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Re: Merged DR discussions...
« Reply #75 on: June 26, 2010, 07:37:51 pm »
Do people really need to do all these blood tests?

When I did raw vegan and raw fruitarian, I just had a weighing scale and watched how low my weight dropped.

I just had the constant aghast concern of my friends and family about how gaunt and thin I was getting to be.

Now on Raw Paleo Diet no one's complaining about the way I look.  

The only ones complaining I look too thin are the obese people.

Of course, they don't need these blood tests !

Substantial prolonged weight loss is a sufficient sign that something is wrong in diet.

Yet, these people are told by various dietary gurus including Burger that this is a normal phenomenon related to "detoxination"  ;D

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Re: Merged DR discussions...
« Reply #76 on: June 26, 2010, 07:47:43 pm »
Here's the real truth about DRs B12 levels and why he MUST inject it to stay functional because his vegan nonsense doesn't work, he is Harley:

Remember, Harley completely cuts out anything to do with animal products and relies purely on raw fruit, veggies and nuts.

His results have got Susie really worried: "My biggest concern is that your vitamin B12 is one of the lowest clinical levels we have ever seen!"

Harley's B12 was just 78. That's drastically lower than the normal intake range from 145 to 637 and means our vegan could be susceptible to anaemia, blurry vision and loss of feeling in the hands and feet in the long term.
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Re: Merged DR discussions...
« Reply #77 on: June 26, 2010, 09:37:23 pm »
He's been raw for only 4 years and he's already vitamin deficient?  How can this guy have any credibility to be a guru? There are people who pay money to get health advice from him.

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Re: Merged DR discussions...
« Reply #78 on: June 26, 2010, 10:12:25 pm »
   Arm?  When I was a skinny vegan I had to B12 it in my gluteus maximus, or use a smaller needle.  He does it himself?  Twenty years ago when I did it I could.  Shortly after on this side of the world you needed a doctor's prescription (which with my b12 levels being normal I could not get b12 rx) and a nurse to inject it.  I guess it's different in Asia and Australia.

Some years ago I was experimenting with all kinds of stuff, also thought I might have a b12 deficiency, so I just ordered some b12 in capsules, some needles and syringes and injected it into my thigh. No prescription or anything needed.

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Re: Merged DR discussions...
« Reply #79 on: June 26, 2010, 10:37:27 pm »
First--this guy has no credibility.  You people are elevating him above his natural level of credibility by even starting threads regarding anything he says. He's a liar and a fool.  Period.  Nothing personal, I don't hate the guy, but he is both a liar about diet, and fairly ignorant about diet.  Those are factual statements.  It's not a personal vendetta.  It's unfortunate that people like him exist, but, as long as dietary ignorance flourishes, people like him are likely to continue to exist. That doesn't mean we should discuss their lies and non-factual statements, hmm? Such things are a waste of our time here. 

Second--my B-12 levels were around 299 after about 18 months of raw mostly-vegan.  My last blood test, in may 2009, after 4.5 years of raw paleo, has my B-12 levels at 797.  Yes, that's right, 797. 

Clearly, since no other raw paleos here report low B-12 levels, DR is a liar.  As such, his statements do not deserve discussion.  You lie one time about diet, that's it.  Your statements don't deserve discussion here.  Why?  Because we are beyond dogma.  That's how we GOT here, or at least most of us long-time raw folks.  We tried the wonderful-sounding theories of raw vegan, low fat, etc., etc., and now we realize that empirical data is dozens of times more important than any theory. Whenever theory and empirical fact disagree, fact wins.  DR doesn't get that yet.  He is several levels below most of us, in that way.  We should no more discuss his statements about diet here than we should discuss the importance of eating all food well-cooked to avoid danerous bacteria. DR has nothing to say on diet that is worth us repeating here.

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Re: Merged DR discussions...
« Reply #80 on: June 26, 2010, 11:07:12 pm »
Well said.

This DR guy does not deserve 3 threads? Geezzzz....

Maybe it's time I consolidate his threads into 1 thread. If you have something to say about this guy, it's in just one thread.
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Re: Merged DR discussions...
« Reply #81 on: June 26, 2010, 11:58:55 pm »
His diet is blended bananas and dates, sugarcane juice and ... toilet, urinating 14-16 times and crapping at least 3 times a day. This is what he goes through just to justify an illusion in his mind that he was not meant to eat animals.

    Yeah, I did similar.  On a fruitarian diet if ate enough I constantly had stomach cramps and was running to the bathroom 60/24/7.  He always tells everyone to eat more.  On cooked vegan I never crapped less than four x/day, until I guess my peristalsis just stopped maybe due to scarring from crapping so much and not enough fat or protein to heal and no vegan food could get my bowels moving.  I completely ignored the Chinese Traditional Medicine doctors advice on diet (the part that I needed land or even sea meat/animal food) and that according to them I was crapping too often and too much for it to be a healthy sign.  I assumed crapping a lot was a sign of good health, no matter how unformed or even worse in any way. 

    Last I checked about two years ago he was drinking celery/banana/rocket/water smoothies too.  I guess celery and rocket had something wrong with them.  He's not eating ten heads of lettuce for dinner anymore?  That was like two years ago too.  They are crazy lipophobic, sorry. Nothing wrong with a few lipids in a raw diet. 

    In his forum they consider it normal to pee 20 and more times per day.  If you complain that you can't sleep because you're peeing all night long, they ban you if you've been following all their other guidelines.  Everyone must be uniform that the same extremely high sweet fruit diet is what works.  He deletes threads every time he disagrees with them, which is often.  They're a forum of bulimics and anorexics finding what to do with the endless buzzing in their heads.  I hope everyone heals.
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Re: Merged DR discussions...
« Reply #82 on: July 05, 2010, 03:24:00 pm »
Durianrider claims he ran the Gold Coast Marathon yesterday, but how on earth would you do that on a diet deficient in saturated fat? He has got a fair bit of muscle/endurance for a vegan..I bet he takes steroids and CERA.

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Re: Merged DR discussions...
« Reply #83 on: July 05, 2010, 06:07:09 pm »
Durianrider claims he ran the Gold Coast Marathon yesterday, but how on earth would you do that on a diet deficient in saturated fat? He has got a fair bit of muscle/endurance for a vegan..I bet he takes steroids and CERA.

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Re: durianrider on youtube has holes in his food theory....
« Reply #84 on: July 19, 2010, 06:21:16 am »
Here's a rejoinder to the 30-bananas-a-day proponents who claim that meat eating is so terribly bad for the environment compared to their extreme diet:

Giving Up Bananas to Help Save the Environment:
23:52 "It seems to me in this country we have yet to assign any moral value to the overconsumption of the world's limited resources. .... If you can afford it, it's OK to use it. That seems to be the only rule. There are many, many paths toward finding a better and more sustainable way to live in the world. Some people do it by giving up meat, I did it by giving up bananas because when I think about all those fossil fuels that are burned in a refrigerated cargo hold to get that stuff to me, that didn't seem cruelty free to me. I wanted to find another way to live that would brighten the prospects of my children's time on this earth." --Barbara Kingsolver, author of Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, in an interview on Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippett,
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Re: durianrider on youtube has holes in his food theory....
« Reply #85 on: July 19, 2010, 11:52:04 am »
Sign up on 30b.a.d and post that.

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Re: durianrider on youtube has holes in his food theory....
« Reply #86 on: August 02, 2010, 10:36:30 pm »
Durianrider drank 21 litres of cane juice in a weekend recently! Pretty amazing.

Cane fields have a huge environmental impact.
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Re: durianrider on youtube has holes in his food theory....
« Reply #87 on: August 04, 2010, 02:15:39 am »
Check out this video, i commented below and have a debate with durianrider and some other guy.

Scroll down to my comments, I am s7934777. Good debate, check it out. Double click on the video to go to youtube where you can see the comments!

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Re: durianrider on youtube has holes in his food theory....
« Reply #88 on: August 04, 2010, 02:23:52 am »
Wild pigs are healthy for the body. Wild boar is what people should be eating.

Not those pigs in your video.

Get real, things live things die. Humans are natural hunters. Raw meat is good for you. Why lie to yourself.

@s7934777 Uh sure buddy! Why lie to yourself? There is no science to back up what you just said. That seems like alot of trouble to go through just for some food. When? you could just eat some fruit. Hunting is not natural that's why we have to make things like guns and other weapons to do it.

@82Bdog Eliminate all the domesticated genetically modified fruit you eat and tell me what you find in the wild? Go into the wild and expect to eat a bunch of gmo bananas? Fruit is seasonal, wild bananas have large seeds etc. This fruit paradise you want to believe is only possible through shipping, fruit farms, selective breeding and scientist.

Raw wild meat is available all year round on every continent. Raw wild edible fruits (native to a certain region I might add) are seasonal!

@s7934777 Watch my next vid about redneck meat eaters preaching death on a plate as 'health food'. :)

@durianriders Be sure to interview me!

@s7934777 go out into nature with nothing, no guns no knives, spears etc.. we'll see how many wild boars you catch.

@adamc404 Oh really, humans have this great mind for millions of years and haven't evolved with tools? Even chimps use tools. Get real my friend, we evolved with tool making.

By the way, are ancestors hunting in packs as do chimps. No animal on this earth stands a chance against some hungry humans.

@adamc404 The thing is wood is in nature! My tools are just waiting to be made!

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Re: durianrider on youtube has holes in his food theory....
« Reply #89 on: August 04, 2010, 04:57:03 am »
Why didn't you tell him that we can hunt naked and without weapons anyway? Which we can.
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Re: durianrider on youtube has holes in his food theory....
« Reply #90 on: August 04, 2010, 06:04:25 am »
picking shells, crabs, sea urchins, spearing fish, picking worms, snails, frogs, dodo birds and grubs are dead easy.
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Re: durianrider on youtube has holes in his food theory....
« Reply #91 on: August 04, 2010, 06:12:18 am »

@82Bdog Eliminate all the domesticated genetically modified fruit you eat and tell me what you find in the wild? Go into the wild and expect to eat a bunch of gmo bananas? Fruit is seasonal, wild bananas have large seeds etc. This fruit paradise you want to believe is only possible through shipping, fruit farms, selective breeding and scientist.

There is no such thing as gmo bananas, the only fruit that are GMO are Hawaiian papayas.  Great points otherwise.

I don't get how vegans/raw foodist/fruitarians can act like fruit and other produce equivalent to our modern crops can be found in the wild.  Its just not reality.  They need to be stranded in the wild maybe then they'll realize animal foods are the easiest to obtain in nature.

Good point about the hunting miles, persistent hunting FTW

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Re: durianrider on youtube has holes in his food theory....
« Reply #92 on: August 04, 2010, 07:49:18 am »
Yeah we could hunt bare handed. But some tools you don't even need to make or need very little work. Throw a stone, throwing stick. Etc.

I just wanted to make the point clear that making tools is a natural part of human life. Even certain plant foods are best gathered with tools!
;) But yeah, many animals can be hunted or gathered without tools.

Bananas aren't genetically modified? Either through selective breeding or scientist. The genes are different and/or morphed into something much different than the wild version. I think the genetic makeup must be a little different.


Something is very different in the genes....

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Re: durianrider on youtube has holes in his food theory....
« Reply #93 on: August 04, 2010, 07:59:25 am »
He won't give up. Neither will I. :)

@s7934777 you're right and that's how tigers, bears, and dogs and cats do it?

(natural? meat eaters) with tools?

@adamc404 No, they don't hunt with tools. They are too stupid and have no thumbs (hands) obviously. By the way, I can hunt with my bare hands. Especially smaller game (rabbits, turkeys, small deer etc.) I can also get mussels, snails, turtles, fish, insects very easily too.

We don't need tools to hunt. But wooden spears, throwing sticks, throwing a rock! These are very easy tools to make or acquire. I guess chimps are unnatural too huh?

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Re: durianrider on youtube has holes in his food theory....
« Reply #94 on: August 04, 2010, 08:38:39 am »
You're pwning him xD
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Re: durianrider on youtube has holes in his food theory....
« Reply #95 on: August 04, 2010, 08:51:00 am »
I am sure he will come up with something.  l)

At least they aren't deleting my comments. :D

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Re: durianrider on youtube has holes in his food theory....
« Reply #96 on: August 08, 2010, 10:42:00 pm »
One thing I find interesting about DR is that I once observed him show up at a raw vegan forum and he berated everyone for not be fruitarian. The guy is an extremist, and just wants to hear what he believes to be the truth from his warped perspective.

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Re: durianrider on youtube has holes in his food theory....
« Reply #98 on: September 15, 2010, 02:44:45 am »
Yeah I just was watching this guys videos recently, WTF is wrong with him, he says paleo is an "eating disorder"? I think he's more like a walking eating disorder. Even people that didn't hunt and had access to lots of fruit still ate insects.

Also I noticed for being where he is (nice, sunny fresh air, outdoors, and lots of exercise) he doen't look so healthy. Yes he's skinny but very little muscle, I have seen computer programmers with more muscle then that. His face is pale and gaunt and his nose is always red LOL - my nose got red like that when I was weak and didn't eat enough fat and protein...lets see how well he does living in the winter hee hee... plus he looks like any guy can beat him up by just sneezing on him. He kinda looks like a dude that came back from a long rave party or something. He is an insult to his own 'diet', by the way he looks and by how he talks.

I have already created a youtube account and will make some videos as soon as a I have time! I think there are not enough positive paleo videos but instead of making videos to insult people like him we should make informative and positive videos that are not extremist. That way the public can decide who's crazy and who's not :P

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Re: durianrider on youtube has holes in his food theory....
« Reply #99 on: September 15, 2010, 03:01:57 am »
He's a tool and he is very deceptive. He will make up things and tout them as fact. But notice this. Take a look at his videos all the way back from the start and move your way up to the most recent ones. You dont have to watch the whole thing, just look at him. Do you see it?


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