Author Topic: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity  (Read 49065 times)

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Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« on: January 29, 2010, 01:02:11 am »
Hi, I'm a newbie to the site from Northern Ireland.  The thread below is from Allexperts where I got some excellent advice from the RPG, however he suggested I post it here also to let you lot give me some pointers in regaining my health.  I am open to all suggestions so please chime in.

Expert:  RawPalaeoGuy
Subject:  Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / ME
Question:    QUESTION: Hi RPG,

I suffer from the above plus multiple chemical sensitivity and extreme sensitivity to EMFs (Electromagnetic Fields).  Six months ago I was down to 8 1/2 stone and felt I was going to die then someone told me about the Primal Diet, after just 2 days it was like wakingfrom a coma! I had strength and clarity for the first time in about two years and gained a stone in 3 monhs.  This continues for about two months then symptoms gradually returned and I am very tired again although nowhere near as bad as I was.  I had to give up raw dairy (I eat a little raw butter), raw honey, raw egg whites and minimize fruit as they all exasberrated my condition.  My diet at the momemt is basically:

Green veggie juice
Raw Meat (beef, venison, lamb, pheasant, turkey_
Raw fish (Mackeral, hering, salmon, prawns, scallops, sardines)
Raw egg yokes
Cold pressed Olive oil
Raw Butter
Avocadoes (minimal as it causes fatigue)
Cocnut Cream (minimal as it causes fatigue)

I know the return of symptoms could be detox and the body repairing it self but I'm not sure.  I struggle with constipation but regularly eat lots of high meat which helps sometimes.  Like Aajonus suggests I drink very little water as it doesn't seem to satisfy my thirst but even with the veggie juice I get extremely dehydrated especially during the night and in the morning.  I do agress with aajonus on the 'no-fibre' thing as I do much better without it, however I fear even the small amount of Carbs in the green veggie juice feeds the Candida so I'm unsure how to proceed.  While I live in Australia I drank the water of young green cocnuts which really hydrated me but having returned home (Northern Ireland I do not have access to these.  I would like to go zero carb as I feel best when eating raw meat but the thirst makes it impossible.
I am planning to purchase human hookworms and whipworms in he new year as I've they are having astonishing effects on people with ME like conditions, and this is without a proper diet like mine so their is hope.

Anyway I would like to hear you feedback and suggestions.

Other info:
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Weight: 10 st
Blood Type: O  (I do believe there's something to this)

Many Thanks


ANSWER: OK, you appear to have had some of the issues I faced pre-rawpalaeodiet. Getting rid of most raw  dairy products was a very good idea as it's notorious re causing CFS issues. But, you really need to get rid of the raw butter as well. I've heard many rawists claim that they did OK on raw butter but not on other raw dairy, but, in the end, they invariably admitted, that in the long-term their health suffered on it. Sure, raw butter contains much less lactose and less casein, but people forget that they can develop minor inflammation and other issues from even tiny amounts - while things may seem OK in the short-term, a food-intolerance to a food, even if it is very mild indeed, can disrupt the body's attempts at healing itself, thus slowing healing down considerably, perhaps to zero.In short, I would only ever recommend raw dairy if that person was fine on ALL types of raw dairy, not just raw butter.

Next issue:- Other than raw dairy, the next biggest problem Primal Dieters face is the raw veggie-juice. Numerous people have complained over the years that they would develop health-problems such as nutritional deficiencies if they drank more than a big glass of raw veggie-juice a day. So, AV's standard recommendation of 25% of the diet consisting of raw veggie-juice is a bad idea. You see, raw veg contains antinutrients - these, unlike grains, are not a problem as they are only in trace amounts in solid, raw veg - but when you juice the veg, you not only make the nutrients in the veg more bioavailable but the antinutrients as well - plus,  few rawists enjoy eating raw solid veg much, given taste issues, so they simply can never eat the vast amounts of solid, raw veggies that they would ingest via using a juicer. Now, some people claim they do fine on raw veggie-juice as long as they don't overdo the 1 glass a day practice, but, given your current health-problems and the fact that so many RVAFers have issues with it, I'd remove it from the diet to see what happens.

Re coconut cream:- I never indulged in the Primal Diet practice of eating raw coconut cream as it was so time-consuming. A recent thread on rawpaleoforum on the subject suggested that many people get serious digestive issues if they ate more than a certain amount. My own view is that it's always a bad idea to indulge in foods that have been processed, even if the food is raw(the only exception I can think of is "high-meat", but "high-meat" isn't really refined/processed as such, it's just food that's been left to age).So, my view is, ditch the coconut cream and the cold-pressed olive-oil. You're far better off consuming raw animal fats such as suet, marrow, tongue, fatty muscle-meats like raw mutton . I personally find raw marrow more suitable for me, but others swear by raw suet. Try all of these and see what works for you. Since avocadoes affect you in some way, remove them for now.

 Yes, "high-meat" often is useful re easing digestion. As for Aajonus and his recommendation to avoid water, I find that a bit dubious, myself. I mean, distilled water does indeed leach off nutrients and is to be avoided, but normal water, and mineral-water doesn't leach off nutrients to the extent Aajonus claims. 1 thought:- I've heard that putting a little salt into one's mineral-water helps retain the water in one's body.

That said, I do think the extensive thirst symptoms are a sign of something else. I don't know much re the candida issue, there are people far more experienced with this subject on the rawpaleoforum website. I gather that raw zero-carb works a treat but the transition involves issues(perhaps you could do raw VLC instead?). You would be best placed to post on rawpaleoforum about this. I also believe there are various products such as tea-tree oil(?) which are routinely recommended for candida, but you'll have to check with the ex-Candida sufferers on that board.

Re type O:- Well, multiple anecdotal evidence on rawpaleoforum and the rawpaleodiet yahoo group all indicate the opposite, IMO. We've had type Bs do very badly on any grains/dairy and so on. Besides, D'Adamo has completely changed round his diet, nowadays, and recommends in his new book something quite different now, all because of the frequent criticisms of his previous dietary theories.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Many thanks for this great info.  Will definately implement these suggestions and see how I go.

Its encouraging to know you recovered from similar issues I have.  Did this include chemical and EMF sensitivity?  Where can I read about your health issues and recovery in more detail?

Also I eat raw organic mushrooms (Portabello), what is your experince with mushrooms on the RPD?



Answer:  No, I never experienced electromagnetic radiation sensitivity, though I think I had some nasty reactions to certain chemicals over the years(for example, as a child, I would routinely feel violently ill after travelling in one of the school vans presumably because of various chemicals that were in the seats), and there were a few other times I had some chemical sensitivity, can't recall them offhand right now. I have occasionally come across a few RPDers who had gotten EMF sensitivity on SAD diets, prior to going rawpalaeo. I'm not sure if/how they cured themselves of it, as the topic is so rarely mentioned on RVAF diet forums.You'll have to ask questions on those websites.

Re mushrooms:- My experience on RPD diets was that I became more sensitive to the antinutrients found in mushrooms and nuts(I developed minor stomach-aches if I overindulged them). I did a trick where I would soak nuts for 24 hours before eating them but that only solved the problem a little. There were a few mushroom species and nuts that I didn't ahve issues with, but generally speaking, I avoid them now - besides, they're not really ideal nutrition, from my POV.
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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2010, 01:22:34 am »
isnt tyler rawpaleoguy?

You will most definitely recover, plenty of us have, just remember to include plenty of organs & use spices or sauces, if you dont like the taste


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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2010, 03:03:27 am »
Hello Brady. Welcome to the forum.

I'm one of the Candida sufferers that RPG refers to in his response.
To make a long story short I've developed a large number of clinically documented food allergies as well as undocumented intolerances over the last 9ish years. I believe I was suffering from other problems prior to this (almost 10 years worth) but was not diagnosed until 2001. Doing large amounts of research into Candida I'm convinced that I developed an overgrowth in my teens which eventually went systemic. The Candida has a detrimental effect on my gut resulting in leaky gut and finally my food allergies.
I came to this forum as a last resort of sorts. I'd gradually moved towards a high meat & low carb diet to avoid the continuous stomach issues I was having. I looked to the other extreme-an all meat diet-to see if I could live that way or I'd have to suffer some vegetation to maintain my relative health. I found this was a viable diet if you consume an adequate amount of meat and becomes much healthier if supplemented with organ meat. Raw was the last step and an obvious & easy one; the body naturally craves rarer and rarer meat if eating a cooked carnivorous diet.

Following a raw carnivorous diet I have my health & drive back. All of the problems I attribute to the systemic Candida overgrowth are gone or reducing over time:
-I used to be sick 2 to 3 times a month with an infection or other more serious issue every ~8-10 weeks. I no longer get protracted illnesses and the couple times I've felt under the weather were less than a day, usually less than 6 hours. I wouldn't even count this as getting sick but it's a little less extreme sounding than saying I no longer get sick.
-I used to have the worst cravings for carbohydrate containing foods, particularly sweets. It was an addiction really. After a bit of difficulty during the transition period (alleviated greatly by more fat) I've had almost no cravings. When I do notice a craving it's my body telling me it wants more fat.
-I had the worst brainfog for the longest time. I actually dropped out of college because it became so bad it made it hard to follow along. This has cleared up dramatically over the last 5 months; I only notice it a bit if I've gone a long time without eating and this might even be normal for most people.
-My energy levels had been really low. I had grown to depend on the 24-hr Claritin D I took for environmental (pollen, dust, cats, dogs, etc.) allergies to give me the energy boost I needed to function. I no longer take any medication, including the Claritin D, and have very minimal allergy issues while having fantastic energy all day long.
-I'm also completely food allergy free so long as I stick to 100% grassfed meat and fat. I no longer get cramps, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, or any of the other problems I'd get when I ate anything. I don't even get a runny nose. The only time's I've had problems was when I ate meat from an animal that got grain in it's diet (some or all) or surprisingly each time I've made pemmican. I'm just glad that I've found a way that works for me, and is very healthy, before all my options were exhausted.

I fully recommend that you turn to a raw carnivorous diet right away. If you care to get daring after you've equalized your body and your health this is your call but this is a great way to take burden off your system so it can begin the healing process. :)

I'm hesitant to post this but will for your knowledge; even if it's off topic and could elicit off-topic responses.
I, like my wife, have a fair amount of psychic ability. The area we both enjoy using this gift is ghost hunting. We both can pick up when an entity is near, my wife more than me, and I can sense direction while she can't. We can also feel the energy from water and high EMF fields.
Since I've been eating a raw carnivorous diet this sense is diminished (but not gone ;D). You might very well notice a greater tolerance to EMF if you change diet, but of course your mileage might vary.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2010, 03:14:40 am by djr_81 »

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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2010, 05:31:13 am »
I also suffer from EMF sensitivity. My car and work place are the major sources of concern. I found this site very helpful..
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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2010, 09:20:52 am »
use spices or sauces, if you dont like the taste


I'm hesitant to post this but will for your knowledge; even if it's off topic and could elicit off-topic responses.
I, like my wife, have a fair amount of psychic ability. The area we both enjoy using this gift is ghost hunting. We both can pick up when an entity is near, my wife more than me, and I can sense direction while she can't. We can also feel the energy from water and high EMF fields.
Since I've been eating a raw carnivorous diet this sense is diminished (but not gone ;D). You might very well notice a greater tolerance to EMF if you change diet, but of course your mileage might vary.

So going raw carnivorous healed your brain and allowed it to function more rationally?  ;)
« Last Edit: January 29, 2010, 09:35:47 am by miles »
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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2010, 10:33:30 pm »
hi djr_81

Many thanks for this and I would love to hear more about your journey where can I read about it in more detail? also I have a few questions if you don't mind?

1/ what selections of meat do you eat?
2/ what are your sources of fat?
3/ how often do you eat? / time of day? / quantities?
4/ how much water do you drink?
5/ bowel movements- frequency/size/ease?
6/ Energy levels- would you have the enegy to play sport or go to gym?
7/ did you suffer from any liver pain?
8/ could you give me a typical days schedule from when you wake to when you sleep?

I am pretty keen on going zero carb but my main issues are dehydration, constipation and fatigue (almost bed ridden some days)  I find water to be a poor hydrator and low sugar fruits to be very good but I really want to get of fruit altogether as it agrevates my condition.  I definately agree with what you say about carb cravings being alleviated by fat and I experience this with coconut cream however it leaves me extremely fatigued so I want to get off it as well.  The animal fat I'm eating (fatty meat, bone marrow) however doesn't seem to quench my thirst or kiil the carb cravings as well. Any suggestions?  I not been able to get grass fed suet or mutton yet.  I am also reluctant to drink water to close to meals as I don't want to dilute my hcl and hamper my already poor digestion which leaves me dehydrated for a few hours after i eat, especially if i eat lots of red meat.  At the moment I eat two meals:
10-11am selection of meat, foul and bone marrow
6-7pm seletion of wild caught cold water oily fish

In between I will chew on a little celery (spitting out the pulp), have a cuccumber or maybe a bell pepper (all to quench my thirst)

Would aprecaite you help mate and perhqaps a few of the other zero carbers could join in.



The culture and civilization of the White man are essentially material; his measure of success is, "How much property have I acquired for myself?" The culture of the Red man is fundamentally spiritual; his measure of success is, "How much service have I rendered to my people?"

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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2010, 10:42:24 pm »
I once had jock itch.  Stumbled into my mother in law doing vco detox.  Read the book coconut cures.  Did the vco detox for 3 days.  jock itch gone.  Call me impatient.  This is a 100% fat diet with 0 protein and 0 carb.  Uber extreme.  My brother did 4 of these to get rid of his candida and ice cream addiction  See
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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2010, 12:21:44 am »
hi djr_81
Many thanks for this and I would love to hear more about your journey where can I read about it in more detail? also I have a few questions if you don't mind?
Not a problem. Like the others I'm here to share my experiences and help others reclaim their health so ask away. :)
Link to my journal.

1/ what selections of meat do you eat?
I mostly eat grassfed beef chuck with additional grassfed beef suet.
I also eat wild deer (venison) when available. I have a number of friends and in-laws who hunt it so have good availability to it. I'm actually going to start training with a bow this spring and hopefully be proficient enough to hunt in the fall. I might wait another year for the hunting though if I don't feel confident that I'll make a clean shot.
Lastly I try to get a good assortment of organs when I can. I personally enjoy heart, tongue and liver. I dry them out a bit until they're a bit tough on the outside but still moist inside.

2/ what are your sources of fat?
The intramuscular fat in the beef chuck (one of the fattiest cuts on the animal) with supplemental suet fat. I've eaten marrow fat before but prefer to supplement with suet.

3/ how often do you eat? / time of day? / quantities?
I eat twice a day most days. Lunch time (anywhere from 10AM-3PM, usually about 1PM) and dinner time (5:30PM-8PM, usually about 6:30PM). I try to not eat to late as I don't digest it as well lying down.
I've recently increased my energy output (exercising again which I'd stopped with the serious cold outside-I'm doing it inside now) so have had a commensurate increase in food in. I'm eating  2 1/2 to 3 pounds of food in a given day now. I was eating 1 1/2-2 pounds of food.

4/ how much water do you drink?

At least 48oz of water a day. I'll vary day to day but my body lets me know when I need more water.
I drink quite a bit of water in the mornings. I also drink throughout my workday. I try to avoid any water a half hour before or an hour after eating as I'm of the mind it impairs digestion somewhat.

5/ bowel movements- frequency/size/ease?
Really depends on fat intake and overall food intake to energy usage.
If I'm getting enough fat and not eating much more food than the energy I use it's a minimal bowel movement (I don't know how you'd estimate a size here-maybe if formed into a ball it's be a 2 1/2" diameter?)which comes out without much effort. If I'm not getting enough fat it's harder to pass but about the same volume. If I'm eating more than I need the bulk goes up.
I go to the bathroom once a day most days. Some days might be two or three times that day (if I ate too much in general or maybe ate to much fat). Some days I might not go at all.

6/ Energy levels- would you have the enegy to play sport or go to gym?
After adaptation and with enough fat, yes definitely.
The keto-adaption process is hard on the body and you'll notice diminished energy and performance. I tried to keep up my morning running schedule throughout my adaptation and this was too difficult. I did go out most days and get my run in but it was slower and more labored than usual. A few days I missed completely.
Now if I don't get enough fat I notice a marked decrease in energy and have more trouble keeping myself going with a sport.
I was doing regular (2-3 times a week) 13 mile bike rides around my town after work last fall with daily morning jogging/running and noticed no energy problems so it doesn't seem to be a concern.

7/ did you suffer from any liver pain?
I did very frequently as a result of my food allergies. I was frankly resigned to the fact that I was going to lose the function of it at some point in my life since the pain was persistent enough. It wasn't a sharp pain often, usually dull, but definitely there 50% of the time.
I have not had this pain at all since changing my diet. :)

8/ could you give me a typical days schedule from when you wake to when you sleep?
This is typical as of last week:
Wake - 7:00AM
Morning cycle on bike - 7:00-7:15AM
Morning prep (Cutting up food for lunch, possibly taking a shower, getting dressed, spending a couple minutes with my wife before work, etc.) - 7:15AM-8:15AM
Drive to work - 8:15AM-8:45AM (15 minute buffer for traffic ;))
Work (includes lunch somewhere in there) - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Drive home - 5:00PM-5:30PM
Misc. (TV, reading, spending time with my wife, etc.) - 5:30-9:30PM (Dinner in there somewhere)
Bed - 9:30PM-10:00PM
Not a very busy life but my wife and I are homebodies who enjoy the simple things. :)

I am pretty keen on going zero carb but my main issues are dehydration, constipation and fatigue (almost bed ridden some days)  I find water to be a poor hydrator and low sugar fruits to be very good but I really want to get of fruit altogether as it agrevates my condition.  I definately agree with what you say about carb cravings being alleviated by fat and I experience this with coconut cream however it leaves me extremely fatigued so I want to get off it as well.  The animal fat I'm eating (fatty meat, bone marrow) however doesn't seem to quench my thirst or kiil the carb cravings as well. Any suggestions?  I not been able to get grass fed suet or mutton yet.  I am also reluctant to drink water to close to meals as I don't want to dilute my hcl and hamper my already poor digestion which leaves me dehydrated for a few hours after i eat, especially if i eat lots of red meat.  At the moment I eat two meals:
10-11am selection of meat, foul and bone marrow
6-7pm seletion of wild caught cold water oily fish

In between I will chew on a little celery (spitting out the pulp), have a cuccumber or maybe a bell pepper (all to quench my thirst)

Would aprecaite you help mate and perhqaps a few of the other zero carbers could join in.
In my experience you'll hydrate better with the water if it's got a bit of sea salt in it to help with your electrolytes. My house has naturally hard water so I don't add any to my water but when I drink bottled water I do tend to add.
You sound like you're in the throes of keto-adaption at the moment. I can't really suggest much that will make it easier other than letting you know I went through the same issues and you just need to persevere. It's going to be hard but the short-term misery is so much better than the long-term problems with the Candida overgrowth.
I do recommend that you do not eat any fruits or vegetables if you're fighting Candida. It's best to go all-out now and then add things back in when you are healed in the future (I'm strongly considering adding in some berries after a couple years but will see when I get there). I'd definitely cut out the coconut cream at the very least; so many on this board seem to have issues with it why chance it?
Is your first meal your large meal of the day? I'd make the large meal of the day the red meat meal as it's fattier and better for your healing IMO. If you want to have oily fish as your other meal by all means do so just make sure you're making the fattiest meal the big meal. :)

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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2010, 12:55:11 am »

Many thanks for this comprehensive response.  It is very encouraging to see that you are overcoming your health challenges and thriving.  Its stories like your taht keep my going when time are tough.

Is your first meal your large meal of the day? I'd make the large meal of the day the red meat meal as it's fattier and better for your healing IMO. If you want to have oily fish as your other meal by all means do so just make sure you're making the fattiest meal the big meal. :)

Yes my first meal is the largest.  However I don’t thing I was eating enough fat so I managed to get 6 llbs of suet (grass fed in summer / silage & grain fed in winter) and started eating it yesterday with my morning meat meal.  I noticed my dehydration was very much improved (kinda back up what Aajonus says about dehydration being more dilapidation) .

I started reading through your journal with relish, great stuff!  However one question comes to mind, why do yourself and other zero carbers partake in the eating of tallow and pemmican when they are not really raw and appear to cause problems, not to mention the lipid peroxides produced by heating fat.  Why not just eat it all raw (not heated or dry)?  I got the butcher to mince my suet so it just melts in my mouth, just an idea.

Also I take bitter herbs to improve digestion and increase bile flow, any experience with these?

What about clays?

Sorry I am a bit slow in responding but I have to limit my computer time due to my electrosensitivity or pay the price.

Many thanks

The culture and civilization of the White man are essentially material; his measure of success is, "How much property have I acquired for myself?" The culture of the Red man is fundamentally spiritual; his measure of success is, "How much service have I rendered to my people?"

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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2010, 02:02:24 am »
one question comes to mind, why do yourself and other zero carbers partake in the eating of tallow and pemmican when they are not really raw and appear to cause problems, not to mention the lipid peroxides produced by heating fat.

I'll fix the glitch like so: "they are not really raw and appear to cause problems to Tyler/RPG".
The answer to your question is: we get well when we eat tallow and pemmican.
We do this because we feel sick when we eat heated fat.

Why not just eat it all raw (not heated or dry)?

Because if it is not dried it gives me the shits. Dr. Harris discovered an allergen in raw meat that is neutralized by drying - something to do with albumen.


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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2010, 02:13:36 am »
Yes my first meal is the largest.  However I don’t thing I was eating enough fat so I managed to get 6 llbs of suet (grass fed in summer / silage & grain fed in winter) and started eating it yesterday with my morning meat meal.  I noticed my dehydration was very much improved (kinda back up what Aajonus says about dehydration being more dilapidation) .
I'm glad to hear it. Getting enough fat makes a world of difference. :)

I started reading through your journal with relish, great stuff!  However one question comes to mind, why do yourself and other zero carbers partake in the eating of tallow and pemmican when they are not really raw and appear to cause problems, not to mention the lipid peroxides produced by heating fat.  Why not just eat it all raw (not heated or dry)?  I got the butcher to mince my suet so it just melts in my mouth, just an idea.
I tried it in the beginning both for variety and as a travel food which some of us on here use it for. As you saw it obviously doesn't agree with my body.
The last time I did it as for the anecdotal confirmation that it wasn't poor preparation but an immuno-response to the heat applied to the fat source. I hoped I would be wrong and could use it in an emergency but no luck.
I love raw fat and eat all of my fat raw but there are times, like if I was on a business trip, where it would be more convenient to carry portable odorless food. I plan to just bring jerky and suet with me now and deal with the odor of high fat if need be. Health is more important than what others think of my diet.
FWIW I've picked up a cheese shredder and have used this to grate suet into a powder similar to Parmesan cheese to sprinkle on food as well. You could do this in a pinch instead of having the butcher mince it up.

Also I take bitter herbs to improve digestion and increase bile flow, any experience with these?
No. My food allergies had been percolating for quite a few years before I found out about them and quite a few years after finding out about the first set before I found out about most of the fruits & veggies. My family had always been one to eat a very wide and exotic spread of foods so I screwed myself pretty good there. My selection is very limited in what doesn't elicit an immuno-response so I don't push it too often.

What about clays?
I have not yet but I'm definitely game for it. The earth is very healing so I see nothing wrong with ingesting a bit of living earth to help heal. I'll get there eventually.

Sorry I am a bit slow in responding but I have to limit my computer time due to my electrosensitivity or pay the price.
Wow, you are sensitive.
Have you ever considered a USB (or PS2) extender cable to get you a little further from the PC? I'm sure wireless would bother you if you're this sensitive but the extension cable would make it so you're only in the vicinity of very low voltage which might be more tolerable. ;)

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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2010, 08:22:05 am »
I'll fix the glitch like so: "they are not really raw and appear to cause problems to Tyler/RPG".
The answer to your question is: we get well when we eat tallow and pemmican.
We do this because we feel sick when we eat heated fat.
Because if it is not dried it gives me the shits. Dr. Harris discovered an allergen in raw meat that is neutralized by drying - something to do with albumen.

William, I am extremely happy for you and YOUR health gains on pemmican, but it does not work for everyone and was an absolute DISASTER for me. I would not recommend to anyone with gut issues, and especially not in place of raw meat/fat with all it's water content.

If you are going to write so absolutely, please at least change your pronoun from 'we' to 'I'. 


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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2010, 11:46:33 am »
it does not work for everyone and was an absolute DISASTER for me. I would not recommend to anyone with gut issues, and especially not in place of raw meat/fat with all it's water content.

If you are going to write so absolutely, please at least change your pronoun from 'we' to 'I'. 

Forgive my curiosity, but do you have an idea why? I'll assume it was not the jerky, as everyone can eat that.

Offline jessica

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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2010, 09:45:18 pm »
Forgive my curiosity, but do you have an idea why? I'll assume it was not the jerky, as everyone can eat that.

thats like assuming everyone can eat fresh meats
which you already said gives you the shits
accept peoples digestive systems work differently?


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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2010, 11:50:44 pm »
thats like assuming everyone can eat fresh meats
which you already said gives you the shits
accept peoples digestive systems work differently?

Not if you are born of the race of Man.

See the fourth and fifth paragraphs of Bear's words of wisdom here:

Offline roony

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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2010, 02:09:47 am »
Pigs stomach, ie pig tripe, guaranteed cure for leaky gut & colitis & crohns, look up trichirus whipworm, heals & stitches your stomach back & other autoimmune problems rapidly

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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #16 on: February 06, 2010, 08:24:12 am »
Not if you are born of the race of Man.

See the fourth and fifth paragraphs of Bear's words of wisdom here:

im not reading that novel lol
you remind me of this stubborn vegan i was having a discussion with today
people are different
some people pemmican, others pemmicant
(yes i worked on that all day)

Offline roony

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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2010, 11:02:51 pm »
im not reading that novel lol
you remind me of this stubborn vegan i was having a discussion with today
people are different
some people pemmican, others pemmicant
(yes i worked on that all day)

Point him towards anti-nutrients in the form of natural pesticides which prevent ppl from eating the proteins of plants & inability to digest 65% of protein & nutrients from plants ....


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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #18 on: February 06, 2010, 11:34:34 pm »
Point him towards anti-nutrients in the form of natural pesticides which prevent ppl from eating the proteins of plants & inability to digest 65% of protein & nutrients from plants ....

There are no proteins in plants.
There are no proteins in plants.
There are no proteins in plants.
There are no proteins in plants.
There are no proteins in plants.
There are no proteins in plants.
There are no proteins in plants.
There are no proteins in plants.
There are no proteins in plants.
There are no proteins in plants.
There are no proteins in plants.
There are no proteins in plants.
There are no proteins in plants.
There are no proteins in plants.
There are no proteins in plants.
There are no proteins in plants.
And there never were.

Autoimmune disease is supposed to be caused by consuming the wrong stuff, so stop, give it a rest, then eat the right stuff. If it doesn't cure the disease, it's not the right stuff.

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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2010, 12:01:55 am »
So what's the protein in hemp, beans, etc., ?

A raw diet, wont cure autoimmune diseases like crohns & colitis ... you need specific bacteria & nutrition, ie pigs stomach lining

Muscle meats & organs all harbor bacteria specific to that organs function, in addition to more universal beneficial bacteria

Autoimmune diseases, are specific low colonies of bacteria, ie crohns, colitis, require stomach tissue

Marrow & bone specific autoimmune diseases, such as leukaemia require colonies of bacteria specific to those disease's, ie bone marrow & bone filing's

Healing as on any diet, isnt universal, you're quality of life maybe superior, but the raw diet in no way replaces true naturopathy, regardless of the modality they use, whether its herbs or raw meat


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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #20 on: February 07, 2010, 12:24:44 am »
So what's the protein in hemp, beans, etc., ?

There are no proteins in plants.

A raw diet, wont cure autoimmune diseases like crohns & colitis ... you need specific bacteria & nutrition, ie pigs stomach lining

Muscle meats & organs all harbor bacteria specific to that organs function, in addition to more universal beneficial bacteria

OK, so I would eat raw  pigs' stomach lining if I had that disease, problem is that there is no known source where I live. Maybe Jessica can find some.

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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #21 on: February 07, 2010, 12:30:27 am »
There are no proteins in plants.

OK, so I would eat raw  pigs' stomach lining if I had that disease, problem is that there is no known source where I live. Maybe Jessica can find some.

Can you clarify the proteins in plants such as hemp & beans? A simple no isnt exactly informative lol

I'm not aware of any research stating otherwise, thnx ...
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 01:11:25 am by roony »

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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #22 on: February 07, 2010, 12:52:12 am »
There are no proteins in plants.

Lets settle this once and for all.. plants carry protein, yes but the absorption
rate in a human body is what should worry you.

"Different proteins have different levels of biological availability (BA) to the human body. They include biological value, net protein utilization, and PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acids Score). The biological value of plant protein sources is usually considerably lower than animal sources."

Clearly plants are not life sustaining foods for humans. We do not have the digestive capabilities to break
down most vegetables, if not all. Animal-sourced food carries ALL nutrients.minerals.vitamins man needs!
"The more I learn what is a man, the more I want to be an animal."

Offline roony

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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #23 on: February 07, 2010, 01:13:31 am »
Lets settle this once and for all.. plants carry protein, yes but the absorption
rate in a human body is what should worry you.

"Different proteins have different levels of biological availability (BA) to the human body. They include biological value, net protein utilization, and PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acids Score). The biological value of plant protein sources is usually considerably lower than animal sources."

Clearly plants are not life sustaining foods for humans. We do not have the digestive capabilities to break
down most vegetables, if not all. Animal-sourced food carries ALL nutrients.minerals.vitamins man needs!

Thanks for that, malabsorption & uptake is a very significant factor in plant nutrition


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Re: Candida / Leaky gut / CFS / Electrosensitivity
« Reply #24 on: February 07, 2010, 05:50:20 am »
Lets settle this once and for all.. plants carry protein

There is no protein in plants.

There are amino acids in plants, politely and inaccurately called incomplete proteins by crackpot vegetarians, and our bodies cannot metabolize incomplete proteins.


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