First--this guy has no credibility. You people are elevating him above his natural level of credibility by even starting threads regarding anything he says. He's a liar and a fool. Period. Nothing personal, I don't hate the guy, but he is both a liar about diet, and fairly ignorant about diet. Those are factual statements. It's not a personal vendetta. It's unfortunate that people like him exist, but, as long as dietary ignorance flourishes, people like him are likely to continue to exist. That doesn't mean we should discuss their lies and non-factual statements, hmm? Such things are a waste of our time here.
Second--my B-12 levels were around 299 after about 18 months of raw mostly-vegan. My last blood test, in may 2009, after 4.5 years of raw paleo, has my B-12 levels at 797. Yes, that's right, 797.
Clearly, since no other raw paleos here report low B-12 levels, DR is a liar. As such, his statements do not deserve discussion. You lie one time about diet, that's it. Your statements don't deserve discussion here. Why? Because we are beyond dogma. That's how we GOT here, or at least most of us long-time raw folks. We tried the wonderful-sounding theories of raw vegan, low fat, etc., etc., and now we realize that empirical data is dozens of times more important than any theory. Whenever theory and empirical fact disagree, fact wins. DR doesn't get that yet. He is several levels below most of us, in that way. We should no more discuss his statements about diet here than we should discuss the importance of eating all food well-cooked to avoid danerous bacteria. DR has nothing to say on diet that is worth us repeating here.