Do you find though, Savage, that without fat although you still need water it seems to pass through you 'too fast', that you get dry lips and your muscles ache?
Now I usually wake up, workout 1 hour after, drink 1 liter during workout, eat 1-2 hours after workout and drink water 1 hour after that for another 7 hours total, usually my daily total is 3-4 liters.
Water passes through like it did when I was eating fattier meat, no difference in anything, although I'm not 100% sure what you were asking about. No dry lips and muscle soreness is normal from lifting heavy weights, not more or less than on fattier meat.
The only difference than when eating fatty meat so far, that I have noticed:
-Decreased morning and average daily temperature
-Increased feeling of cold
-Decrease motivation for spontaneous movement.
-No strength differences noticed
-Decreased readings on blood sugar, blood pressure/pulse rate.
-Feeling lighter, faster, but I wouldn't mind napping more, the body tries to decrease activity and limit energy expenditure
-Increased taste for fat maybe every other day but only after the first bite when eating, when I'm done or before eating, I notice no more hunger than normal.
-I also feel more relaxed, in a better mood, but I'm also less tolerant if someone steps on my foot.
It's a joke all the horror warning we get from the ZC (cooked+raw) people about low fat meat and rabbit starvation, I thought I would be out of control by now, terrorizing fat people down the street, running after them, trying to get some of the rich, creamy goodness mmmm
They might be right if you're super lean, but as long as you aren't super lean, I see no problems with this, if you naturally or through diet and exercise look like a figure or fitness competitor on posing day, then you need to eat fat because your body needs fat, yours or from food, but if you don't look like that, then you'll just use your own fat.