Well, I hit it in the shoulder. I removed that because the pellet was made of lead. It seemed like blood clogged up in the area where I hit it.(forming a bruise? There wasn't tons of blood. I tried to slice an artery in the neck to see. Not lots of blood when I was cutting meat up. I Just butchered it then washed some fur off then froze it. I got meat, testes, some brain(tiny), liver, kidneys, heart. Blood might be in my meat still. It's something you have to experience yourself. I am thinking about getting a sling shot and using stones so I don't have to worry about the metals in bullets. I didn't eat anything on spot, was kinda early in the day and I wasn't hungry.
Next time I will start off the butchering process by slicing the throat over a bowl to see how much blood I can get.
The heart was tender and good btw. I got some beef heart now. Delicious.