There's a photo on the web of kieba with Aajonus in Hawaii. Can't remember where, ah:-
There are plenty of others, just use google image.
Googled. Right on the same site. With Kiebs also. The same November visit. I believe this was eight months after a very serious incident, I direct you to the accounting of injuries and recovery care, refusal of surgery etc. I also saw him after the injuries, about three months later or four months before the photo. Kieba practices her Retro Raw diet. She eats raw meat, raw milk, raw fruit, raw green salad and up to twenty percent of her diet is steamed vegetables, pop corn and coffee (from what I have heard). She wrote recipe books and sells them on raw foods, a book for adults, a book for children, etc.
"Kieba and Aajonus Speaking at the Raw Game 2008 Kickoff"
in the picture he is 61 +xmos she is literally about 50 y/o (they both started raw meat after long close brushes with death)
Sure, if you can eat a diet that gets you doing
whatever exercises you want to, fine, do it. In some situations you may need raw diet, but one that will work whether you exercise or not.
The Doug Graham all raw diet, you have to exercise or you will fail right away. He charges $10,000USD/3wks water fasting, a good time to program you when your brain receives no glucose nor other energy.
With cooked meat you need extra exercise too.
With RAF based diet all raw exercise is easy but even without the exercise muscles grow and maintain.
Aajonus is busy fighting chemtrails, fighting for raw food rights for the US (as politicians act as tricksters over and over at opportune times to take them away), and he travels to several countries each year (it seems to me) and not "just for fun". He also does experiments to learn more about raw foods and publishes it in newsletters, so if he prefers not to exercise, I excuse him. He doesn't even try to make money on most of these things, from what I know.
Raw milk is made by mothers for babies that sleep more than adults that make hormones for growing. That's what raw milk does, it gives certain energies that some people need for a time or prefer.
I don't suppose many of the people reading or responding to this have developed multiple stage four system cancers at the same time before taking up raw foods. It's more than food that is needed to cure. Some may feel better than curing themselves quickly than their roll is to help more people in whatever capacity they are set up to. Each person has a different role. Pretty much, it's all good (IMV).
edit: changed months part of their ages to be more vague. @__:09 PM time 1/29/2010 Fri