I just attended my first cross-fit and got my clock totally cleaned. there was only one other guy in the class but both him and the instructor seemed to treat me like special-needs or something. they do like 5 minutes strait of exercises for christ-sakes! high intensity shit, and towards the end you like jump up and down on this box, that when you have no energy from throwing up and down medicine balls and your heart is beating, it starts to seem possible that you will not make it on the box. The second round (I think you only rest a minute) I had to do it really half-ass or risk puking everywhere. My heart just wouldn't stop racing. I tried to tell the instructor I hadn't done any cardio in years and that I considered yoga to be too much cardio. haha. I was mostly hoping to socialize with some health minded people, but they didn't seem like folks i'd want to hang around with, but friendly enough. I'll probably go back at least to get the basic certification (3 class) so I can go to other gyms in the future, but other than the aerobics it doesn't look like a great place to meet girls either. ah well.
not much else is going on, I've found myself with less to complain about these days and sometimes feeling almost normal/good, so objectively that is a huge improvement. eating lots of grass fed liver, goats, bison, marrow, raw butter, and 1-4 meals a week of seafood and poultry, some ground meat and had a whole leg of lamb I've been picking at. I ate some berries and such and seem to be tolerating fruit somewhat better. although I had a green apple and got some feet itchyness. I seem not to get the ear thing or insane fatigue anymore, so perhaps that problem is correcting itself slowly with the high meats and such. I also seem to tolerate beet sugar and vegetable sugar ok mixed with egg. but mostly doing RZC days (with butter).
I'm having both an external and internal argument over salt these days. I do not consume salt. but activity and heat tend to cause various symptoms like cramping, headaches, fatigue etc...some people see this as low sodium, others salt detox and other detox. generally I'd go with the former but when I do try adding small amounts of salt I just get really thirsty and within the next few days I'm almost certain to have a headache. also people who consume salt say its because they sweat so much and need to replace salt. but it seems to be on a no salt diet there is less need to sweat. anyway, there is so many different opinions on this but it doesn't seem to be many fitting the description of no salt: very active (although I wouldn't call myself that per se), lots of time in the sun, VLC (not much hydration from minerals in fruits and veg), and all raw, although apparently there are cooked ZC athletes who consume no salt, and one would think on all raw there would be less dehydration and less need for water, which the pro-salt camps believe flush more salt out when taken in quantity.
just tonight was the first time I've gotten the cramping in awhile though, the workout really shook things up though so I'm more inclined to believe it shook things around, rather than being depleting