1 of the 2 key problems with the above is that pemmican, not being raw, is simply not remotely relevant to rawpaleoforum in the first place, along with similiar non-raw foods that have no place here such as big macs, pizzas etc. Calling it "raw" in quotes is merely misleading in that regard. Either it is raw or it is cooked, depending on the temperature, as in the dictionary. Quibbling over how much damage is done to it via heating is quite another issue.
Now, I could in a similiar way make, a very good case that cooked plant foods, are in some ways " less unhealthy" than cooked animal foods, given the fact that heat-created toxins are more likely to be formed in quantity in cooked animal foods than in cooked plant food. I could even cite myself and some others, as doing better on cooked plant foods than on cooked animal foods. But that wouldn`t alter the fact that many other RVAFers do rather badly on cooked plant foods, so it would be wrong for me to advocate eating cooked plant foods as being healthy, in the manner of William. In the case of pemmican, most RVAFers appear to do badly on even good-quality grassfed pemmican and report feeling worse if pemmican-consumption is continued long-term, if it`s increased in amount, or if the temperature for making the pemmican is increased. This does make it highly likely that plenty of heat-created toxins remain.
Interesting example re water. However, water is a compound with unusual properties, with a rather different , seemingly less complicated chemical make-up than animal fats. While I don`t think RPDers would frown on heated water by itself, most report not doing so well with teas which are just hot water with some heated herbs in diluted form. Perhaps comparing tea to rendered animal fats would be more appropriate given that rendering isn`t just a heating process.
Re SFAs:- A long while back, I read all sorts of dodgy reports by Ray Peat and other low carb gurus claiming that foods very high in SFAs were the healthiest, with PUFA-rich foods being the least healthy, due to PUFAs supposedly being more affected by heating. On closer inspection, however, I found via reports that foods high in SFAs, such as butter, turned out to be the least healthy in terms of amounts of heat-created toxins present and that glycotoxins present in SFA-rich foods were responsible. Similarly, accusations were made by Ray Peat et al that the Inuit on traditional diets were somehow very unhealthy, despite the fact that many of the foods recommended by the high SFA-diet gurus were far more processed and unnatural/non-paleo than the foods in the (rather PUFA-rich) Inuit diet. So I am understandably somewhat of a sceptic re pro-SFA/anti-PUFA claims.
Of course, even if one takes the current SFA- claims at face-value, raw suet from which pemmican is made does contain some PUFAs, albeit in rather small amounts.