I don't know about me needing the medication, I'm guilty of still taking it. I have no one to support me here in Singapore. Doctor said it wasn't good, because it might give me diarrhea....? Heh.
Maybe my doctor was more supportive because I am older (than you and the doctor), more experience in health etc. After practicing a RVAF omnivore diet for several months with his current knowledge of my diet step by step, the doctor's assistant found out how I was eating.
The assistant assumed the doctor didn't know what I ate (which is bs as I brought it in and showed him at appointments). So I told the assistant that the doctor knows and approves. At this, the assistant asked me: "didn't you get any diarrhea with it, even (if only) at the start"?
You know, I don't consider it diarrhea, but thinking back, yes, the first month I ran to the toilet about 180 times. It wasn't watery though. And then thinking more, about all I was eating was butter and literally barely anything else, nothing else the first week. It felt good that my body was cleaning and building and healing and building hope I never knew could exist. I was not only overweight, but very unhealthy, depressed, constipated more than anyone I ever read of etc. The cellulite, deep depression, joint stiffness, lack of muscle, some lack of height, multiple skin problems, brain fog and more were gone within the first four weeks.
The doctor's open-mindedness in my situation and intelligence (he knew some of the other doctors there were terrible humans) helped the doctor too I'm sure, as then learned another tool (RAF) in healing.
If you talk with your doctor again about this diet, maybe you can tell him that some of the RAFers you know do this food with their doctors knowledge and support.
Did he say what in it would give you diarrhea? Was it parasites? There are studies showing that even certain worms etc have helped human health even when medicine failed on same persons for years. You probably already know that having read these forums and whatever brought you to RPD. It doesn't seem anyone starts this diet for nothing. It's usually well researched by each individual.