~~~~This is for beginning weightlifters who want to gain weight~~~~~
December 23rd -154lbs- January 27th- 161lbs
I gained 6 pounds in a month. During this month I began eating raw paleo for the first time in my life. I don't know how much of it is muscle and I don't really care. I've always been skinny and now I am finally gaining weight after 4 painful years of minimal gains...
Age 18- 135lbs
Age 19- 145lbs eating bulking SAD diet
Age 20- 145lbs eating bulking SAD diet
Age 21- 154lbs eating anabolic diet/cooked paleo diet with carb loads on the weekend(made good gains)
Age 22- 154lbs......
a few days away from Age 23- Already 161lbs
http://www.podfeed.net/episode/Super+Human+Radio+Show+-++420+Raw+Food+As+Effective+As+Anabolic+Steroids+In+Building+Muscle/2241597 This radio interview inspired me to try RAW
At LEAST 8 RAW EGGS A DAY(taste like nothing)
1 POUND RAW BEEF CHUCK(taste great)
EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL(by the tablespoon)
RAW GROUND BEEF(taste like shit)
SEARED FISH(as much as I can afford)
This is all I've eaten in the last month, everything is grass fed, fish is farm raised, on saturdays I eat shit SAD food for social reasons, on sundays I eat cooked food during my job. During the week its all raw baby!
Things I've noticed- explosive energy, massive sex drive(I binge drink on the weekends and even when I'm drunk that shit shoots straight up!!!), Never dehydrated anymore, food does not weigh me down, I had barley any facial hair and now there is significantly more haha I didnt wanna admit that but hey fuck it, have to cut finger nails every 2 days, skin looks way better(darker color tone), lots of other little things but mostly I care about my strength gains.
I am stronger than I have EVER been. Being stronger means more muscle. I follow a VERY simple workout ONCE A WEEK. No more than 20 minutes in the gym. SQUATS/DEADLIFT, BENCH, SHRUGS.... that's it people.
Stop spending hours in the gym doing curls and bodyweight exercises. LIFT HEAVY, REALLY HEAVY. It doesn't matter how much you can lift as MUCH AS YOU ARE LIFTING 90-95% OF YOUR MAX. I believe with my new diet and pushing myself to lift HEAVY WEIGHTS ONLY allowed me to gain 6lbs faster than I have ever done in my life before. You should get a partner to spot you on certain exercises or you won't be able to truly max out. and guys once a week is enough... Think if you carried a cow back home for dinner once week and made massive muscle gains because the damn thing weighed 1,000 pounds why would your body not hold onto that muscle until the next week. Trust me don't go to the gym 3 days a week thats useless. BE PATIENT WAIT A FULL WEEK FOR MUSCLE RECOVERY. I promise by the end of the 6th day you'll be so pumped and ready to lift again you will see your strength soar!!!! don't forget to change your program every six weeks.
pics and workout log below