Author Topic: Anyone in the Northeast US?  (Read 17656 times)

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Re: Anyone in the Northeast US?
« Reply #25 on: November 10, 2011, 09:13:31 am »
Yes, the fresher the meat better. I just buy whatever the best local meat/fish that I like is that is convenient and not extremely exhorbitant. I figure it probably has never been frozen. There's nothing better in the local shops, so it's not like I would have a choice if it were frozen, short of going direct to farmers and hunters, which I'll probably do some day when I have more time.

Very warm today, though.

Ugh, I found out today that my co-worker won't be back until at least Nov. 27th. Just when things were getting good, Murphy's law kicks in again. Damn that consarned Murphy!
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Re: Anyone in the Northeast US?
« Reply #26 on: November 12, 2011, 06:05:13 am »
Oh, no! Murphy.
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Offline Charlie4444

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Re: Anyone in the Northeast US?
« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2012, 09:51:16 am »
Haha, also in Burlington vt.  I'm looking to live somewhere though with no wireless internet and cellphone reception.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2012, 06:23:05 pm by TylerDurden »

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Re: Anyone in the Northeast US?
« Reply #28 on: March 21, 2012, 10:54:44 pm »
Hey guys, I'm in CT, still new and haven't really jumped in past a couple raw meals.  I saw you guys talking about fresh vs frozen, and I obviously don't know the whole deal with it at this point, but I talked to the people at (online shop at, and they will ship never frozen to the northeast if you order it in advance.  They also seem to have really good prices compared to what I've seen, and have some things available that aren't on their site (suet, marrow bones, live, kidney, heart, tongue, maybe others). 

I'm going to need to freeze stuff anyway since I don't have any other way to do it that'd be economically feasible (the only way that makes sense is to order in bulk), but I'm thinking it'd be nice to have the first few meals fresh, in addition to being able to sort everything out much easier and chop it up into usable portions.

Anyway, hope that didn't sound like an advertisement, I have NFI, but I just figured I'd share a possible good resource (again, I haven't ordered from them yet, just looked them up and emailed back and forth, but they seem good as far as I can see).

Offline Charlie4444

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Re: Anyone in the Northeast US?
« Reply #29 on: March 22, 2012, 01:18:09 am »
Hey guys, I'm in CT, still new and haven't really jumped in past a couple raw meals.  I saw you guys talking about fresh vs frozen, and I obviously don't know the whole deal with it at this point, but I talked to the people at (online shop at, and they will ship never frozen to the northeast if you order it in advance.  They also seem to have really good prices compared to what I've seen, and have some things available that aren't on their site (suet, marrow bones, live, kidney, heart, tongue, maybe others). 

I'm going to need to freeze stuff anyway since I don't have any other way to do it that'd be economically feasible (the only way that makes sense is to order in bulk), but I'm thinking it'd be nice to have the first few meals fresh, in addition to being able to sort everything out much easier and chop it up into usable portions.

Anyway, hope that didn't sound like an advertisement, I have NFI, but I just figured I'd share a possible good resource (again, I haven't ordered from them yet, just looked them up and emailed back and forth, but they seem good as far as I can see).

Do what you want, but you gotta believe there's missed benefits of eating frozen meat.  And wouldn't worry about meat going sour, because we know it's beneficial.

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Re: Anyone in the Northeast US?
« Reply #30 on: March 22, 2012, 02:31:57 am »
Yeah, well again, the only way I can make it economically viable is going to be ordering a LOT.  If I don't throw it in the freezer, I don't really have any place to put it.  I don't have fridge room for pounds upon pounds upon pounds of aging meat/fat/organs, especially sharing the fridge with someone who wouldn't be eating that.

Since it seems like most people agree freezing isn't that bad, and so many don't have any other choice, I'm feeling like having some of it fresh while going mostly frozen is pretty good, especially vs SAD.


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