Author Topic: GAINED 6-7lbs, stopped eating/working out like an idiot  (Read 65214 times)

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Re: GAINED 6-7lbs, stopped eating/working out like an idiot
« Reply #100 on: February 12, 2011, 05:58:41 am »
I admit I did wrongly assume you might have taken up keg-stands and co-eds as a large part of your exercise routine.  8)
I'm up over or ~170
heres the latest pic and also alot of my perspective on this subject in general. I personally think its worth reading :)
clean and jerks/deadlift/pull-ups/pendlay rows
push press

You were in fact correct about my keg stand workout lol, but these days it no longer catches my interest. 

Man!  you look far more cut than I remember.  You have been on top of your training routine as well, well done!

Good read on that topic.  Once I hit 180 I'll probably have to figure out how to shape my body to the desired look, but for the meantime it is time for pure bulking!

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Re: GAINED 6-7lbs, stopped eating/working out like an idiot
« Reply #101 on: February 12, 2011, 06:03:03 am »
Are any of you guys registered over on any lifting specific forums? I have a log that I log pretty much every workout over at . It would be awesome to see some raw guys over there learning and posting up logs regularly, since I am the only one.
I would highly recommend getting active on a board, and posting up a log. Ironaddicts is small and kinda like here where everyone (for the most part) gets along and has similar minds, and offers each other advice. Pretty tight knit.
Oh, also this site looks like a bodybuilding site, but its very much so strength emphasis. The site originally got popular by making the "get stronger to get bigger" concept. Like I said, it would be awesome to follow some of you guys on there, or if you guys are on any other sites post it up!

Never registered with any bodybuilding site.  To be honest there is too much information for me to search through, and since eating raw, I am only interested in what works for raw paleos.  I'm also after size, not strength or definition(yet). 

Do you have a direct link to your log that I could take a look at?  Hell I might even take up your offer...

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Re: GAINED 6-7lbs, stopped eating/working out like an idiot
« Reply #102 on: February 12, 2011, 06:03:47 am »
Can you briefly describe what you eat in a day or two, and maybe a little on your recent training?  How are you energy levels throughout the day?  If that is you in the profile pic then yes you are a beast.

Thanks, and yeah.

This is the outline I follow. But seeing as it's like 10 meals a day, I don't have time for that. But I do my best to follow this.

As far as lifting goes.. Can't be arsed to post all of it. I change it so much. Some times I only hit one muscle group per day, other days I do nothing but compounds. I follow what my body feels like he's capable of doing best.
Take everyones advice with a grain of salt. Try things out for your self and then make up your mind.

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Re: GAINED 6-7lbs, stopped eating/working out like an idiot
« Reply #103 on: February 12, 2011, 08:43:54 am »

Nice diet, looks like its from AV.  Your results from doing the slow building approach speaks from your pics.  After I bulk I may try to eat that way.

I know the bulking/cutting things is really overrated and not generally accepted here but one must experiment yes?

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Re: GAINED 6-7lbs, stopped eating/working out like an idiot
« Reply #104 on: February 12, 2011, 10:33:34 am »
Never registered with any bodybuilding site.  To be honest there is too much information for me to search through, and since eating raw, I am only interested in what works for raw paleos.  I'm also after size, not strength or definition(yet). 

Do you have a direct link to your log that I could take a look at?  Hell I might even take up your offer...

The only difference you are going to notice from raw paleo to SAD/bodybuilder diet is being leaner year around, POSSIBLY stronger, and a LOT longer to gain weight. At least that is my experience.

I have a link to my log, but you have to be registered to the site to access the log section. When you register you will see my name in there, my log is pretty active and usually bumped to the top.

I may have some insight to offer here. I also recently did an experiment with a bulking diet.

In the beginning I went from a little chubby 145 to a chubby (14-15% bf) 198 on a bodybuilding diet (pre RP). Routine I followed was a 3 day a week, push/pull/legs type setup. I stayed at this weight for awhile, I think I eventually cleaned up my diet slightly and went down to 185's, while keeping a 370 squat, 320 bench, and 455 deadlift. Eventually I decided I wanted to try RP, went cold turkey and my weight went alll the way down to 155 at 10%ish and has STAYED here. It only took me a couple weeks to lose the weight, and being sick on and off (I figured from the diet, I don't know for sure) didn't help.

I was super discouraged and my lifts were pretty weak starting back up, but I was significantly lighter. I decided at that point to go on the billstarr 5x5 routine (you can look it up, its a strength based routine). Within a few weeks my lifts were up to an estimated (used calculated max off of five rep max) 485 deadlift and 305ish bench, at the same 155lbs. Squat has been out of the question due to an injury.

Recently I went on a burger/hot dog/potato binge (for different reasons.. mentioned in my log lol) and I gained a bunch of weight super fast, ended up being mostly fat and I was feeling like crap, workouts were not as strong I felt, and when I went back to RPD I dropped the weight quickly and here I am back at 155, making progress on my workouts.

If you asked me, I would say I am not sure if its possible to get big off of RPD (compared to a diet with starches and grains), but I do think its possible to be strong and lean.

I wish you luck on your journey to get size, and I think you will gain a significant amount of size depending on your starting point, but it will take awhile to look like you lift in a t-shirt on RPD lol. If you ask me, I think the only way you are going to force size is to force strength, because I doubt you will get much out of a pump workout bodybuilding routine without all the starches and grains. Its worth a shot though, I defiantly would like to watch your progress on some sort of log.

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Re: GAINED 6-7lbs, stopped eating/working out like an idiot
« Reply #105 on: February 12, 2011, 04:06:06 pm »
The only difference you are going to notice from raw paleo to SAD/bodybuilder diet is being leaner year around, POSSIBLY stronger, and a LOT longer to gain weight. At least that is my experience.
If you asked me, I would say I am not sure if its possible to get big off of RPD (compared to a diet with starches and grains), but I do think its possible to be strong and lean.

"December 23rd -154lbs- January 27th- 161lbs" - total 35 days
Stopped bulking from February to May

Started bulking up again in May  
"May 5th 163lbs - July 2nd -168-170lbs"
 total ~60 days
95 days bulking = 15 pounds
this is all covered in this log. Bulking is very possible on RP.

For most, bulking is very hard on RP, that is why I made this topic in the first place.  There is a method to doing it.  Consistency....  Every single day, no excuses, CALORIES EVERY DAY this means  4500-6,000kcal per day. EVERY DAY.  Consistently.  I found bulking significantly easier on RP(the food is more nutritious, digests easier, better utilized by the body, low toxicity).  I believe the problem is people just don't eat enough and don't take advantage of fruits and honey.  LOTS OF FATS!  and of course at least 1-2 pounds of raw steak a day.  It is hard to bulk period, no matter what you eat.  AND it is especially hard on RP because when the body gets good food, it feels full and satisfied, and your body basically says "hey that was enough good nutritious food, I am well nourished"  and it's hard to force your body to eat more when your body feels good and is in homeostasis.    Forcefull feeding is not everyones cup of tea, and it is harder to forcefully eat on RP than SAD in my opionion, since the food tastes sooo good. 

Maybe I am in the minority? who knows for sure.  

Perhaps I have hit my peak leaving my previous bulking efforts minimal at best.  Only these next 6-8 weeks will tell if I can bulk to a respectable weight on RP.  

I do appreciate your logical thinking and your lifts are amazing for a guy at your body weight.  So you obviously know what you are talking about.  How tall do you stand?  I will take your advice for strength pushing into serious consideration.  I just hate taxing my body and overtraining.  Maybe take a low rep method?  Do you eat low carb?
« Last Edit: February 12, 2011, 04:11:51 pm by sven »

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Re: GAINED 6-7lbs, stopped eating/working out like an idiot
« Reply #106 on: February 12, 2011, 04:10:07 pm »
Eventually I decided I wanted to try RP, went cold turkey and my weight went alll the way down to 155 at 10%ish and has STAYED here. It only took me a couple weeks to lose the weight, and being sick on and off (I figured from the diet, I don't know for sure) didn't help.

I was super discouraged and my lifts were pretty weak starting back up, but I was significantly lighter.

Could this have been a detox?  Did you feel an overall better sense of health?

Offline B.Money

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Re: GAINED 6-7lbs, stopped eating/working out like an idiot
« Reply #107 on: February 13, 2011, 02:26:16 am »
How tall are you? I don't doubt its possible to gain some size on RPD, I just don't know if its possible to, say, place in an all natural bodybuilding show, or something like that. Although I am probably wrong and there is probably someone out there that has done it! I am short, like 5'6-5'7 so 155lbs is where my body likes to stay at on my current diet of 2lbs of beef a day  (all different cuts, sometimes organs), 4-6 cups of milk, and 3 servings of fruit, plus sometimes lots of honey, sometimes I overdo it a bit on the honey :D. I do think it may be possible to gain more weight with the current diet if I continue adding weight on the bar, or shovel in more food though.

I have been on RPD for under a year, and part of that time has been little progress in the gym from injuries and regaining what I lost from being sick and what-not. So, I definitely can't say I know it all and how thing work on this diet, just my experience so far, which isn't much! Glad I can be a part of this topic, I just really hope we can stick the guys together that are interested in this kind of stuff to figure out what works and what doesn't a little quicker.

For myself, I would like to gain another 10lbs to be sitting at 165lbs to be at the top of my weight class in powerlifting.

As far as detox goes, I am kinda bummed to admit that I am not that great at reading the signs from my body and I pretty much feel the same as I did. Although going back from my diet of burgers and hot dogs a few weeks ago as an experiment, I feel MUCH better ditching that stuff.

For training I am usually 5-1 reps on the main lifts (squat, bench, deadlift, and all their variations), but recently I have been finding better progress in the 5-3 rep range. I have always felt recovery has been great, but I would assume its even better on RPD, unless your routine is totally over the top crazy I don't think you have to worry much. I get nice strength gains from just one or two sets of low reps, as long as I put enough intensity into a set sometimes that is all you need to progress. That billstarr setup I mentioned to you is 3 exercises per day, and 1 heavy set for each, the rest is warm ups. I gained awesome on that routine and never felt even the slightest signs of overtraining, but I can't say it will be the same for everyone. I recently have been doing low volume front squats pretty much every day with no noticeable overtraining.

About your low carb question it depends on who you ask, you can see my diet and I think I am pretty high carb, especially if I eat honey that day which is like 10 tbsps or the end of the bottle whichever comes first lol. But if you ask a guy on a typical bodybuilder diet they think I am running a keto diet or something haha. A lot of the big natty guys are on LOTS of carbs, and run carb cycling, "cheat days" paired up with an almost paleo type week. On the weekend they will gorge on like 15k calories of doughnuts and poptarts, then run low carb for the rest of the week.

Hopefully all that babble can be beneficial in some way, it got a little long without me noticing. I wish you the best of luck man, and I would REALLY like to follow along a full log of diet workout with weights used, maybe even some youtube lifting vids, of another RP dieter.

Oh, and I just wanted to say, in the beginning I was more of a size guy (back when I got up to 190's) but after a year or so I realized hitting weight PR's every week or few weeks was more fun for me than waiting 3 months to see if my shoulders got a little bigger in a side by side picture comparison haha. I am not sure how experienced you are so this may all be unimportant and you already know this, but you just gotta find what style you enjoy because its not easy, and its a long road, and if you don't enjoy it it'll be impossible to be consistent.

Keep us updated! :)

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Re: GAINED 6-7lbs, stopped eating/working out like an idiot
« Reply #108 on: February 13, 2011, 03:07:34 am »
i do not know what those guys are eating but sprinters are usually pretty bulky and very lean.
gymnasts are also somewhat lean and have massive upper body.

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Re: GAINED 6-7lbs, stopped eating/working out like an idiot
« Reply #109 on: February 13, 2011, 03:43:35 am »
Thanks for the follow up B.Money

Lol I love it when people start getting worked up telling guys like us that we are on keto diets and try to tell us how bad it is for our health.  Oh well... Not much can be said to these people that is worth the effort.   

If you haven't listened to this already, then listen.  This is a must listen for guys like us

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Re: GAINED 6-7lbs, stopped eating/working out like an idiot
« Reply #110 on: February 13, 2011, 03:44:58 am »
i do not know what those guys are eating but sprinters are usually pretty bulky and very lean.
gymnasts are also somewhat lean and have massive upper body.

Would love to find out.  They also have soaring growth hormone levels from that type of training.

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Re: GAINED 6-7lbs, stopped eating/working out like an idiot
« Reply #111 on: February 13, 2011, 03:49:58 am »
Are any of you guys registered over on any lifting specific forums? I have a log that I log pretty much every workout over at . It would be awesome to see some raw guys over there learning and posting up logs regularly, since I am the only one.

I would highly recommend getting active on a board, and posting up a log. Ironaddicts is small and kinda like here where everyone (for the most part) gets along and has similar minds, and offers each other advice. Pretty tight knit.

Oh, also this site looks like a bodybuilding site, but its very much so strength emphasis. The site originally got popular by making the "get stronger to get bigger" concept. Like I said, it would be awesome to follow some of you guys on there, or if you guys are on any other sites post it up!

I registered as Kneival D

I concur that the place is a bit of a swamp. I sent you a PM so send me a pm there (or here) if there are any particular threads or things of interest. I basically do a 'keto diet' and am involved in a bit of powerlifting and crossfit/HIIT stuff.

Would love to find out.  They also have soaring growth hormone levels from that type of training.

there was some gymnastics forum I spotted at one point which seemed pretty good, but I totally forget what it was called.

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Re: GAINED 6-7lbs, stopped eating/working out like an idiot
« Reply #112 on: February 13, 2011, 09:20:09 am »
Nice, I am 1/2 way through this radio show currently and have a few thoughts. I have listened to this radio show awhile back when I was first interested in the primal diet, but forgot a lot so I am listening to it over again. I am curious how big this guy really is or how tall he is, anyone have any recent pictures of him while he was on the primal diet? Initially 215 on a bulk where he "can still see his abs" tells me he is at 10-12% (being generously low). Depending on how tall he is, this really may not be much.

I could care less about size and all that, just trying to point out my thoughts. He is saying right now that raw food is better than steroids, but I think that is a little much--in terms of health sure, strength...I doubt it but maybe, but bodybuilding?? I would like to think I have found the end all be all diet to being great at everything (including bodybuilding), but I just don't know... If our poster boy is 215lbs bulked up, I just hope he is 5'5 I guess is all I'm sayin', otherwise I am still skeptical.

edit: actually, doing a little more research, perhaps his weight isn't all THAT low for the normal natural bodybuilder so I apologize. BUT, comparing it to steroids is still just a little exaggeration, since it doesn't sound like he is a big name natural pro like Layne Norton. Guys on juice are 200+ in contest shape I believe. Disclaimer: i don't know much about bodybuilding so feel free to keep me honest. :D
« Last Edit: February 13, 2011, 09:28:42 am by B.Money »

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Re: GAINED 6-7lbs, stopped eating/working out like an idiot
« Reply #113 on: March 05, 2011, 04:14:39 am »
Time for an update!

and the drum roll please......

as of today 3/4/2011 I have gained............  -6.5 pounds.  Yes you read that right, I lost 6.5 pounds, I am down to around 163ish.   

What happened to that awesome bulk I was planning???


Full time school
Full time work
Social life on the weekends

I tried adding a bulking program to my busy lifestyle this semester and it caused me to loose weight.  Even though I upped the calories and increased weight training frequency I lost strength and muscle.  **lowers head in shame*** -[

Anyway, it just goes to show that lifestyle and stress are extremely important for fitness and wellbeing.  The success of my last bulk was due to the fact that all I was doing was working part time over the summer, this gave me lots of time to eat, rest, train, and most importantly REDUCE STRESS!

So?  I will be doing the bulk after I graduate this semester when I have more time to devote to it and am not extremely stressed out with school and work. 

Sorry guys this was a major failure but I'm glad I learned from it.  Can't wait to restart the bulk in a few months.

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Re: GAINED 6-7lbs, stopped eating/working out like an idiot
« Reply #114 on: May 11, 2011, 09:25:59 am »
I read through all these posts really fun reading guys. Im more into the sport/strength training side of this. Havent started eating paleo again. Its hard to get grassfed products here and when I did it the first time I got really sick from eating raw liver. My dad and sports coaches were pissed cuz I missed a bunch of prakys and games. My temp was like 102 at one point pre bad. I think the reason was because it was my first week eating paleo and I didnt have any fat in my diet. Id go to the grocery store and get steak, salmon, scallops and liver and eat it raw. The morning after eating liver I was sick as a dog in the rear. Do you think I introduced the organs too fast. Or was this just a detox that peaked with the liver? Anyways Im starting to wonder after reading all these posts if on a paleo diet that its actually detrimental to hold onto large amounts of muscle. It will be interesting once I start eating paleo again wheather it makes a difference. I build muscle really easily so it may be a good example because I know there are alot of hardgainers examples already up. My training now is shifting to no weights just plyos and bodyweight gymnastic stuff. When I do the paleo I wont have any fruit I dont think its worth it. Just rushin writin this post but let me know your thoughts look forward to contributing here later guys.



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