THank you for the positive energy, that is what is totally needed with any disease including MS> OUr bodies were made to heal themselves and with the advent of technology, chemicals, msg, mecury, god the list goes on and on, over the last 20 years, or basically since the boom of technology and short cuts, disease has gone rampant.
Going off the land and clean is where its at. THey hide from us on censored news and dont show us things because so much big money is involved, from the obvious pharma companies to big business, there is more money in treating a symptom then a cure and thats the bottom line. There are people around the world living to 146. HELL the bible says 125, yet our media will only show you someone here or in UK that is 108. There are people living in the 120's , in remote areas of the world. How... why.. they dont have electricity, cars, dish washers, microwaves etc the list goes on. They live of the land.. eat when they need to , have sex when they want. i have links for all this.. There has been such a massive cover up for so long and the sheeple just keep following the media, government and big pharma companies.
From what you put up as urls and talking about diet you hit the nail on the head. And getting off medications is critical as well. Everything is in the "GUT" it creates and harbors everything. It creates the seratonin in the brain, and has so many controlling feautres its astounding yet we pay little attention to it unless we have an upset stomach and need antacid. Huge success with the right herbs for whaty ou have, veggies veggies veggiesssss, low protien and good fats .. Hydro therapy for the colon is the key. Consistantly.. so many people on a good diet high in all the things you stated and doing a colon hydro therapy consistanly especially if they have a condition of cured thier illnesses. cured them... from cancer to ms to you name it..
Get the world around.. i appreciate your post. came across it on a google search..