That's Dr. Robert Cassar, a former MD who injects himself daily with expensive HGH and claims we can live on superfood powders. Most people who go the superfoods route of powders and stimulants end up worse than SAD eaters.
yeah, I didn't really pick any people I necessarily thought were thriving long term. if I truly thought that they were I wouldn't be following RPD. I thought it was inappropriate to use people on this site, only gurus and athletes that had better muscle tone and looked well for their age (not that their skills or looks wern't deceiving). The very fact that they arn't actually doing well seems to be further confirmation that you can't fudge this stuff no matter how much crap you get rid of in your diet if you rely on unhealthy foods and combinations or ditch healthy ones due to theories and morals. Most people that eat conventional vegan diets end up with issues eventually as well, but Scott Jurek at least has a vascular body and actually wins races. He might have a longer career than some SAD runners but not necessarily better health long term than a healthy omnivore (even if not restricted to cooked paleo or primal nevermind raw). Colting, having the most RAF and least sugar probably will continue to race longer and live longer, but yeah I'm not saying he doesn't use any performance enhancers either, he claims to reject
most non-primal things. The constant batter of steroids on this site and among vegans is so misplaced, there is a difference between an edge and a panacea. obviously anyone who takes steroids does not win events or look incredible. especially if everyone is taking them.
I challenge anyone to take steroids and see if they can get Cassar's results (as a disclaimer,
don't do this). He probably has adrenal burnout from stimulants and such and all the other eventual issues resulting from vegetarianism (unless he's moved into dairy and such from bee products), I have no confirmation on steroid use but again he's made quite a transformation in 4-5? years and is almost 60, so if people object to his other methods as being unatural, it does change that he does largely consume those types of things and refrains from sweet fruits and not to mention 'looks well'. As I understand it, the guy was a multi-millionaire before starting raw, and a high fruit diet was not the technology he selected to get the results he wanted. In the choice between two deadly things, I wouldn't necessarily go with what is most natural seeming and I think that is an extreme false logic that people get swept up in. I believe alot of his magnetic technologies, fungal decontaminates and mushrooms and things probably have effected his tissue. Whether they work for everyone is not important to me other than the simple thing that you point out which is appearance is just one piece of the puzzle.
With fruit eaters they arn't passing these basic tests or looking well. I personally believe mastery of ones body is a requirement for being taken seriously as a supreme level of health. The actual build one
chooses to be is a different story of course. but if people cannot build muscle and size with effort (like Cassar is able to do with 'raw' foods OR Jurek by not having excessive soft tissue due to overgrowth that Cassar speaks about) even eating thousands of calories above base metobolic than their methods are not superior for healing tissue (quite the opposite) and foods not 'nutritious' for lack of a better term. Not to mention the dangers in excess which have been pointed out by experts of many persuasions.