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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #125 on: February 06, 2010, 03:24:36 am »
Do you eat the pork raw?
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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #126 on: February 06, 2010, 03:33:11 am »

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #127 on: February 06, 2010, 03:44:56 am »
Is there anything special about it, or just normal pork? Was it frozen to kill Trichinosis? Do you eat it regularly?

I don't really know what a pig would naturally eat, are yours just standard grain-fed? Or Free-ranging grain-fed or anything?

Basically any info you can give me, thanks.

"Wild pigs will eat practically anything, but their primary diet is leaves and grasses, roots, fruits and flowers. They will eat insects and dead carcasses and strip bark off trees. There are stories of swine killing snakes and such, but I have not actually seen that.
Domestic pigs are usually fed a diet of processed pellet feed. They seem to like it, even pigs with access to grazing areas and free time to forage just love their dinner pellets." -

I'm actually just about to go to the supermarket before it closes so your reply may influence my purchases =)
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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #128 on: February 06, 2010, 04:29:52 am »
Is there anything special about it, or just normal pork? Was it frozen to kill Trichinosis? Do you eat it regularly?

I don't really know what a pig would naturally eat, are yours just standard grain-fed? Or Free-ranging grain-fed or anything?

Basically any info you can give me, thanks.

"Wild pigs will eat practically anything, but their primary diet is leaves and grasses, roots, fruits and flowers. They will eat insects and dead carcasses and strip bark off trees. There are stories of swine killing snakes and such, but I have not actually seen that.
Domestic pigs are usually fed a diet of processed pellet feed. They seem to like it, even pigs with access to grazing areas and free time to forage just love their dinner pellets." -

I'm actually just about to go to the supermarket before it closes so your reply may influence my purchases =)

Avoid  pork in the supermarket. They are fed with junk food!
I used to eat free range pork fed with germinated grain.
Best is to eat wild boar if you can.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #129 on: February 06, 2010, 04:44:11 am »
If you guys don't mind, can you move this discussion into its own thread?

I'm still constipated unfortunately and bought some milk of magnesia that I will probably be taking shortly. My stool was very good last time around, and I don't remember being constipated at all so I'm still a bit perplexed. I started eating the strips of extra fat from whole foods so my fat content should be higher.

Also, I used to get headaches several times a week which all but disappeared the first time around as well. I'm not getting headachesbut my head is feeling some kind of pressure every now and then and its not pleasant. This could all be related to the constipation.

I have around 8 pounds of meat laying out in my room peacefully drying. I keep flipping the steaks over a couple times a day so that each side gets enough air. I still have yet to notice any bacteria buildup or bad smelling air. There is a stronger aroma now but its not bad just different.


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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #130 on: February 06, 2010, 06:44:02 am »
References ?

Sorry, was from before the intrenet. Veggy oils are made of evil cereal grains anyway. Forbidden to us.


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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #131 on: February 06, 2010, 02:48:36 pm »
Sorry, was from before the intrenet. Veggy oils are made of evil cereal grains anyway. Forbidden to us.

Oils from oily fruits (coconut, olive, avocado, etc.) are not evil, contrary to the oil from seed and grain. They are low in polyunsaturate fat. Of course they don't replace fat from healthy animal, especially seafood, wild fish and game.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #132 on: February 10, 2010, 09:54:41 am »
Still riding the wave out, lots of ups and downs, bouts of fatigue and depression seem to hit me everyday. I still get hungry quite often and almost feel hypoglycemic some mornings but this feeling usually passes on its own. I ate quite a good amount of fat this last week and gained some weight, looks to be all belly fat, so fat intake should not be too big a factor.
I haven't produced a turd on my own in about a week I think. I've used milk of magnesia twice now which lead me to pooping in 20 minutes the first time and about 5 the second. Not sure if its capable of working that fast but thats what happened.

I think I realized something important today, or rerealizing, that I am responsible for making myself feel so bad. Its as though I try my hardest to make sure that I feel bad regardless of the event. I will find whatever I can to put myself down. Pick out the aspects of myself that I think I am failing at and focus on those. I'm very self critical, always have been and its like I make sure I keep myself from succeeding. I look at how eloquent and detailed the posts that others make here and feel so unintelligent. I question my control of the english language.

I've been researching health and diet for the past year and half and feel that I can hardly remember anything I read. I have 100's of links saved, I've read GCBC twice, took 30 pages of notes on it. I even started studying for the mcat, not to go to med school, only so that I could better learn the sciences tested. The information I read all feels so fleeting, like I can't hold onto it like everyone else. . Perhaps this is part of the depression. I'm stuck in my reptillian mind, unable to use the vast space of the frontal cortex. I just feel dumb and feel it comes across in my posts.

I've always done very well on standardized tests that test math skills but generally pretty horrible at reading comprehension. I'm just confused at my own intelligence and get quite down when I can't figure out whats going on. I forget what I read so easily and have such a tough time explaining to others what I've read.

What I am proud of is a good general sense of whats right and wrong. I'm pretty poor at dispensing information to others but I always feel like I know whats right. This sort of intuitive feel is great for poker and gambling in general and carried me a long way there.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #133 on: February 10, 2010, 10:07:09 am »
Today has been a pretty good day and I got some good news. One of my good friends called me up earlier this week and it I talked to him last night. I had lots of energy, was relaxed and though wasn't as clever or creative with my words as I wanted to be I was happy and confident.

Well, he told me he could get me a job at his software company no problem. My initial gut feeling was that I wasn't interested and I didn't even ask about it. I finally asked about it to be polite but didn't put much thought into until today. I've never really had a job and I'm 28. I had one internship once with Schlumberger where I actually got to apply my stat degree for one summer, but thats it.  Its been nothing but poker the last 3 years.

I talked to my brother today and he got me thinking much more about the job. What would be the perfect job for me right now? I have no idea, I can't even really name anything. I can't even imagine how hard it would be for someone like me to get a job in this economy after being out of school for three years. I think the idea of working 8-10 hour days is VERY scary. I'm so accustomed to the immense instant gratification of poker that I feel like there is no way in hell I could ever manage through an entire work day, much less 5 in a row. I think it might be manageable 3 days a week, but no way 5 right now.

I can think of so many negatives right now - I can feel the agonizing afternoons with absolutely no motivation to work, feeling so bored, brain fried and foggy and tired and depressed. Ahh the pain. When I worked at Schlumberger I spent so much time doing nothing, even playing some poker. It was always a huge relief getting out.

But, since I don't know what I want to do (well, I do have an entreprenurial type idea that I'll talk about later) for now and am not getting paid much at all (this new job will pay almost 10x more :)), I think I'm going to go for it. I know its not ideal but I literally have no chances elsewhere and this kind of is falling right into my lap. I'll find out soon if my friend's excitement about the opening is as real as he made it seem.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #134 on: February 14, 2010, 10:11:10 pm »
First the bad news - I had a painful elimination yesterday morning in which I bled for the first time since I started my low carb journey 18 months ago. Several hours later in the evening I tried to go again and took a bunch of milk of magnesia but this time the pain was worse and extremely uncomfortable and had me cursing myself in the bathroom. Standing upright seemed to make the pain go away and it eventually did but it wasn't fun.

So, I'm confused again. I still get hungry quite often and feel I could eat almost continuosly throughout the day if I had to. I really thought I was eating enough fat but perhaps not. I still have no clue as to the macronutrient ratio I am eating. I'm going to really up the fat this time, unfortunately its not going to be grass-fed since I can't find it easily over here. I should be getting lots of marrow today.

After this fat trial run I will be adding in some greens. I'm really craving a greek salad about now.

Good news- I went to a local farm about 90 minutes from here and picked up 20 pounds of beef(all  they had). It was pretty neat, the farmer and his wife and his three girls, with the women dressed up in what looked like traditional early 20th century farming attire with long plain jeanish skirts with their hair in these buns. Looked almost amish. They were really nice and come into town once a week, so hopefully I can get some fat from them in the future. Also the beef I got wasn't frozen to the extremes of slankers and shold be cheaper as well. I'm going to try some of their home-made kefir soon as well.

Also, I might try fasting until the evening to eat. This actually worked well for me when I was travelling this summer and I was eating pretty high-carb cooked iet. For some reason I can't seem to go past noon now without really needing some food. I always take some food to lunch so maybe I' just won't this next week. I'm astill lifting and being active as much as I can which may further contribute to my hunger.


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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #135 on: February 15, 2010, 01:40:54 am »
For some reason I can't seem to go past noon now without really needing some food. I always take some food to lunch so maybe I' just won't this next week. I'm astill lifting and being active as much as I can which may further contribute to my hunger.

With enough fat on rzc we don't get hungry as we used to, so your guess that you have not been eating enough fat seems right to me.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #136 on: February 19, 2010, 07:59:20 am »
Lol, carb addiction.  My dad came to town and had won a 2-day cruise the bahamas for two and so we went. I had eaten a avacado and tomato salad the day before and so on the cruise I decided to ditch my 8 weeks of near raw paleo perfection. Both day I fasted the entire day, save for a bit of marrow mid-day and ate my insulin's content for dinner. I had 3 cooked prime ribs the first night with a good bit of veggies and salads and fruit. The second night I extended my carb intake and had potatoes and even a bit of cake though still lots of beef.

I came home, fasted again the entire day and feasted with my family this time eating some coconut cake and ice cream. The overhwelming euphoria from this feeding almost felt like I really needed it, almost necessary. I can't remember cake tasting so good. I stuffed myself three nights in a row but have now fasted 4 days in a row. I even tried some raw honey with the comb and it too tasted magnificent. I even dipped my raw meat in the good. The cooked carbs are so powerful.

I started doing a little math with regards to the fat/protein ratio I was consuming and I think I could have been severely malnourishing myself. I couldn't information from slankers about the nutrient profile. I actually sent them a kind request and got a borderline rude/hopeless answer but grass fed bottom round is about 3% fat so even if slankers chuck is 10% fat it will give me around 20g protein and 10g fat for every 100g or just about 50/50 ratio of protein to fat. If I was eating an average of 1.5 kg of meat a day this would lead to about 300g protein and 150g fat which is entirely way too much protein. These numbers are just made up and likely to be far off but perhaps somewhere in the ballpark.  This could easily be contributing to my poor results so far.

So, I've decided to reset my program a bit and really up the fat to the necessary 70-80% range. Thankfully slankers has some fat/suet available and I ordered 8lbs of it plus 25 pounds of bone marrow along with beef ribs, lamb shoulder, 4 beef hearts some liver, and a kidney. Some quick math estimates this order at around 60,000 total calories with at least 45000 coming from fat so a good 3:1 ratio. I'll be eating fruit and veggies, honey and dairy as well. I get cold quickly which is something that didn't happen last time as well so I'm really hoping it was carelessness with the amount of fat that was the problem.  Eating organs + fat is really cheap as well. This order will be 60% less than the last one and perhaps more calories as well.

Also, no side effects from eating the cooked meat and carbs. Had a really nasty elimination and am no longer constipated. I feel pretty energetic and refreshed and mentally confident and in general hopeful for the future. I'm going to be adding daily meditation soon as well.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #137 on: February 20, 2010, 05:47:06 am »
I'm resetting my weightlifting program as well and am going to stick to the starting strength routine outlined in the book. I usually jump up too quickly in weight too fast and I think I might have done it again. All my lifts stalled the last couple, perhaps also because of carb restriction, but also because I was lifting more frequently. I almost always wait 3 days between sessions but was trying out lifting more frequently to see if I could handle it. I had decent energy just no strength gains. I'm just putting down my work sets here.




Bentover rows


I'm still intermittent fasting and just broke a 24 hour fast with about 110g of marrow, perhaps 800 calories. I found a little old scale and measured the bone to marrow ratio and roughly found out that the bone is between 13 and 20% marrow. I had about 640g of straight bone and marrow together and so this works out to about 80-120g marrow. Caribou marrow is about 84% fat and 7% protein and using these numbers is how I got the 800 calorie estimate. I fel a bit light headed right now actualy and still hungry. I wil probably weight a few hours before I eat my dinner.

I was also up to 185 on the scale, the highest I've been since starting.


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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #138 on: February 20, 2010, 07:53:16 pm »
I'll be eating fruit and veggies, honey and dairy as well. I get cold quickly which is something that didn't happen last time as well so I'm really hoping it was carelessness with the amount of fat that was the problem. 

See rawlion's post, that he felt cold on fat until he tried butter instead.

I got high for a whole day after an evening meal that included 1/2 cup dry of sticky rice. I don't know what the biochemistry is doing, so fear it.


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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #139 on: February 21, 2010, 01:13:04 am »
I got high for a whole day after an evening meal that included 1/2 cup dry of sticky rice. I don't know what the biochemistry is doing, so fear it.
I get that from carbs, particularly refined grains and sugars. I get manic energy and a detached feeling. It's my Candida in a feeding frenzy.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #140 on: February 21, 2010, 03:29:29 am »
I don't think I was clear as usual but I did not get cold after eating the carbs. Infact I felt pretty good but this as always could be from a number of factors. Last year when I was eating the cooked fatty grain-fed beef I distinctly remember feeling pretty tolerant to the cold. I was also eating a good amount of cheese, eggs and some yogurt so I will try the dairy fat sooner than later (thanks William). Raw cream sounds really good right now and I should be getting some on wednesday as well as some kefir and some eggs.  I don't really like mixing so many variables at once but I am kind of hooked on variety right now so I'm going to try it all. This year, I have not been able to attain that same type of immunity to the cold and feel quite cold annoyingly often. This all points to a lack of fat. The winter has been unusually long here in Florida and I have barely got any sun at all.

Luckily I am still fairly young and have time to work out the kinks. It could take a few years before I settle on something more permanent, though I don't think I'll ever stop experimenting.

I'm still feeling quite hungry and can envision myself taking down several pounds of food if I really wanted to. Like last night, I kept dunking my the bare rib bones into the honey. Was magnificent.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #141 on: February 24, 2010, 12:31:05 pm »
My fingernails have these rather defined vertical ridges that make them look quite frail, ugly and like a 20 sided prism of sorts. I started doing some random searching and found quite a few links pointing to low absorbtion of minerals or protein. I also don't have lunula (the small crescent light moon shaped thing at the base of the nail) on my ring fingers and barely one on the other two. I do have a nice looking one on my thumbs though.

A couple days ago I had a huge helping of pasta for dinner with lots of ice cream for dessert and bloated up immediately. Felt like I could of done some damage if I was wearing a tight button up shirt. I can't remember ever being that full. From what I read today, this all is pointing to low stomach acid. So, I went and picked up some betaine HCL, which I've heard very good reviews about on here as well as ZIOH. Unfortunately all the brands had magnesium stearate which is frowned upon here but I was eager to experiment and grabbed a bottle anyways.

I took down about 50g of raw cheese, 200g salmon and 100g beef chuck and a bit of marrow, waited a bit and took a 600mg HCL pill. I believe I am very out of tune with connecting feelings in my body so I wasn't sure what to expect. Nothing happened after the first pill so I took another. Still nothing and I started eating more beef and still felt nothing. One of my friends called at this point so I wasn't able to concentrate on how I was feeling, though from what I read it should be fairly obvious that the HCL is kicking in. I think I took 3 more for a total of 3000mg and still didn't feel anything. I then ate some blueberries and honey and did not feel anything.

Now, about an hour later I feel slight pressure built up in my gut and maybe the softest feeling of warmth up my chest. Can't really tell for sure. I could have also got a small burst of energy during the phone call with my friend but nothing substantial.

I really want this HCL to be the missing link. My nails are disturbing to look at and I've had major troubles with bowel movements in the past and horribly chronic fatigue, which are all symptoms associated with low stomach acid. I don't want to overdo it though and will probably order some better quality HCL online.

I've never been to curezone but I found this interesting thread on fingernails.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2010, 12:36:56 pm by Paleo Donk »

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #142 on: February 24, 2010, 12:57:20 pm »
I have the ridges, don't have any visible lunulas and get leukonychia (white spots) if I don't take zinc supplements. The ridges decreased when I cut out gluten and again years later when I went ZC.
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
Beware of problems from chronic Very Low Carb


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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #143 on: February 24, 2010, 02:01:01 pm »
Me 3. It looks like Betaine HCl might be worth a try, from that link.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #144 on: February 25, 2010, 04:15:51 am »
Phil, do you take extra zinc outside of Dr. Ron's multi that you take? Have you noticed any other benefits from the supps that you take?

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #145 on: February 25, 2010, 10:04:00 am »
Phil, do you take extra zinc outside of Dr. Ron's multi that you take? Have you noticed any other benefits from the supps that you take?
I haven't been, and I haven't been good about taking the Dr. Ron's multi every day. My acne has stayed away, other than an occasional few tiny zits, but some leukonychia (fingernail white spots) came back, which indicates that I'm still at least a bit deficient in zinc, so I'm thinking that suggests I should take one of my old more potent zinc supplements now and then too. Maybe every 3 days or once a week. Or maybe buy a less potent zinc and add it to the Dr. Ron's and try to remember to take them daily. I read that hair loss can also be a symptom of zinc deficiency, which may explain why I continue to lose hair, albeit at a slower rate than in the past.

Zinc deficiency is also associated with being underweight and undermuscled, which are also problems I have, and my cousin has measured zinc deficiency and underweight also.

Signs and symptoms

Signs of zinc deficiency include hair loss, skin lesions, diarrhea, and wasting of body tissues. It is rarely recognised that lack of zinc can contribute to acne. Eyesight, taste,[9][10][11][12][13] smell and memory are also connected with zinc. A deficiency in zinc can cause malfunctions of these organs and functions. Congenital abnormalities causing zinc deficiency may lead to a disease called acrodermatitis enteropathica.

One easily recognized sign which may be caused by zinc deficiency is white spots, bands, or lines on fingernails (leukonychia). An occasional white spot is usually evidence that the immune system overcame a bacterial or some other systemic infection, and is a positive, not negative sign. Some women may have multiple parallel white bands or lines on the fingernails marking menstrual cycles when marginal zinc deficiency was present.

I eat plenty of red muscle meat and liver, which are very rich in zinc, but apparently not rich enough to offset my level of zinc deficiency. I've recently been drinking coffee off and on, which I discovered, "hampers the absorption of essential minerals including iron, magnesium, zinc and potassium, as well as the B vitamins." So I'll try to avoid the coffee.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2010, 10:24:51 am by PaleoPhil »
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
Beware of problems from chronic Very Low Carb

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #146 on: February 26, 2010, 05:39:27 am »
Thanks for the info on zinc. It might be good that you don't take the multi everyday seeing that it gives more than the daily recommended amount of most of the nutrients.

So, I have this fear of not be able to do anything right or the way its really supposed to be. For example, I'm taking these cheap betaine HCL pills right now. There is no set way of using them. I've looked online now on plenty of different sites with each of them recommending something slightly different. Some say take a bit before, some just say take it with the meal, some say to wait a period of time and then keep taking more and more until you feel a warmth or burning sensation in the gut. But, I feel I'm so insensitive to these types of feelings. I had 3 fking grams of HCL and didn't really feel anything a couple days ago. I then read another guys journal who would take a more HCL than this and still not feel anything but when he switched pills he noticed the burn much faster. So maybe he was overdosing before and damaging his gut. fuck my life, I can't figure this out. And then I've read other people say that they had to increase their HCL intake over time. fml again. And then theres the mg stearate issue. fml. Now I looked into getting pure powder hcl with none of the other filler junk, but this wont have the pepsin and it will taste quite bad. fml. and now it looks like I have all sorts of mineral diffeciences. What mg should I take. What zinc do I need. I have lots of symptoms of heavy metal poisoning. Now do I have to follow all these steps at curezone to get rid of this shit? what if I do that wrong and get the metals moved to other more important parts of my body and not out? fml.  What about coenzyme q10 and fermented cod liver oil and dolomite and bone meal and french green clay and raw egg yolks and effects of freezing on nutrients and the effects of having frozen meat wrapped in sheets of plastic for weeks. fml, fml, fml, fml!!! I have 10 fillings Im pretty sure are filled with mercury amalgam. I remember having chunks of the fillings stay in my mouth after the fillings were put in. Do I get these removed. Do I reshape my jaw. My eyes are permenantly bloodshot and have pinguecula. Wtf does this mean? Im pretty sure my fat to protein ratio during the first 2 months was 50:50 at best and probably worse. Probably explaining my incessant hunger all the time. Now I'm going to be eating a lot of marrow. What if the marrow isnt saturated enough, what if the suet is too saturated. fml. I have trouble frequently completing sentences and will literally have sentences trail off into nothingness everday. Sometimes I just stop speaking in the middle of a sentence. I feel so awkward. Who else cant complete sentences? Even when I write here I'm constantly erasing and editing and rereading. Nothing really flows. Im scared this will remain the rest of my life. I can't let go and just let my brain work in a relaxed state. Makes me really want to get piss drunk to have that feeling where I can flow again.

Well theres a lot more to my rant, but stuff like this goes through my head everyday. I feel so confused and I absolutely hate it. I've never been organized and it just annoys me that I have so many unanswered questions. I can actually logically challenge and counter lots of these assertions I made above pretty easily which will ease their burden greatly. But I just felt like spilling more out here. I always find a way to see the negative or filter out the positives in any situation. Ha, thats one thing Im confident about.

After all this, my overall energy level is improving though clearly I'm still anxious as hell and feel very unsure about most everything.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #147 on: February 26, 2010, 06:36:52 am »
I relate 100%

even if I am on a path, and not focused on these things, as soon as some factor or even suspicion emerges that one thing is potentially getting in the way of that path, than all the other stuff comes back into mind and it is incredibly frustrating and daunting.  The amalgams/heavy metal/candida triangle is a perfect example. its like, here I am doing my best to starve out and also heal nutrition things, but if the candida is present to devour heavy metals then it doesn't make sense to just approach things through nutrition, especially if the problem is blocking proper nutrition, and yet as you say certain protocols to remove metals can supposedly just disperse them elsewhere, and then others that say you will continually be poisoned as long as you have amalgams, then there is danger/expense in that and on and on. And one would think the fact that many people that have amalgams dont have the same problems, overtly anyway, would be comforting but then again people consume all kinds of crap and don't have the same overt issues. I've been doing these alternative type approaches long enough that I don't even remember how I might eat/live if I did say 'fuck it' . I find if i'm very occupied by health stuff and not a whole lot else going on in my life, its more of a recipe to get incredibly discouraged. I recognize sometimes people have no choice to be so dedicated etc...but this is one thing I can suggest as a shifting of lifestyle-->mindset.


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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #148 on: February 26, 2010, 07:17:46 am »
Take a deep breath.
Do some of your exercises in your book.
You're just in a bad mindset at the moment; things will resolve themselves.

Lets see if we can ease some of the fears of the moment. :)
So, I have this fear of not be able to do anything right or the way its really supposed to be. For example, I'm taking these cheap betaine HCL pills right now. There is no set way of using them. I've looked online now on plenty of different sites with each of them recommending something slightly different. Some say take a bit before, some just say take it with the meal, some say to wait a period of time and then keep taking more and more until you feel a warmth or burning sensation in the gut. But, I feel I'm so insensitive to these types of feelings. I had 3 fking grams of HCL and didn't really feel anything a couple days ago. I then read another guys journal who would take a more HCL than this and still not feel anything but when he switched pills he noticed the burn much faster. So maybe he was overdosing before and damaging his gut. fuck my life, I can't figure this out. And then I've read other people say that they had to increase their HCL intake over time. fml again. And then theres the mg stearate issue. fml. Now I looked into getting pure powder hcl with none of the other filler junk, but this wont have the pepsin and it will taste quite bad. fml.
Cheap doesn't necessarily mean inefficient. Betain HCL is cheap stuff to make.
When my wife and I experimented with it we used Twinlab's Betaine HCL Caps with pepsin. They're 648mg HCL and 130mg pepsin. they were on sale at 2 bottle for $17.95. I purchased the Twinlab brand because I've always had good luck with their products I used in the past.
We took one capsule immediately following the meal. Then one further capsule every 10-15 minutes after that until we felt either a burn in the back of the throat or heat in the stomach. I was desensitized to the feeling so took 2 or 3 I think the first time and had pretty vicious heartburn. The second time I felt it after one and determined I don't need them. My wife took numerous caps before she felt it but it was a clear heat in the stomach for her.
If you didn't feel anything I think you need it. It's possible the strength of the capsules isn't as advertised but I don't think there's any way you'd get that much HCL in you and not feel anything unless you were deficient.
There's no logical reason one would have to increase their dosage. If they did then they have something else continuing to impair their digestion and in fact making it worse.
I could give a damn about magnesium stearate. If the HCL is a working means to an end for someone then that outweighs this particular filler in my mind.

and now it looks like I have all sorts of mineral diffeciences. What mg should I take. What zinc do I need. I have lots of symptoms of heavy metal poisoning. Now do I have to follow all these steps at curezone to get rid of this shit? what if I do that wrong and get the metals moved to other more important parts of my body and not out? fml. 
What symptoms?
Many heavy metal poisoning symptoms are present in plenty of other problems.
I wouldn't worry about it at the moment. If there's any heavy metal there it can wait a bit longer while you balance yourself a bit more.

What about coenzyme q10 and fermented cod liver oil and dolomite and bone meal and french green clay and raw egg yolks and effects of freezing on nutrients and the effects of having frozen meat wrapped in sheets of plastic for weeks. fml, fml, fml, fml!!!
The single worst thing for your body is stress & worry.
There are plenty of things that work for people in wonderful ways out there but it's all a mixed bag.
You've admitted before that you can get fixated on things; you're doing that right now. IMO you need to keep to the basics of raw paleo and then you can try whatever you like as a supplement. It's really hard to figure out if the supplement helps if you don't know exactly what your baseline feels.

I have 10 fillings Im pretty sure are filled with mercury amalgam. I remember having chunks of the fillings stay in my mouth after the fillings were put in. Do I get these removed.
You could. It's a drastic & costly move if you're not sure it's a problem.

Do I reshape my jaw.
See above.

My eyes are permenantly bloodshot and have pinguecula. Wtf does this mean?
I have no idea, maybe someone else does.

Im pretty sure my fat to protein ratio during the first 2 months was 50:50 at best and probably worse. Probably explaining my incessant hunger all the time. Now I'm going to be eating a lot of marrow. What if the marrow isnt saturated enough, what if the suet is too saturated. fml.
If it was off then you adjust. Better to know now then 6 months from now. It would explain the hunger. To satisfy my curiosity what ratio (by volume) and types were you eating?
I've personally developed a real taste for marrow recently whereas I couldn't stand it before. I look at it that my body wants more soft fats right now as opposed to the harder suet I'd been eating.
I don't think there's such a thing as not saturated enough for a fat. You can always eat more of a soft fat if you need to. Suet can obviously be too saturated for some but it shouldn't be too hard to tell by your bathroom habits.

I have trouble frequently completing sentences and will literally have sentences trail off into nothingness everday. Sometimes I just stop speaking in the middle of a sentence. I feel so awkward. Who else cant complete sentences?
I used to do that a lot and I do still do it some.

Even when I write here I'm constantly erasing and editing and rereading. Nothing really flows. Im scared this will remain the rest of my life. I can't let go and just let my brain work in a relaxed state.
I was that way in the past. Things work better now and they are still improving. I know it's redundant and not what you want to hear right now but have faith.

Well theres a lot more to my rant, but stuff like this goes through my head everyday. I feel so confused and I absolutely hate it. I've never been organized and it just annoys me that I have so many unanswered questions. I can actually logically challenge and counter lots of these assertions I made above pretty easily which will ease their burden greatly. But I just felt like spilling more out here. I always find a way to see the negative or filter out the positives in any situation. Ha, thats one thing Im confident about.
Years ago I used to be one of the most cynical and negative people in the world. It just came about as a result of my very depressed immune-system (which led to mental depression, in hindsight, for a long time). I was angry at the world, very touchy with my mood, quick to anger, and quicker to violence. I get joked with now about being too positive and seeing the positive lining in everything/everyone.
Diet did some of the mending and positive thinking did the rest.

After all this, my overall energy level is improving though clearly I'm still anxious as hell and feel very unsure about most everything.
This is quite possibly another sign that your protein to fat ratio is too high. Give a high volume of fat as marrow a shot and see how you feel in a week.

Offline Paleo Donk

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #149 on: February 27, 2010, 09:09:27 pm »
Take a deep breath.
Do some of your exercises in your book.
You're just in a bad mindset at the moment; things will resolve themselves.

Thanks for all the compassion and the analysis, these steps above have never failed the last couple months. Its weird how I have something that works so well and so easy to implement but I still finding myself avoiding it. Luckily, my convictions towards my ramble are not as strong as they were a few months ago.

When I wrote this long rambling ramblish diatribe I had just come back from work where I had spent about 6 straight hours doing nothing but fiddling around on the computer researching random things to optimize my health. I didn't really take a break the whole time and couldn't really pull myself away to do any real work. There's always a kid who needs special attention at the school but at the same time there are enough teachers to handle the problems without me. I'm not a necessity I suppose but I could make a big difference if I so choose. For whatever reason, I decided not to help and keep my nose squarely in front of the computer screen. I see this no differently than a drug. I was literally drugged out of my mind. Sure, there are positives associated with it - I do learn a bit more about what my optimal being will develop into - but I also lose myself in the process, I drift away, always finding a way to link myself to more research. Very little of it sticks. I don't take notes, I merely read and move on and then usually forget.

I do get this temptation everyday to browse for hours. I really crave the internet! That need for instant gratification is so strong. So, I'm going to need to do something about extended internet browsing as this likely lead to my rant.

I feel pretty decent right now actually, even after a heavy carb binge a couple days ago. I've started eating raw egg yolks - I've heard a good number of things about them on here. They are my best source for the very important polyunsaturated fat DHA, vital to good brain development. I will look into getting brains in the near future as this is likely the best source for it. Brains seem to have been a paleo staple and likely one of the reasons we evolved such large brains so why not eat them? Most all tissue outside the brain in land animals has only trace amounts of DHA, plants have none as well, though sea creatures seem to contain plenty.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2010, 09:23:44 pm by Paleo Donk »


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