those attending. Aajonus'current agenda includes a 5-6 hour coverage (can be longer) of Aajonus speaking about the proper functions of the circulatory, digestive, lymphatic and neurological systems. Other topics include: detoxification, vaccines, and "germs" like parasites, bacteria, fungi and viruses. He will also speak about what happens to food when it is cooked; and give suggestions of how much and when to eat fat, protein and carbohydrates. Cost $95.

An Individual Consult
includes iridology, glandular analyses and very detailed, personalized food recommendations. Aajonus has perfected the technique of iridology over the last 35 years to aid him in evaluating conditions in the deepest areas of the body. The iris is connected to every organ and tissue in the body by way of the nervous system. Iridology allows Aajonus to access information about the body non-invasively that would normally be very difficult to obtain. Reading Aajonus� book, We Want to Live , is a pre-requisite for an Individual Consult. The book can be purchased by clicking here. An Individual Consult lasts approximately 70 minutes and costs $385. Cash or checks accepted only.

Mini-consults in which Aajonus analyzes each person's glands and recommends particular foods s/he could eat to speed better health: additional $40; done immediately after the Workshop for all present to see and learn from.


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