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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #275 on: June 21, 2010, 12:46:43 pm »
I've gone through periods on various raw diets of extreme vulnerability and emotional release. alot of it is feeling it out and letting in pass, knowing that it cannot actually harm you.

I think alot of people (from what I've seen) sometimes have a similar experience, that diet helps facilitate some of the deeper work, and NOT that it necessarily gets rid of problems at all, although I do think part of the issue re: anxiety does have to do with physical stuff.

for me it still an ongoing battle to mark down objective improvements and things or else. I don't succumb to depression per se (even though I've been in terrible dark ones in my lifetime) but more of like an ungrateful and pointless take on the whole thing if I don't monitor my thoughts and find activities that bring meaning to my life. Noticing the changes in pain or prowess - while not guarantees of following the right WOE - still have their significance in terms of having power over those (ones) circumstances. Meditating (for lack of a better word) on that can prove very beneficial.

a friend of mine once said that if you can choose three people that you cannot stand completely and can figure out a way to really understand, be more civil, and show support to that person, than you will have developed a greater capacity to show kindness to yourself. It sounds hokey, but it may be one way out of the cycle of constant thoughts/arguments etc...also the traditional ideas about having structure and positive routines and ways to break harmful ones is also of great value.

It may be an issue of priorities but possibly also an acceptance that the diet, physical stress, sunshine - all good things -might be accelerating these kinds of feelings, and even the idea that that is a factor might help with any corresponding guilt or spiraling and just an acceptance that having some or even alot of internal baggage is totally normal.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 12:52:43 pm by KD »

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #276 on: June 21, 2010, 09:10:23 pm »
Yes, it all works together. Diet and Mind. I was making the case that I could most likely overcome a pretty bad diet with a very solid mental approach (and not as easily the other way around), though I'd probably be sick in 30 years. I mean, the only people that I know that care about diet are online. Every single one of my friends seems to overcome their terrible diets and seem at least as happy as me. If it takes me 5 years to get my diet reasonably settled that'll be great.

Mentally, things were accelerating for me in rehab and during the first part of the year (when I was much stricter diet wise - again usually all or nothing for me) but have really fallen off the last couple months when my diet has spun out of control.

One simple reoccurring anecdote (not in the last year or so though) is when I would take amphetamines before going out at night. My mind would very quickly clear, all anxieties taken a back seat and I would notice my body would start functioning better. I would urinate far less frequently when drinking, it was amazing. My anger book tells me that hangovers are far worse for angry people and I would have notoriously bad and depressed hangovers. These never happened even after 10+ drinks with the uppers. I also don't have ADD and have taken and passed those tests with ease. Mainly because I do not tolerate doing poorly on standardized type tests. I do however have horribly bad attention span in real life situations where it counts as my mind is wrapped up in something else and I do not get graded on it.

Its actually very cool to see what kind of things you notice whenever you are not locked into your own thoughts. I surprise myself with these rarely used abilities. Creative thoughts just kind of pop into my head.

There is still that fear of losing myself by becoming present in the world. I have worked so hard to be in my own mind that it is scary thinking about never coming back. All the little superstitions and phobias that I have used to control my emotions from leaking out have been a huge part of my life. Of course, there is little truth to these fears as I feel far better letting go of the anxious thoughts but it remains.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #277 on: June 23, 2010, 12:15:35 pm »
I am going to try and eat healthy once again and do some kind of diet getting most of my calories from egg yolk, raw butter and cooked starch. I will eat some raw meat and fat but I want to test AV's egg yolk diet. I will also add honey and probably some citrus to the yolks. I have a good source for eggs which have the added benefit of being an entire animal (an argument I don't see many people making), though I don't believe they are fertilized.

I have been eating plenty of yolks the past month or so but will try and ramp it up to 20 or more. If everything goes well, maybe even more up to 40 (thats only 2k calories). I'm also going to consider doing some mini-fasts and am working on how to approach this. I still feel clogged up inside.

Also, I am a complete idiot. I was only doing about 35 yard dashes. I somehow could not even measure the distance properly with a tape measure. I am so often conservative with these types of things I don't know what the fk came over me. This explains how fast I was, even though I've timed myself around 4.8 before. I guess it was just wishful thinking that my squat had helped my performance that much. Still, it was nice to run pain free, though today my legs felt really tight and inflexible.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #278 on: June 23, 2010, 12:40:16 pm »
I think the thing that makes the most sense to me about Aajonus is that although the systems can seem complicated or strange or just wrong, that his fundamental goal is to create a method that is BOTH cleansing and building that heals more efficiently than either alone. He has tons of long term experience with water fasting and definitely gets many people that come from that world and he has determined (to the best of his ability) that these methods are not healthful and very possibly harmful, which is why he has his little tricks on how to basically 'fast' with added benefits of fat and nutrients to help replace/remove harmful products. This is opposite the hygiene position that the body always knows how to eliminate even foreign substances from the body safely.

where does the starch come in? I think that is only in special circumstances and like mentioned in threads here mostly phased out. Although I know a guy who was currently being recommended a very small bit of cooled rice like once a week or something

As I understand it the AV combination is vegetable juice fast with raw whole egg, or butter/honey/whole egg intermix.

I think Rawzi can explain it better than I but other than the general reasons for including the whole egg, it is believed that in those systems/cleanses the egg (white I think in particular) helps move toxins and such through the bowel. There are some claims about un-fertile eggs, but this seems to be another one of those quality issues that seems less relevant to primals as a lesser of two evils between no white ingested.

not that you have to adhere to any of this. Just added info.


4.8 or better seems pretty fast man, seems like NFL range to me.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #279 on: June 23, 2010, 09:51:04 pm »
The added info is great - I have seen very few reports about anyone really staying on this egg yolk cleansing type diet for an extended period of time. Re: egg whites - There are several members here who report bad experiences with egg whites and a paper posted on the lack of digestibility of the whites (likely unfertile). I'm not sure how this translates into removal of toxins especially if its taken together with the yolk. Wouldn't it pull some good nutrition with it through the bowels? The same thing that fiber does. I have some green clay that I haven't used in a while that is supposedly good for pulling toxins through and I might go ahead and start using this in the mornings instead of using eating the whites. Rooney advocated activated charcoal for beginners as well, which looks like it would work. I will stick with the yolks for now and maybe experiment with the whites later on, and especially so if I can get fertilized eggs.

I'm not sure what to think of complete fasting yet. I'd rather not try it seeing as you are guaranteed to lose muscle. I wonder if fasting for a few days at a time while doing this yolk diet would be the best of both worlds. Moving towards zero-carb seems like it would be a good step before fasting so maybe I will start skipping days when I eat once I get my fat calories up high enough.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #280 on: June 23, 2010, 11:31:26 pm »
Right, well, you got to figure in that mind that most people view all symptoms from even natural foods as bad. Largely the symptoms would probably be diarrhea and the like which people would assume is poor digestion. Its true that eggs in the wild would likely always be fertile, but the issues over avadin and such seem to be scientifically poor. Regardless whether they are right or not I still think PD'ers would see eating whole eggs from a pastured source to be acceptable and preferable than only eating yolks until there is a fertile source. This could very well be wrong. The only counter is I don't think many people are eating fertile eggs even the big consumers. I don't think I've ever had a fertile egg, and although I don't eat lots of eggs I only periodically get any intestinal stuff. I know my body is not in a perfect state so its a toss up on what to attribute it and still mostly side on cleanup as opposed to just poorly absorbed nutrition. There are alot of indigestible things one can eat that usually don't 'cause' such symptoms.

as for the bowel stuff, I don't understand how it works either but I suspect its not the same as fibrous material. If so fasting is usually the main goal of cleansing and resting, and taking it easy shouldn't require as much nutrition. I've experimented some with charcoal, I think that is more like to do with poisons in the stomach. I havn't tried clay.

either way, if you are doing just yolks and nothing else or the butter or things, your body is greatly conserving energy. It will probably be good to take a break from the workouts, hang out in the sunshade a fiction book or something.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #281 on: June 25, 2010, 08:26:31 am »
I think if I could intravenously get my nutrition I would as this would surpass digestion and allow any of those organs to heal if need be. That might be wrong but that would be interesting to do if possible.

Eating a mono-diet as prescribed by quite a few on the forum probably mimics this as much as possible and this is another reason to do just the yolks without the whites. The yolks, I would guess are probably easier to digest by themselves.

I suppose I am on day 2 of the yolk and starch diet. I had 6 yolks with a touch of honey and then some yams in the afternoon with a bunch of raw butter. I tried some wild caught salmon (300g) and that was pretty decent. I had a few small fruits mixed in as well and overall ate much less than I had the last few weeks and was pretty hungry when i went to bed and had a few more fruits but was able to control the total outbreak that normally happens. I think part of this control had to with my evening in which I spent with one of my friends who has more mental instability than me. I was rigorously honest with him and was able to open up and speak freely and confidently. This no doubt helped me maintain control of my food intake.

Today though I had a bit of a fruit implosion along with some milk and passed out immediately after. I did have more potatoes with butter which tasted very good almost to the point of healing.

I also front squatted 315 for a 15 pound PR.

I finally got something on tape

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #282 on: June 27, 2010, 09:05:19 am »
Had 16 egg yolks yesterday with 4 squeezed limes and a touch of honey. I was only hungry right before bed but instead of going in for the starch just went to sleep. I don't plan on making this a low calorie experiment at all. I wasn't that hungry so I didn't eat.

This morning I went to go pick blueberries at a local farm. is a great site with a list of farms that allow you to pick your own fruits. The blueberries were excellent for the most part and definitely sweeter than the store variety, almost like candy. I went with my mom and we picked 7.5 pounds and I ate about half of them myself.

That was a mistake and for one of the first times ever I had whole undigested food in my stool within hours of intake. Lots of blueberry skin. I didn't feel bad at all, just had quite a bit of rumbling in my stomach and frequent trips to the toilet. Perhaps this is a good sign that food is going through me quickly. It seems I am perpetually clogged.

I gave myself a coffee enema yesterday and somehow absorbed almost all of it.

I got some blood tests back about a week ago. Elevated bilirubin, low ceruloplasmin, low white blood cell count. This again makes perfect sense about my troubles with zero-carb. I plan on liver flushing in about a week if I can stay on this diet high in yolks. Hopefully the combination of this liquid diet, chinese herbs and enemas does the trick and I get something out.

I should be getting a good amount of raw butter here soon.

I was really bummed about USA losing to Ghana, they played well and had so many more chances to score just couldn't connect. I've played soccer my entire life. I really should get back into playing.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #283 on: June 27, 2010, 09:35:32 am »
blueberry skins don't digest well for many, its quite normal

Some foods (like berries) can move pretty quick through the system, it doesn't mean there is no waste otherwise, but yeah probably a good sign.

I'd be somewhat concerned about the coffee enema, are you in touch with anyone with alot of experience with this? Sometimes with a typical enema, absorption is like when someone is really dehydrated, maybe its best to not do them (CEs) at certain times or arbitrarily. I don't know exactly myself but yeah would be good to be in touch with someone. Remember also with some of this stuff, having so many variables is hard to tell what is working or not. It might be a matter of doing the liquid plan and then doing the liver stuff, back to the liquids and maybe back to RPD for a period before going on another cycle. sticking to a long term plan that involves periodic cleansing will be superior to short term attempts to correct all the issues in one shot. At least that is my experience.

nice vid. 'Country First!

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #284 on: June 28, 2010, 06:45:11 am »
I think you're right, it might be ideal to take off from any kind of physical activity, save stretching and walking in the sun for quite some time and just focus all my energy on healing, which means completely removing myself from the computer. I am very hesitant to do this because of all the progress I have made with my strength training. But I have lots of little aches and pains (probably due to slouching for so many years and incorrect exercising) as well as being severely inflexible and would probably benefit greatly in the long run if I could heal and re-balance my body.

As for the coffee enema - I think quite a bit of it leaked out as it was going in. I've done around 10 enemas total and they've all immediately come out. I have read reports of others absorbing the enemas without issues. The number of bad experiences seem to be very low with the CE's.

The thing with liver flushing is that it would most likely go much better while on the yolk diet since this is already supposedly cleansing out my system anyways.

I skimmed through Matt Stones free ebook and he is a huge proponent of dropping everything and healing. His method of healing is to eat as much as possible from non-grain, low-fructose natural foods until your morning body temperature rises to normal levels. I'm not sure about the overfeeding bit as I have basically been doing this the last couple months but many people have had success in the short time period that its been around.

Also, I am going to a monastery out around San Antonio tomorrow for the day to explore the possibility of staying out there for some time to do some labor.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #285 on: June 30, 2010, 10:32:10 am »
Had 18 egg yolks with 3 limes in the afternoon and then a sweet potato and part of a boniato (a sweet type of potato) at dinner.

I don't seem to be binging on the potatoes though this could just be because once I run out I must wait a long while to cook more up if I'm still hungry and then my hunger usually passes if its still around if I just avoid eating.

The stricter I am with my diet, the easier it seems to follow - again, an all or nothing crusader I am, but hopefully as my depression and anxieties lessen I will be able to find a middle road with these type of things. Doing raw zero carb was actually pretty easy the beginning of the year once I got into it. It was adding that small amount of carbs that quickly blew open the carb floodgates (and my stopped bowels).

I have lost a few pounds after stabilizing right around 195 eating just about as much I could the last couple months.

I seem to be noticing more things going on during digestion with this yolk experimentation. Not necessarily with the yolks but when eating potatoes I notice them in my stomach pretty quickly after eating which is something that I was never really that good at detecting before. Its not a bad feeling, I just feel something there.

I have not been strict with the yolks and starch (which I'm fine with) and at the monastery where the monks are essentially vegetarian (though they scarf down any and all sweets - cakes, cookies, whatever... which is ironic because there isn't as much self control as there is  when limiting these things) and lots of other vegetation, which could of been responsible for my fruit binge the other night.

It seems the only thing that stops my sugar craving is zero-carb but again perhaps this is a mental insufficiency that is influencing my cravings as I have noted previously that when my mind is together I can generally control my cravings better.

My bowels are moving regularly but not at all solid, but at least I'm not shooting blanks anymore.

Also, I lifted barefoot for the first time today and did some squatting and held 315 on my back in a deep squat for a few seconds (felt like an eternity). This isn't that interesting but when I put my shoes back on (after lifting without them for an hour) I felt like I was walking with bricks as shoes. I put shoes on all the time after being barefoot all day and never feel that big of a difference so perhaps the squatting barefoot with some weight helped in some respect. I will try and lift barefoot all the time now.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 10:39:06 am by Paleo Donk »

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #286 on: July 03, 2010, 03:47:10 am »
Still haven't fully committed to yolk diet, averaging less than a dozen a day. I've had a couple days of low protein intake ~ around 30g. Yesterday I nearly fasted the entire day, which is not really my goal again but I wasn't really craving anything since the yolks aren't really that appetizing. I went to go lift this morning and felt pretty good before going and was planning on overhead pressing 80 pound dbs for a set of 5 since I got 3 last time. I couldn't get 1 today so my strength definitely went down. There are of course many factors but the low protein is likely the biggest culprit. I came home and immediately gobbled up a dozen yolks (30g protein). Waited half an hour and then had 3 small potatoes with butter and immediately passed out. Perhaps I should have waited longer.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #287 on: July 06, 2010, 11:14:04 am »

Number of yolks I have eaten the previous 4 days beginning with today. I'm still confused as to what my carbohydrate consumption should be or when I should eat them - as far away from the eggs as possible sounds right. I have felt slightly uneasy a bit after consuming my egg and lime mixture a few times, but nothing too bad. Today I felt something spasming in my gallbladder/liver area. There is a liver flush mixture that is just a couple yolks with a few limes and a teaspoon of oil that has supposedly worked for a few people - so my mixture itself is basically a liver flush and is quite a rush of liquid fat so this could be the reason for the spasming.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #288 on: July 09, 2010, 11:56:30 am »
I pretty much fasted the entire day until just now almost on accident, just never really got hungry. I think I am becoming better at controlling my honey consumption. It definitely does not taste anywhere near as good as it did a couple months ago where I would eat up to a few hundred grams at time and couldn't keep a jar more than a couple days. I now have 4 different brands of honey, each of which I've had for several weeks. I think I nearly finished an entire jar on the way home from the market once I was that addicted. Although it did momentarily increase my hunger in the morning when I had a teaspoon or two, the hunger went away fairly quick.

I had a small (400 grams) shank steak with a bit of honey because it seemed like the right thing to do, though I was not really that hungry. I have given up fruits the last few days which are unbelievably addictive to me. I can't stop eating them and never got the point where I wanted to stop and always had to consciously stop my intake. At least with honey now, I am getting some kind of stop.

No yolks today but will get right back on it tomorrow. Also have done several more coffee enemas, I still feel pretty stopped up. Also had some fully intact corn (when I cheated last night having dinner with a friend) in my stool half a day later. I can't say the enemas are doing much more than the warm water or saline variety but they are getting a good bit of gunk out and I feel slightly better afterward. I might look into an actual bowel cleansing system in the next few months if this yolk and liver flushing routine does not get the job done.

I also got to play some basketball and dunked from a run on a 9'10" goal. It wasn't a very clean dunk but it counts and gives me some confidence that my vertical has gone up a bit. I couldn't dunk on the same goal a year ago when I was a drunk. I was also easily out jumping nearly everyone so that was nice but my on-court stamina sucks and it hurt to breathe after my first game. Still loads of fun and was excited that I got out the house and did something. Still depressed but am working everyday to get better. Reading, breathing deeply and using the coping skills are a tremendous help as always. I'm still stuck in my head much of the day and have these absurd scenarios replaying in my head over and over again. I've found that at least in the car when I'm listening to music that attempting to freestyle flow is helping my mind stay away from these horrible thoughts. Its pretty fun and ridiculous hearing what comes to mind but it forces me to think on my toes and not worry about stuff that will never even make it to reality.

I've pretty much given up on the starches as well - they never really sat that well with me. If I really crave one I'll go ahead and eat one but the moderate amounts of honey seem to be ok for now as far as satisfying any carb cravings. This is very likely to change but things are looking good.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 12:07:41 pm by Paleo Donk »

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #289 on: July 09, 2010, 12:23:09 pm »
when i'm constipated i do a vitamin C flush, otherwise known as an ascorbate flush. you buy a mineral ascorbate powder and just put 1 tsp or more in water and drink every 15 minutes until your bowels release.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #290 on: July 10, 2010, 01:48:42 am »
Still depressed...

Try tantric sex. It's like normal sex but instead of going for the orgasm you focus on building up the energy between the two of you. You stay fully present in the moment and go for as long as you want. It takes sex to a whole new level and is more mind blowing than any drug. There's no way you'll stay depressed after 3 hours of this.
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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #291 on: July 11, 2010, 06:47:59 am »
I think tantric sex, for me, will only be realizable once my depression has been lifted (and unfortunately not the other way around). I have absolutely no chance right now of sustaining an erection for anywhere near 3 hours. In fact, I'd guess that well over 90% of the time I can only remain erect for less than 10 minutes. I am pretty terrible at sex - always have been. I get tired very easily - I don't see how people can keep thrusting for more than a minute or two at a time. I certainly can't without taking a breather and then when I do take a breather I lose sensation and the erection ceases. Even if I don't get tired I get the urge to finish very quickly nearly every time. Alcohol actually cures a decent amount of this leading me to believe that once my depression is lifted I can preform sex (and most other human actions) adequately.

I've tried numerous little mental tricks to last longer, but who the hell likes doing math or thinking of dead people during sex. It's just difficult to relax and enjoy the person I'm with. I'm actually confident that I will be able to work through the things that are keeping me depressed with what I am doing now. Antidepressants (which I am currently not taking) have also helped out quite a bit with sexual performance.

So to sum it up - tantric sex is likely to be a useful tool for me in my recovery but is too advanced for me to partake in now. For instance, I am still learning to assert myself positively to those around me, learning to say no, overcoming phobias of talking to authority, etc... And, thank you for the idea.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #292 on: July 11, 2010, 09:33:02 am »
This is turning me on... :D

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #293 on: July 11, 2010, 09:52:27 am »
I think people forget that doing happy things doesn't necessarily help depression if it is largely chemical. But it is important when depressed to try to do as much joyful stuff as possible.

I experimented with real tantra through kundalini, its more of an energetic thing.

I also tried having non-ejaculative sex and not masturbating for quite a few months. although the sex was towards the end. Its just one of those things that is more of a 'practice', I don't think I was any healthier then per se.

I hear you about the dead people thing. I don't know if thats in my tool-set, but often when I'm with someone, I have to focus mostly on pleasuring them and not on my own stuff. It works for longevity, but the whole thing seems to lose its whole magic. very ironic. Often if its twice and a row its easier to be in the moment more or basically just fuck good.

congrats on the dunk.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #294 on: July 11, 2010, 04:12:56 pm »
K, If the above is working for you, then perhaps I should share some of my hilariously entertaining stories of sexual inadequacy.

KD, I agree doing joyful things is good. I would like to do as many as possible within the limits of my recovery. Sex is surely one of these things. I do like the act just as much as anyone and don't have much if any fear when performing. I usually try and have sex for as long a time as possible, just can't get myself to do it. Though I have done no formal visualizations or meditations or positive self-talk beforehand and certainly no formal tantric stuff, so these preparations would probably help. Yea, working on pleasing the other person is something I do a lot of - not necessarily because I'm cool like that just so that the ordeal can last longer.

Yes dunking was cool. I really felt like I was lifting off nicely. If I can lose a bit of weight and gain a bit of strength then hopefully I'll be able to dunk on 10' goal pretty soon. I did some moderately heavy deadlifts barefoot for the first time and now have some soreness at the front part of my shins, which is definitely a new type of soreness I have not experienced before. I have also tried to walk barefoot properly. I still get lazy if I am not paying attention and land on my heels. Its hard for me to go more than a half a minute walking proper barefoot which utilizes much more of my calves. I've wondered now for a while if I've had really weak calves - them and my wrists are the only muscles that are still relatively small in size.

The sore calves from deadlifts and the difficulty walking properly barefoot lead me to believe that I indeed have weak calves. I think its possible that modern weightlifting shoes that significantly lift the calves are doing a pretty big disservice for those that want to gain calf strength. The muscle is shortened and eliminates the need for its use. I definitely keep experimenting lifting without shoes - hopefully this brings my calf strength right up where it needs to be to be able to sustain barefoot walking and eventually running long distances.

This is starting to make more sense to me right now - I've heard quite a few people say that calf-size is just genetic and that even doing heavy squats and deadlifts and olylifts will not make much of an improvement for calf-size (though strength should probably improve). I wonder if this is all connected to lifting with shoes and walking with shoes. I've been a lazy walker and huge heel striker my whole life. Well, I am excited about this new possibility of getting some strength and size in my calves (if you couldn't tell already...) which could even further add to my vertical.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #295 on: July 12, 2010, 01:35:02 am »
More good news - I was able to squat barefoot for the longest period of time yet - in the 3-5 minute range without too much pain. I could barely balance myself just a few weeks ago. I still cannot completely relax but could have probably gone longer and might think about squatting together with either reading, watching tv or meditating with a mandala (which I recently just started doing).

I found a good article on becoming a "frontfoot dominant athlete" in which barefoot training is recommended.

Also just completed a coffee enema and got a good amount of gunk out and feel quite at peace right now.

Also, I have been sleeping on a carpeted floor about the last ten days - which is the longest streak of floor sleeping I have put together. Its been my intention to experiment with this but I could never make it a routine. Its been a struggle to fall asleep on my back - its just so hard breaking the pattern of sleeping on my side or even my stomach. I don't think its possible for me to sleep an entire night on the floor in any other position other than my back. My arms and legs fall asleep and go numb within a couple hours. I can't tell whats been happening to me at night this last week and a half but I think I am still in an adjustment period not getting full restorative sleep. I think I keep waking up a few times at night, just am not consciously aware of it. Last night was a bit odd. I could not tell if I was dreaming or awake at one point. I kept trying to wake up and move around but I could not. It wasn't a pleasant feeling. From what I've read it takes several weeks to fully adapt to the floor (I keep using less and less pillow - this might make a huge difference).

Heres a good article with more info -
« Last Edit: July 12, 2010, 01:59:52 am by Paleo Donk »

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #296 on: July 12, 2010, 10:24:41 am »
Oh, yes, I looooove entertaining sex stories!  -d

Offline Paleo Donk

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #297 on: July 14, 2010, 07:57:22 am »
Last two days have been best of summer so far. I finally decided not to visit this forum and set myself a to-do list and made sure to start as soon as I awoke. I feel like I managed to do as much in these two days that I had in the 6 weeks I have been home.

I am seriously thinking about teaching english in vietnam for a year starting late august or september. I am trying to weigh whether this is truly best for me. I really want to just jump into it as it feels so right.

I found some "fertile" eggs at whole foods which I promptly bought and ate immediately. Still ate just the yolk. They seemed to digest just fine. I've done castor oil packs on my liver/gallbladder the last couple days with no noticeable difference. Still, they are nice in that you cannot do anything but relax. Averaging 1-2 dozen yolks with a bit of lime and random teaspoons of honey throughout the day with some raw beef mixed in as well.

Got a quote on amalgam fillings removal. 350-600 for small fillings and 1200-1500 for the large. I think I might just call around until I something much cheaper, though theres only a couple in my area. I can make a trip out of it if need be. I've seen other people report getting their fillings done for much less.

Strength seems fine. Did a "bootcamp" workout with one of my friends yesterday and then lifted a bit today. Definitely need to increase my work capacity. I have decent limit strength but barely any endurance. Deadlifted 315x5 no problem. Still barefoot and doing quite a bit of stretching and dynamic warm-up type stuff as well as walking as much as I can barefoot. Still a long way away mentally and definitely depressed but better.

Oh, yes, I looooove entertaining sex stories!  -d

I came.

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #298 on: July 14, 2010, 09:52:14 am »
Hehe, I cannot wait until next month...visiting my boyfriend in Virginia Beach (where he lives) for 5 days. Pent up sexual energy!

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Re: Round 2: From addiction to recovery
« Reply #299 on: July 19, 2010, 01:21:42 am »
I'm about to toss all my eggs into the low-protein basket as I have yet to see anything convincing me that any protein in excess of nitrogen balance is a good thing and nitrogen balance can be achieved in remarkably low amounts (30-50g/day). I'm really starting to believe that excess protein, especially cooked is as hazardous as the media portrays it and is the most overlooked aspect of the paleo crowd. I'm going to put all my thoughts together here in the week or so. This low-protein diet is more of a very long-term health issue as so many do very well with high-protein diets when young.

I wouldn't be surprised if an "optimal" diet was something like 5-10% animal protein with raw fat making up the vast majority of the rest of the diet and random leaves and fruit filling in the rest. It could even be better to eat the animal protein intermittently just a few days a week. If anything, I am very excited to try these things out once I finish up this yolk cleansing thing which is looking like it will take a very long time as I had some large cheats this weekend.


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