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« on: January 19, 2010, 01:11:18 pm »
    I'm not looking for someone, but I really think I want to smell raw muscle for sex.  I don't want to smell rotten vegetables.  Is that normal?  I have a stronger sense of smell of almost anyone I've ever known, and always have had that.  I could always somehow "see" what each person eats.  Now the smell too, is undeniable, and I think I know what I want to smell.  It's like I can smell through their skin and identify their diet too precisely.  The sense is stronger and better now eating RAF's, but it was always there.  Have any of you experience like this?  Is it different being with a processed food eater, vegetarian, etc over a raw meat eater?  What are your experiences?  Why might this be? 
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Re: Sex
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2010, 01:56:52 pm »
I don't know of any raw foodist chicks in my area.  So I can't compare yet.
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Re: Sex
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2010, 07:47:47 pm »
Some people do smell like overcooked vegetables.

Never had a RPD or vegetarian girlfriend. It wonder how much of difference there is.
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Offline jessica

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Re: Sex
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2010, 09:46:14 pm »
haha i am too immature for this topic
-people on SAD smell like yeast and bacteria and very foul to me(even without chemicals of deoderant, soap, cologne, tooth paste...those odors make me cringe!)
-people on raw vegan smell "clean" but not very strong(odor wise and health wise) if they eat  a lot of fruit they can smell sweet or vinegary, their breath bacteria can be kind of foul if they eat beans.   tofu vegans/veg i have not smelled in particular but probably just smell like SAD dieters
-i dont know any paleo people but i think i smell like an animal!  not bad, just very human and musky, although its not very strong and nobody else can "smell" it, although i fear they can sense it!

« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 09:59:54 pm by jessica »

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Re: Sex
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2010, 12:01:03 am »
I have a strong intuition on what people eat, too!  I get better and better as life goes on.  It's a primal instinct that is just being resurrected after years of being dormant.  As you progress in your primal paleo journey, instincts get sharper.  I can usually sense where someone's at in their journey, if they're even on a journey of optimal health.  It's an amazingly beautiful thing to be in tune with your core instincts!

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Re: Sex
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2010, 06:56:45 am »
    I offer my husband some of the raw meat I'm eating every three or four weeks.  I mean, maybe he would be shy to tell me he wants it, so I ask.  He always responds "no".  I make my son raw milk smoothies almost any day he asks.  This too, when I'm making a smoothie, I ask my husband if he wants me to make same/it for him too.  His diet he calls vegan, with the rare exception of a little of the raw cheese my son has been getting in recent months, hubby does this every so often.  Since I told him I want to smell raw muscle in bed, not vegetable in bed (and he has come to realize my sense of smell is very discerning and he knows I talk truth with aim to help not hurt), he has said yes to the raw milk smoothies each day, and drinks a full mug.  Who knows?  Maybe this is his first step toward raw paleo?  Maybe I'll be smelling real raw muscle there soon enough.  Maybe I'll tell you the differences then, if you dont tell me 1st.    
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Re: Sex
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2010, 07:21:13 am »
Increased sexual performance and fertility from flesh eating is one of the few things that some vegetarians/vegans agree with meat eaters on (or at least, used to). The difference was, vegetarians, vegans, 7th Day Adventists, etc. used to cite it as a reason to NOT eat much meat (and some still do), because sex and hedonism were regarded as sinful.
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
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Offline RawZi

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Re: Sex
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2010, 08:16:32 am »
vegetarians, vegans, 7th Day Adventists, etc. used to cite it as a reason to NOT eat much meat (and some still do), because sex and hedonism were regarded as sinful.

    Guys like Kellogg were pretty nuts.

Increased ... fertility from flesh eating is one of the few things that some vegetarians/vegans agree with meat eaters on (or at least, used to).

    Doc said my Dad was ridiculously fertile.  He loved to eat lots of meat.  His dad ate and sold meat regularly even through the Depression, and was very fertile too.  

    My Mom loved her vegetables.  She wasn't the most fertile either.  Interesting.  Thank you.  Something to think about.

    In China, haven't people been extremely fertile on mostly veg?  And India, many with no flesh?

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Offline extralizard13

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Re: Sex
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2010, 09:27:04 am »
My breath smells awful if I eat processed food--the taste in my mouth as well. (My boyfriend starts to smell weird if he eats too much as well.) The I think the worst taste has always been Chik-fil-a, because the oil they use cannot go away through brushing or bathing.

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Re: Sex
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2010, 09:27:34 am »
   Guys like Kellogg were pretty nuts.

    Doc said my Dad was ridiculously fertile.  He loved to eat lots of meat.  His dad ate and sold meat regularly even through the Depression, and was very fertile too.  

    My Mom loved her vegetables.  She wasn't the most fertile either.  Interesting.  Thank you.  Something to think about.

    In China, haven't people been extremely fertile on mostly veg?  And India, many with no flesh?


veg = low sperm motility

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Re: Sex
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2010, 10:00:34 am »
veg = low sperm motility

    Thank you. 

    Of course if you could site a study, more the better :]

The I think the worst taste has always been Chik-fil-a, because the oil they use cannot go away through brushing or bathing.

    I hate the smell of cooked chicken the most.  What do you mean?  Your perspiration gets sticky?  Yeah, when I met my guy, he was eating a lot of fried chicken; because he was avoiding the saturated cholesterol of beef.

    Funny, I've never tried Chik-f-let.  Passed by one this morning, thought "which foods would I feel like I miss that I never tried?".  Thought, "That place is not one".  I don't even know anything about the place, but which basic cooked foods I dislike the smell of.
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Offline extralizard13

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Re: Sex
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2010, 10:25:19 am »
I hate the smell of cooked chicken the most.  What do you mean?  Your perspiration gets sticky?  Yeah, when I met my guy, he was eating a lot of fried chicken; because he was avoiding the saturated cholesterol of beef.

    Funny, I've never tried Chik-f-let.  Passed by one this morning, thought "which foods would I feel like I miss that I never tried?".  Thought, "That place is not one".  I don't even know anything about the place, but which basic cooked foods I dislike the smell of.

For my body, it's the taste in my mouth and from my stomach (wafting up). I cannot stand what taste it leaves--I think its some sort of nut oil. For my boyfriend, his mouth smells, and I'm don't remember how his body smells--just different. (We haven't had Chik-fil-a for a while.) I've watched the workers make their sandwiches and it disturbs me. The wipe the bread on a roller, which has some sort of liquid butter on it.

The annoying thing is that they're the only place at my college that sells lemonade that isn't Minute Maid. I've always been highly particular about what lemonade I drink. (It's all I drink, because the tap water there makes me really sick. I grew up on well water, which is great, but means I'm spoiled against nasty city/town water.) Although, Chik-fil-a lemonade isn't pastuerized, it smells weird time to time. I have no idea why.

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Re: Sex
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2010, 12:43:13 pm »
   Guys like Kellogg were pretty nuts.
Yes, although it was not uncommon to consider both sex and "gluttonous" meat eating as sinful at the time. The "sexual revolution" started to make sexual pleasure more acceptable and eventually seen as a good thing, but plentiful meat eating continues to be regarded as bad, perhaps more so now than it was then, due to the animal rights movement, USDA and AMA propaganda, etc.

In the West today and in traditional, non-agrarian cultures, sexual pleasure seems much less likely to be regarded as sinful than the West during the Middle Ages, Victorian and pre-sexual-revolution periods. Raw organs and raw seafood (such as raw shellfish) used to be regarded as particularly beneficial to the performance of human sexual organs and many older cultures still hold this view--even older agrarian cultures like Chinese culture.

   Doc said my Dad was ridiculously fertile.  He loved to eat lots of meat.  His dad ate and sold meat regularly even through the Depression, and was very fertile too.  

    My Mom loved her vegetables.  She wasn't the most fertile either.  Interesting.  Thank you.  Something to think about.

    In China, haven't people been extremely fertile on mostly veg?  And India, many with no flesh?

I haven't seen study data, but from what I've seen of animal documentaries and anthropological studies of humans, while meat improves fertility for males, plant carbs reduce the time between pregnancies for females (and the practice in some cultures of fattening females with starchy tubers suggests that they may become more fertile with either of meat or very large quantities of certain starches). Some meat eaten by females seems to be very helpful to get females pregnant and create successful pregnancies (for example, when female chimps eat meat, both their procreative success rate and infant survival rate improve). With a plant-carb-based diet with minimal but sufficient meat, it may take more tries to get the female pregnant, but she can get pregnant again sooner, especially if not breastfeeding or exercising much--both of which are made possible by a sedentary lifestyle. There may be more pregnancy complications and birth defects, but even defective children can survive in a sedentary environment (especially as trades develop, such as shopkeepers, teachers, etc. that don't require much physical exertion or endurance) these are overwhelmed by sheer numbers of births. The ideal combination for frequent pregnancies seems to be large amounts of starchy plant foods with a significant amount of meats.

Probably most importantly, the sedentary agrarian lifestyle means that there is more total food available, so there is no upper limit on the population and it eventually dwarfs the neighboring hunter-gatherer populations. The agrarians can store masses of food, such as grain, which can be used to feed huge professional standing armies, which then subjugate the hunter-gatherers and hunter-pastoralists and either exterminate or enslave them. The traditional Chinese diet and social structure seems ideally suited to maximum procreation--a starch-heavy diet with sufficient meat (much less than Steppe pastoral society, but not pure vegan) in an extremely sedentary society made possible by fertile rice fields that were re-fertilized by silts from massive rivers plus animal dung, resulting in almost no upper limits on total population. India is a similar case.

Eventually the soil of the agrarian empires becomes depleted of nutrients, land use becomes maximized and water becomes relatively scarce. The agrarians then must conquer new hunter-gatherer and pastoral lands to get rich soil, timber and other resources. Thus, agrarian empires always either expanded their borders and/or acquired colonies with fertile soil, until the advent of petroleum-based fertilizers. Eventually the wars became as much or more over oil than soil.

This is an oversimplification of an extremely complex subject, of course, but that's necessary to keep the post brief. More scientific study needs to be done on this stuff, some of which is still speculative at this point, but it would be controversial and difficult to get funding for. No doubt Tyler will contradict much of what I've hashed together here in my attempt to briefly and quickly answer the question.

As someone suggested in another thread, many generations of modern-food eating, soil depletion and environmental destruction may eventually cripple the reproductive capacity of humans in much the way that destruction of habitat of a physiologically carnivorous animal sexually-depleted by a 99% bamboo diet has done to the giant panda, with catastrophic results for that species.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2010, 01:15:07 pm by PaleoPhil »
>"When some one eats an Epi paleo Rx template and follows the rules of circadian biology they get plenty of starches when they are available three out of the four seasons." -Jack Kruse, MD
>"I recommend 20 percent of calories from carbs, depending on the size of the person" -Ron Rosedale, MD (in other words, NOT zero carbs)
>Finding a diet you can tolerate is not the same as fixing what's wrong. -Tim Steele
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Re: Sex
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2010, 01:19:04 pm »
plant carbs reduce the time between pregnancies for females (and the practice in some cultures of fattening females with starchy tubers suggests that they may become more fertile with either of meat or very large quantities of certain starches). Some meat eaten by females seems to be very helpful to get females pregnant and create successful pregnancies ... With a plant-carb-based diet with minimal but sufficient meat, it may take more tries to get the female pregnant, but she can get pregnant again sooner, especially if not ... exercising much--... which are made possible by a sedentary lifestyle. There may be more pregnancy complications and birth defects

    Makes sense.  My Mom was not a neolithic starches eater.  She was physically active.  All her kids were full term, no pregnancy complications, and appeared/appears to be/have been no birth defects.   Etc, almost everything you say, I could show example right in my immediate family even.
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Re: Sex
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2010, 01:54:17 pm »
Generally, there shouldn't be any complications with a pregnancy (although supposedly, humans are the only animal that experiences pain during it--which makes sense to our physiology). A friend of mine had two babies--one by having epidurals, which took hours (epidurals actually lengthen pregnancy time), and one without anything at all (while she was at the hospital, getting ready and waiting it just "popped out"). She said that having a baby without any doctors, completely nude (as this was in the middle of changing into her gown) was one of the best experiences of her life.

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Re: Sex
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2010, 04:44:19 pm »
pregnancy (although supposedly, humans are the only animal that experiences pain during it--which makes sense to our physiology). A friend of mine had two babies--one by having epidurals, which took hours (epidurals actually lengthen pregnancy

    Or animals that have contact with humans.  One female cat friend who lived outdoors came to me when it was time to give birth.  She apparently was asking for help from me because she trusted me.  I had to go to work in the middle and my son had gotten home from school and she had him help with the rest.  Another cat we had, that we fed cat food, she jumped on my son's bed when it was time to give birth, and she "screamed" loud like hell.  I think it hurt.  One of those six kittens she whelped there was real big too.  I could go on about other pets.  Some were fine, and some "asked" for help, and appreciated the help. 

    The problem is, we should be like animals, as far giving birth.  We should be left alone, but helped (only) when we actually are feeling like we need help.  I know I really wanted to be left alone when I gave birth.  Your body knows what to do.  The doctors generally only know complications, and get in the way otherwise.

    I know if my animals had been absolutely 100% raw paleo, none of them would have ever had a problem giving birth, except for the males around trying to eat the neonates.  It was a bad neighborhood for a few of them. 
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Re: Sex
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2010, 06:26:33 pm »
India isn't exactly a country in which meat was sufficiently eaten in enough quantities, at least with regard to the Hindu population where vegetarianism is almost a religion, and then there's the Jainites.

The key re increased fertility in Neolithic times is reported to have been higher fat-layers rather than a specific diet as such, and also a claim that an agrarian diet involves a lower age of puberty. So, palaeo tribesfolk being on a less weight-gaining diet than Neolithic settlers and being subject to food deprivation at times, would have struggled to keep up with Neolithic settlers in terms of birth-rate.
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Re: Sex
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2010, 07:06:15 pm »

Probably most importantly, the sedentary agrarian lifestyle means that there is more total food available, so there is no upper limit on the population and it eventually dwarfs the neighboring hunter-gatherer populations. The agrarians can store masses of food, such as grain, which can be used to feed huge professional standing armies, which then subjugate the hunter-gatherers and hunter-pastoralists and either exterminate or enslave them. The traditional Chinese diet and social structure seems ideally suited to maximum procreation--a starch-heavy diet with sufficient meat (much less than Steppe pastoral society, but not pure vegan) in an extremely sedentary society made possible by fertile rice fields that were re-fertilized by silts from massive rivers plus animal dung, resulting in almost no upper limits on total population. India is a similar case.

Eventually the soil of the agrarian empires becomes depleted of nutrients, land use becomes maximized and water becomes relatively scarce. The agrarians then must conquer new hunter-gatherer and pastoral lands to get rich soil, timber and other resources. Thus, agrarian empires always either expanded their borders and/or acquired colonies with fertile soil, until the advent of petroleum-based fertilizers. Eventually the wars became as much or more over oil than soil.

Eventually homo sapiens will also necessarily run short of both oil and soil. And one may wonder how further expanse and population increase might then take place. Coal and coal to liquid fuel conversion techniques or other alternative energy resources might perhaps still sustain this basically unsustainable system for a short while but there is by far no real alternative or new energy source that may cover the huge future needs as oil did in the past century. As to soil once all remaining wild areas will be converted into cultivated land the expanse must stop anyway unless  still more unhealthy completely artificial foods will be discovered that do not need any land to produce. This would however need huge amounts of energy ( fusion reactors might be a candidate, but they are by no means yet available nor is it presently clear whether they will ever be in future). Moreover still more artificial food will probably definitely impair human reproduction.

In other words a collapse of human population seems ineluctable  probably in the forthcoming century. Hopefully by running out of oil rather than soil so that wild areas will be left for us RPD to get some food.  :)      

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Re: Sex
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2010, 08:55:36 pm »
Oil will not run out.
The Russians have proved in over 10,000 wells that if you drill deep enough there is oil.
Humans will figure out energy saving technologies like the Keppe motor and better.

There is a probably economic collapse with the depopulation trend in the 21st century.

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Re: Sex
« Reply #19 on: January 21, 2010, 09:32:56 pm »
    Thank you. 

    Of course if you could site a study, more the better :]

    I hate the smell of cooked chicken the most.  What do you mean?  Your perspiration gets sticky?  Yeah, when I met my guy, he was eating a lot of fried chicken; because he was avoiding the saturated cholesterol of beef.

    Funny, I've never tried Chik-f-let.  Passed by one this morning, thought "which foods would I feel like I miss that I never tried?".  Thought, "That place is not one".  I don't even know anything about the place, but which basic cooked foods I dislike the smell of.

Theres plenty of studies showing the poor effects of vegetarian & vegan diets on sperm, not enough time atm to hunt one down lol

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Re: Sex
« Reply #20 on: January 21, 2010, 10:07:06 pm »
but there is by far no real alternative or new energy source that may cover the huge future needs as oil did in the past century.       

have you ever looked up at the sun?
honestly we dont even need any of the energy we are using right now
all we need is sun energy to convert seeds to grass, ground water to rain, etc....for our food source to have a food source and for our shelters to grow and possible what little we should and could be cultivating and wild-sourceing to grow as well.....what will be great when and if the system fails is that most people will run TOWARDS the system, which is the great Darwinian challenge of the time...those who run AWAY from a failing system into the system of nature which the universe has set up to self-regulate, much better chances with something that runs at a universal level then a hierarchy that thinks it ends in the animal kingdom with king and queen human!


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Re: Sex
« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2010, 01:47:13 am »
have you ever looked up at the sun?
honestly we dont even need any of the energy we are using right now
all we need is sun energy to convert seeds to grass, ground water to rain, etc....for our food source to have a food source and for our shelters to grow and possible what little we should and could be cultivating and wild-sourceing to grow as well.....

It depends on what you mean by "we".

Nearly 7 billions of agrarians (most of them living in big cities) unfortunately definitely need this extra energy from oil. Oil is actually nothing but highly concentrated energy from sun that arrived on earth in the past hundreths of millions years and stored then in plant and animal matter. This big quantity of energy in store has fueled the tremendous human population increase of the past century. The present human population exceeds by far the carrying capacity of planet earth if the only available energy were the present flow of sun energy on earth.   


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Re: Sex
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2010, 01:57:10 am »
Oil will not run out.
The Russians have proved in over 10,000 wells that if you drill deep enough there is oil.
Humans will figure out energy saving technologies like the Keppe motor and better.

Drilling deep enough has sharply increasing economic and energetic cost and eventually the business will stop when no more profitable. Anyway the planet is finite and so are oil or other ressources. This means that we will necessarily run out of them. The open question is just when more precisely this will happen in future

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Re: Sex
« Reply #23 on: January 22, 2010, 02:56:30 am »
But apparently you can easily get energy from water. This must be a scam right. Seriously, I don't get how this stuff makes it on the news. It is so extremely convincing to my ignorant mind.

Also if this doent work, why cant we ues all that extra millions(billions?) of pounds of fat we throw away each year from grain fed critters?


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Re: Sex
« Reply #24 on: January 22, 2010, 04:16:05 am »
But apparently you can easily get energy from water. This must be a scam right. Seriously, I don't get how this stuff makes it on the news. It is so extremely convincing to my ignorant mind.

Also if this doent work, why cant we ues all that extra millions(billions?) of pounds of fat we throw away each year from grain fed critters?

This is unfortunately just a scam.

There is absolutely no useful energy in water. People who claim using water as fuel readily violate the first and second principles of thermodynamics. Really absurd and ridiculous.

Water is precisely one of the two end products with carbon dioxide of fat oxidation in mitochondria of animal cells. At this stage no more energy is available in it for the animal and it is excreted in the form of urine, sweat, breathing ...

Similarly water is precisely one of the two end products with carbon dioxide of gasoline or petrol burning in cars or airplanes . At this stage no more energy is available in it for the propulsion and it is expelled in the form of water vapor.

Only plants with their green chlorophyll pigment are capable to do the reverse and use the incoming energy from sun light to convert again water and carbon dioxide into complex molecules with useful energy for animals either in the form of fatty acids or carbohydrates in fresh plant matter for immediate use or when this plant matter is left in appropriate conditions over geologic times for delayed use as oil.

As to the grainfed critters, their fat is from an energetic point of view essentially just a part of the oil needed to grow the grain and  to raise them. Typically one barril of oil per fattened animal (beef). No more oil, no more grain, no more fat from critters.  :) 

« Last Edit: January 22, 2010, 04:37:34 am by alphagruis »


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