Christopher, I apologize for the ego trip I've been giving you. You did say you were a new member and so was I at one time. I am willing to turn off my ego for the benefit of everyone else and yours. So let's try keep this post going intelligently and objectively. Again, I am sorry.
FYI, I only look young and small in the avatar because I just came off a very long fast. The others know how much I preach about fasting. I am currently 170lbs. at 5'9" and 28 years old. I think I was about 150 in that pic, which was taken in early December. That girl in the pic decided to have a "Pretty in Pink" theme for her birthday night out. Besides, I can rock pink, or shall I say SALMON.

Back to this mystery muscle development. I've been sitting around thinking why don't the numbers add up. I really didn't count how much meat I ate. It wasn't a exactly a controlled experiment. So I will tell you how it all happened and why I decided to venture this route.
I was researching something called the ANABOLIC DRIVE last week. It's a term they use in bodybuilding when there's an excess amount of amino acids in your blood, it makes your body want to soak it up like a sponge. Kind of like the same way high blood sugar works, it has to go somewhere, otherwise you have a problem. It is said to turn on all the anabolic hormones when this happens. Insulin, Testosterone, etc...
I already knew that to gain muscle you needed an excess amount of calories, but do they all have to be dependent on each other. For example, in the ANABOLIC DIET, you're told to eat 40% protein and 60% fat and the carb is negligible because I don't do them and it said no more than 30g or so. So bulking up would mean you kept the same ratio and just increase the calories. You know how I don't like it when things sound like doctrine. So, I figured why not just eat maintenance and add more protein calories. Protein is what build most of the muscle tissue, not fat. Sounded like a plan for a lean bulk.
From there I said, what the heck. Been there before, it's not so bad. I've had rabbit starvation before, it's easy to deal with, just eat some fat when you start feeling sick.
So, I ventured into the abyss. I was on a force feeding mission. Drank beer and ate meat. Ate meat with rice. At meat every 2 hours. Stayed up all night eating meat. Eating is very hard when you're trying to bulk up. It's not enjoyable. Go ask Taylor Lautner when he bulked up for NEW MOON. It took him 8 months. I doubt he's determined as I was, but he's a busy dude. I got time on my hands. So for the whole week, it was just meat. Obviously, I am not working or have a life at the moment because school is out. For all of you that don't know, I just separated from the Navy last May.
Things I've noticed:
-Beautiful skin regeneration
-Hair regeneration
-Stronger nails
-Healed joints- no more clicks (I was thinking about getting glucosamine, but then I looked at the word GLUCOSAMINE, turns out it's made from amino acids and glucose. What a ripoff product, just eat meat.)
-Healed infections- thrush, jock itch, ear pain
-Bigger muscles
-Increased Libido- increased size in you know what. Maybe Nitric Oxide?

-Major heat generation- had to sleep naked without covers sometimes. Could explain the why numbers don't add up. Protein has a TEF of 30%.
That's about it. I thought I said I could eat 1000 grams, even more in one WHOLE day. That's 24 hours. Maybe it's not as easy as I make it sound, but it's doable. It's a job, believe me. Counterstrike, beer and meat a whole day isn't so bad. The beer is for the insulin drive. It minimizes most use of your other macronutrients when you are drinking. Remember I ate a normal fatty diet for maintenance and the extra was all lean. I had all types of organ meats and avocado for maintenance and took many supplements including fermented cod liver oil and high vitamin butter oil.
5 days later diarrhea, more muscle and minimal fat gains. Believe me, I starred in the mirror the whole time. It was amazing how much change you can force your body to go through.
Any other questions? I hope I'm helping you guys.