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Offline miles

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Hair Length
« on: March 25, 2010, 09:21:32 am »
Just some scattered things:

I have noticed people talking about their hair falling out on ZC.

It doesn't seem practical that humans would have hair growing over their eyes and eyebrows. Obstruction of vision, irritation of eyes, counter-action of the function of the eyebrows...

In their more primitive state, it would've been difficult for humanoids to cut or tie their hair.

I've seen people talking about hair being used to remove toxins.

Carbohydrates can cause many systems in the body to mess up or go on overdrive.

I can't think of any other animal(unmodified by humans) who's eyes are obstructed by their hair. Even animals who do have increased hair-growth atop their heads such as lions.

Not only head hair, but human facial hair can grow very long, which could cause problems: obstructing consumption of food; breathing; speech, and possibly hosting life which could be detrimental to the human's health. The Vulcher specifically has no hair on it's head, for when it's poking it's head around in carrion.

Humanoids would have had to become good at making cutting tools prior to our hair becoming long and obstructive(when unkempt), for it not to be a major obstruction of life, but why would it become so?

On Raw ZC, would your hair maintain an appropriate length, like your eyebrows, eyelashes etc and thus remove the need for cutting?

I haven't been Raw Carnivorous/ZC long enough to see for myself yet, as whilst improving, other long-term ailments have not yet completely faded. On ZIOH, all long-term male ZCers with pictures have short hair-cuts anyway so that gives me no clues, and I would not feel free enough to post a topic  such as this on their forum, it doesn't have the right atmosphere.

Edit: With the bit about 'hair being used to remove toxins', I was thinking along the lines of the possibility of that being why hair may grow so excessively, because it's growing out so many toxins.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2010, 10:04:43 am by miles »
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Re: Hair Length
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2010, 09:57:14 am »
I think your questions are really interesting about primitives and hair, but I don't think detoxing hair is an example the body's infinite wisdom for keeping longer hair shorter, which would only be true if follicles were able to separate themselves lengthwise. Lots of animals shed their hairs thickness but but with modern humans I'd still hedge on hair thinning being signs of detox or deficiency, or hormones (baldness) than any kind of utility.


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Re: Hair Length
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2010, 10:55:56 am »
My hair's growth rate, both on my head and facial hair, has increased on raw ZC. My nails have also done so (must have at least doubled in growth rate). Neither rate was a slouch before but they're noticeably quicker now. YMMV. :)

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Re: Hair Length
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2010, 02:04:20 pm »
Its weird you thought of that because I was thinking about this same subject. As for animals having this same thing, I know certain dogs hair will cover their eyes. My shih tzus for example wouldn't be able to see if we didnt cut the hair over their eyes.
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Re: Hair Length
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2010, 07:00:14 pm »
Its weird you thought of that because I was thinking about this same subject. As for animals having this same thing, I know certain dogs hair will cover their eyes. My shih tzus for example wouldn't be able to see if we didnt cut the hair over their eyes.
Most dogs, Shih Tzus included, aren't a good example for natural selection. Humans have cultivated specific traits they've found desirable even if it is purely aesthetic and would be a detriment to survival. Release 4 Shih Tzus into the wild for a month and I guarantee 3 or 4 of the 4 will die by months end. They're too genetically crippled to live independently from humans.

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Re: Hair Length
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2010, 10:11:45 pm »
My hair's growth rate, both on my head and facial hair, has increased on raw ZC

good deal.  i hope your pubic hair don't grow wild  ;D

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Re: Hair Length
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2010, 07:42:45 am »
Most dogs, Shih Tzus included, aren't a good example for natural selection. Humans have cultivated specific traits they've found desirable even if it is purely aesthetic and would be a detriment to survival. Release 4 Shih Tzus into the wild for a month and I guarantee 3 or 4 of the 4 will die by months end. They're too genetically crippled to live independently from humans.
Although this is true if you released any animal that has been domesticated into the wild it would die humans included. -\
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Re: Hair Length
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2010, 05:52:14 pm »
Humanoids would have had to become good at making cutting tools prior to our hair becoming long and obstructive(when unkempt), for it not to be a major obstruction of life, but why would it become so?

    Maybe after we made tools and fiddled around plucking, shaving and cutting (maybe even honeywaxing) our short fur around our oral orifices etc and doing all kind of crazy monkey business for a couple thousand years our hormones and genetics gave up and made us bald on most of our bodies and our head fur get thick into a new thing called hair and overgrow in length too.

    I think I have some other crazy ideas too as to why our hair became as it did.  I haven't formed them into anything coherent enough to be worth mentioning specifically yet.

    Or maybe human form with human hair is the one true image of God or space aliens and that's where we come directly from.
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Re: Hair Length
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2010, 08:58:22 pm »
Well could could be for the aquatic ape theory. The human would be wading around in the water in the daytime, but with no cover from trees and their head exposed our of the water most of the time they needed hair on their heads. Maybe if the bottom tips of the hair were in the water it would keep the whole hair wet. Maybe it floated up underwater making them look bigger(like shark people hold vertical rods) so they wouldn't be attacked too. Anyway, with the hair being long and silky, it would layer and act like a shield from the sun, whereas the rays would penetrate straight through shorter fur.
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Offline Stig of the Dump

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Re: Hair Length
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2010, 03:38:26 am »
I once had very long hair and a full beard and I noticed a few interesting things about it.

Firstly, I noticed that the hair on my back was exactly the same shape as the mop of head hair hanging down my back.  It held my head hair off my body, allowing a breeze to pass between my mop of head hair and the skin of my back.  So back hair is a cooling device for a massive mop of hair.  Same with chest hair and the beard.  The cooling makes exertion a lot easier.

Secondly, the ruffs at the side of my beard and its length hanging down my back, meant that at a certain length it got in my eyes less.

Thirdly, I noticed that once it reached its full length, the weight of my hair seemed to work perfectly with the natural waves in the hair to keep it out of my eyes.  (At shorter lengths these waves were too 'tightly crimped' - they needed the full weight of hair to work properly.)

Basically, in its fullest form it was a marvel of design.  Also, although nowadays seemingly, everyone is a bit frightened of a man with a full beard and hair - you look like a lion or a viking warrior - I also felt that everybody thought I was 'magnificent', even if they didn't say it, and seemed to treat me with a sort of kingly deference.  This was bizarrely mixed up with also assuming I was a tramp!  :lol:

Lastly, a bit of scientific thought I picked up from somewhere.  Humans grow long hair because it displays a long history of their health.  Any illness causes a noticeable crimp, or lustreless patch in the hair at a certain length - like a geological strata.  So long flawless hair is a marker for good health - fertility.

Finally, I read somewhere that modern short hair cutting was probably introduced by early neolithic kings making it illegal for anyone but the king to have a long hair and beard.  After a while, the kings forgot what they had done, wanted to look like everyone else to get women, and joined in the hair and beard cutting too!

(The modern fashion for uber short hair is probably an unconscious reflection of our extremely poor dietary health, and wanting to hide the evidence as it shows up in poor quality hair.)

Offline miles

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Re: Hair Length
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2010, 04:20:53 am »
How long did your hair get at its' maximum length?
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Offline Stig of the Dump

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Re: Hair Length
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2010, 04:35:18 am »
How long did your hair get at its' maximum length?
It seemed to stabilise at about the base of my spine, but I think it had only slowed and was still growing a bit.

Obviously, a head of hair is not one thing - but thousands of separate hairs.  There does seem to be some sort of intelligence in it, with the longest, and the most damaged hairs being shed.  I also noticed that I didn't seem to get any 'freak hairs' much longer than the rest - that is, they seem to be 'aware' of each other's lengths.  (I don't mean 'aware' of course, but I can't think of a word that gets it across better.)

Offline wodgina

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Re: Hair Length
« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2010, 07:27:02 am »
I agree stig

-how about at war when an enemy runs at you with the massive amount of hair and beard blowing in the wind. I would imagine it would be quite intimidating (dread)locks.

-I thick beards make it difficult to read people, there could be advantages to this.

-women look better, shows health and frames the face

-my hair goes straight out and up although RPD has made it straighter.
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Re: Hair Length
« Reply #13 on: April 02, 2010, 10:53:29 am »
I haven't cut my hair in 5 months. Seems this would be the natural thing to do. I agree that hair should probably show signs of health over time. Also, the story of Sampson in the bible shows evidence of just how the ancients might have thought about the strength that one possesses with long hair.

Does long hair naturally lock up into dreads if you don't brush it? One of my friends with dreads told me this.

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Re: Hair Length
« Reply #14 on: April 02, 2010, 12:45:58 pm »
Does long hair naturally lock up into dreads if you don't brush it? One of my friends with dreads told me this.

    Probably it does if you have curly hair.  Ever hear of Curly Locks and the three bears? 
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Offline Stig of the Dump

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Re: Hair Length
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2010, 05:00:55 pm »
Does long hair naturally lock up into dreads if you don't brush it? One of my friends with dreads told me this.
I don't find dreads very appealing.  I never got them, and I only "brush" my hair with my fingers.  I can't help but associate them in my mind with cooked food.  (I might be wrong.)

When I think of long healthy hair, I think of hair like this.  (I can't make out if they are dreads by the bottom, but I don't see how the top could stay so combed if they were):

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Re: Hair Length
« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2010, 07:42:48 pm »
Cool pic. The thing about very long hair, like Arapaho above is that I like to ask what kind of advantage does it give one for survival in the wild? I can't really think of anything. Maybe chicks like paleodudes with long hair?

I think it would be more of a burden to have hair as long as this guy above. Perhaps paloeman hair would not "lock up" like it does for those with natural dreads, but it could become very matted into one big clump of hair. It even looks like the end of this guys hair above is locked up and matty, especially at the bottom and not fine and separated like the hair at the top of his head.

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Re: Hair Length
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2010, 07:58:37 pm »
WHAT!? His hair is in ponytails, for fashion...

I could see long hair being a disadvantage against other humans certainly, wouldn't they grab each others' hair? When there weren't many humans this wouldn't have had this problem though. From what Stig has said, it sounds like there wouldn't be a disadvantage to long hair 'in the wild'.

What does it do when it comes to your arms though? Does it all go around the back or does it go over your shoulders too? How hairy does someone get if they don't wear clothes for a long time and eat RAF diet? Does(did) your beard cover most of your front, working with the hair to create a sort of heat-trap skirt? How long did the beard grow?
« Last Edit: April 02, 2010, 08:07:44 pm by miles »
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Re: Hair Length
« Reply #18 on: April 03, 2010, 02:15:04 am »
My beard got to about a foot (like a big fan), but I wasn't raw paleo, so it doesn't mean much in answer to your question.  (Although I was very healthy by most standards, because I was young.)

When I was a child it was considered very unmanly to pull hair in a fight.  Animals, including people, are very aware of "cultural norms", whether it's certain shapes that alligators pull to compare their lengths, or how peacocks compare tails.  The fact that one genius peacock might win all fights by plucking out opponents' tails in their sleep doesn't mean he'd win female mates if they saw him doing it and were clever enough to remember him cheating.

Most fighting is a form of sexual display, so mankind could quite easily have got through millennia with cumbersome tresses of long hair, believing that "real men only throw punches" (even before there were words for "punch").  Of course, some fights are for real - in the animal world too - then I'm sure anything goes.

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Re: Hair Length
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2010, 01:26:21 am »
Does long hair naturally lock up into dreads if you don't brush it?

    I happens to very long furred dogs:
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Re: Hair Length
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2010, 02:27:27 am »
I have long hair down my back, i live outdoors and dont brush it.. My hair turned into kind of dreadlock things, i really only seperated the unwanted clumps.. I guess it looks like Jack Sparrow hair, Some dreadlocks, some regular hair...

I notice that it keeps me a lot warmer in the cold.  It gets caught in all kinds of things walking through the woods though but i prefer to carry my natural scarf/beanie/emergency cordage on me at all times haha.
That's not paleo.


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