No Carnivore, any carbs =/
When I got my gout attack I had been eating refined carbs (white rice) for a while with no gout. When I tried cooked meat I got the attack. Maybe it was a combination of having eatenwhite rice perhaps the day before.
use of tea made with avocado leaves or possibly other plant parts. In principle this is usually prepared at boiling water temperatures or so. Isn't there any concern with possibly heat generated toxic compounds?
I drank herbal teas occasionally with no problem that I noticed. I was told avocado leaf tea is strengthening. Yes, cooked meat cause the problem I described below.
High purine food can cause gout symptoms for people with high blood uric acid level. :
"Nevertheless, a low purine gout diet is important. It may reduce blood levels of uric acid by 1-2mg/DL. In some cases this would be enough to be a natural cure for gout. "
I have a pretty high blood uric acid (60mg/dl whatever my diet). Herring for example makes my urine burn if I eat a lot. Each time I eat a lot of liver, gout symptoms return.
Liver, herring, eggs, sounds like Vitamin D foods...I did not eat the (cooked) meat again, and the gout went away not to return.
It could be too much protein. But have you eaten berries, pears, etc. to prevent gout symptoms? Some fruits are excellent to prevent gout. More vitamin C also helps (blackcurrant and Rosa Canina are very good).
When I had the gout attack, I was eating less fruit than optimal at the time and less than I was accustomed to.
Frozen liver does this to my fingers, but not fresh liver.
The meat that cause my attack was (thoroughly cooked and frozen first. Raw liver has never caused me a problem, but a preserved liver injection caused me agglutinations.
You mean refined carbs ?
Refined carbs at the time of my gout? attack did not seem to be a main cause at all, but I think it inflammed my stomach.
I thought gout was just another term for 'Chronic Inflammation'? Which would include acne. Lots of people find they stop their chronic inflammation by not eating carbs. Liver and Egg happen to both contain carbs(above trace...), though in much smaller amounts than fruit.
When I got an attack of gout, I had no acne for years (the occasional blackhead only). I had no liver nor egg for many years. I did eat fruit regularly without a problem, but perhaps I did not eat enough.
Hugh purine food do not directly cause gout. It could be correlation, so some other factors are important.
Maybe to little carbs (all sorts of berries and pears are great), not enough water, sedentary lifestyle?
I had a very active, maybe too active lifestyle. I was mostly vegan, as I hadn't eaten anything from an animal in years. I was in a desperate situation and needed food. Someone offered me cooked meat. I accepted. I got what was described as a gout attack. I had never had gout before. My diet had been poor for months, the rice I ate regularly was regular white cooked with rocksalt and olive oil.