Author Topic: Gonorrhea As the Next Superbug  (Read 9399 times)

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Gonorrhea As the Next Superbug
« on: March 31, 2010, 03:06:44 pm »
Hi, here:

But STD's,AIDS,HIV and stuff how does that stand up against the almighty cure all raw-paleo?

What always intrigued me was why can bonobo's have all the sex without std's and humans (not that much different) die if the had that much sex?

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Re: Gonorrhea As the Next Superbug
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2010, 04:27:19 pm »
Bonobos, AFAIK(?), only mate between others in their particular group so that would make them less likely to get STDs. At any rate, I'm not aware of any study on the STD-rates of bonobos.
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Re: Gonorrhea As the Next Superbug
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2010, 07:54:24 pm »
The paradigm of STD's is all murkied up and mostly wrong.
Just because a symptom appears on your genitals does not mean it is an STD.
Unless it is crabs and mites, then those are transmitted by contact just as lice can be transmitted.

AIDS is BS, HIV is BS.

Condoms offering protection from diseases is a total farce.
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Re: Gonorrhea As the Next Superbug
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2010, 08:29:27 pm »
The paradigm of STD's is all murkied up and mostly wrong.
Just because a symptom appears on your genitals does not mean it is an STD.
Unless it is crabs and mites, then those are transmitted by contact just as lice can be transmitted.

AIDS is BS, HIV is BS.

Condoms offering protection from diseases is a total farce.

What do you mean aids and hiv is bs?
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Re: Gonorrhea As the Next Superbug
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2010, 08:45:09 pm »
Look up "aids myth"

The paradigm of HIV causing AIDS is totally illogical.  Standard BS to sell more drugs and cull people.  Same as the cancer is incurable BS and the diabetes is incurable BS and the adhd BS.  Follow the money and the agenda.

All of it is curable.  The almighty RPD is everybody's foundation. It's called by many variants.  Gerson protocol is RPD, the original formula had raw liver in it.  My friend and healer Vander Gaditano pumps his sick patients with gerson type nutrition and more.

Assume there is a deep gonnorhea infection where blood cannot flow, BEAM RAY will hit it 100%.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2010, 08:51:55 pm by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Gonorrhea As the Next Superbug
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2010, 10:06:52 pm »
... humans (not that much different) die if the had that much sex?

    What do you mean, we would die?
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Re: Gonorrhea As the Next Superbug
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2010, 10:21:31 pm »
All of it is curable.

So you believe there is a way to remove HIV / AIDS virus completely?
Cause even Aajonus doesn't claim that afaik... just that one could live symptom-free with them on a PD.


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Re: Gonorrhea As the Next Superbug
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2010, 10:23:21 pm »
Hi, here:

But STD's,AIDS,HIV and stuff how does that stand up against the almighty cure all raw-paleo?

What always intrigued me was why can bonobo's have all the sex without std's and humans (not that much different) die if the had that much sex?

I'm not intrigued at all. Bonobos eat 100 % raw paleo. No wheat, no grains or dairy from agrobusiness, no cooking, no processing.


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Re: Gonorrhea As the Next Superbug
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2010, 10:27:24 pm »
So you believe there is a way to remove HIV / AIDS virus completely?
Cause even Aajonus doesn't claim that afaik... just that one could live symptom-free with them on a PD.

There is at any rate no way and actually no rationale to try to get rid of these microorganisms completely. What for?

They are not our enemies since we RPD can apparently live with them in peace and without any symptom. :)

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Re: Gonorrhea As the Next Superbug
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2010, 10:55:31 pm »
There is at any rate no way and actually no rationale to try to get rid of these microorganisms completely. What for?

They are not our enemies since we RPD can apparently live with them in peace and without any symptom. :)

Well... there are reasons. First, I'm not sure if they are really my friends, especially because they are supposed to be engineered rather than naturally occurring. Then, I'm sure my girlfriend would most certainly not like the idea of sharing the bed if I had HIV / AIDS virus in me.

I mean, it all sounds nice on paper, but I wouldn't want to risk having sex with a woman who has HIV / AIDS...

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Re: Gonorrhea As the Next Superbug
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2010, 11:04:38 pm »
You are not even really supposed to know that germs even exist, microscopes are not paleo :P

Since we found a way to see these invisible things it just added another layer of stress onto our lives that really serves no purpose... OMG THERE ARE TINY THINGS LIVING ON AND IN ME!!! MY BANE!!
That's not paleo.


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Re: Gonorrhea As the Next Superbug
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2010, 12:19:47 am »
Yes absolutely.

It is moreover pure delusion to believe that just because medical tests do not reveal the presence of a specific microorganism by whatever sophisticated means available small actually quite physiologic but undetectable amounts of this microrganism are definitely absent.

Most so-called harmful microrganisms are actually most likely present in tiny amounts but without any symptoms in healthy people. 

The idea that just contamination is a necessary and sufficient condition to get an infectious disease is in almost all cases just plain wrong and ridiculous.  

« Last Edit: April 01, 2010, 12:24:49 am by alphagruis »

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Re: Gonorrhea As the Next Superbug
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2010, 12:37:05 am »
"They" said TB needed drugs.
Totally BS.
I addressed my son's TB with Beam Ray and Raw Paleo Diet.
His anti TB vaccines given in childhood have CAUSED the TB.
Why?  Because his 2 younger siblings were NOT given the anti-TB vaccine because at that time, we already knew the pharma game.
Who knew how to cure TB? Royal Rife, Many old time doctors who wrote books in the early 20th century... see soil and health and chestnut of books.

Germs scam.  If the milleu, the environment, the body is "alkaline" / strong / full of nutrition / filled with allied with germs... those "bad" germs are nothing.

Look up AIDS myth.  AIDS is total BS.  The only ones diagnosed with AIDS in my country are call center agents who are awake at night and asleep by day.  Guess why they get sick.  Geezzzzz.
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Re: Gonorrhea As the Next Superbug
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2010, 01:28:12 am »
goodsamaritan, you can't generalize like that, every diseases is different in nature, and Paleo man had it's own share of diseases that were pretty fatal.  Every wild animal has some sort of fatal disease and man is no exception.

you probably never had gonorrhea or chlamydia otherwise you'd be signing a different tune.  I have personally known lucky men who had some and I assure you there is no paleo diet that can prevent or cure it.  tetracycline fixes it in one doze.

and please do not compare it to AIDs or TB.  this bugger is different, you can try it on yourself if you do not believe me.

Offline TylerDurden

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Re: Gonorrhea As the Next Superbug
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2010, 02:32:08 am »
Yes, we have to be careful re any claims that rawpalaeo will cure any and all diseases, as it's well-known that wild animals on natural, raw diets, can routinely get diseases. I recall some data re sharks getting cancer, for example. I don't doubt that many illnesses are greatly exacerbated by following a non-RPD diet, but it would be wrong for us to suggest that an RPD diet would cure absolutely every condition.
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Re: Gonorrhea As the Next Superbug
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2010, 04:33:17 am »
"You're not a real seaman until you've had the clap seven times"
I've only had it twice. Once took pills, next did nothing. It still disappeared.

ys, if paleoman had fatal disease, why are you trying to eat the diet that made them possible?

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Re: Gonorrhea As the Next Superbug
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2010, 10:24:50 am »
I've only had it twice. Once took pills, next did nothing. It still disappeared.
you must be very special, everyone i knew who had it were not.

if paleoman had fatal disease, why are you trying to eat the diet that made them possible?
this is your statement, i never said such nonsense.
i said in general terms that paleo man had disease that he could not recover from, just like any other wild animal.  in plain english it means that even paleo man with his supposedly superior paleo diet occasionally had some unrecoverable illness.  this is of course my personal point of view based on the fact that most wild animals occasionally get pretty sick and die.

and second, i'm not eating like paleo man because no one knows what he really ate.  not you, not me, nobody.  even science does not have consensus of what paleo diet really was, there are only vague speculations and assumptions.  i am simply supplementing my food intake with raw organs and raw meat because i think they are the most nutrient dense food, have everything our bodies need and almost nothing they don't.
and frankly, i don't give a rat's ass what paleo man ate, i'm not anthropologist or any other scientist, i am simply looking for foods that work best for me.

but i'm digressing,
the point of this thread is some bacteria strains are evolving very aggressively and are very difficult to beat.  and i wish no one to get this specific hard to get rid of strains, raw meat eaters or none.  if anyone would like to experiment with this and report the results, i salute you.

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Re: Gonorrhea As the Next Superbug - PHARMA MARKETING
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2010, 11:34:44 am »
I think the problem with sea men is that:

1. being in the ship for too long, maybe the food isn't fresh?  They become unhealthy? Is there a way to be healthy for several months at sea?  So lowered immunity.

2. being away from women for too long, there is a lapse in judgement when they get to shore.  No

Normal SANE guy sees a woman -- see, feel, touch, smell, taste -- if it stinks, looks bad, tastes bad -- NYET -- sex starved guy for many months -- any "woman" will do.  

So it may be a combination of both.

Plus the camaraderie which requires eating cooked food and drinking to drunk, there's something not optimum there.

I had my scare share of so called STDs during the times I did not know anything about health.  Doctor prescribe some anti-viral shit.  

Of course going on a healthy diet and lifestyle every symptom goes away.  And not all symptoms have to have specific names.

the same crap for TB goes the same crap for Gonorrhea.  

electromedicine is far more powerful than drugs, safer too.  It's a high tech arms race out there.  If drugs is all you know, then you are a PHARMA boy.


1. Arm yourself with a powerful ZAPPER. (and many other contraptions)

2. Arm yourself with a BEAM RAY or know of a BEAM RAY treatment center.  

3. Herbals are more powerful than drugs.  Olive leaf, oregano oil, plain old garlic.

4. Going the chemical route like colloidal silver or MMS is more powerful than drugs.

Drugs against germs is soooo 20th century... primitive.
The report is a scam to raise drug prices. What else.  Follow the money.
Veterinarians use the SAME OLD DRUGS and they work all the time.  So says my friend vet.  Poor people come to him for generic old drugs.  Drug companies always need new patents to justify high drug prices -- intellectual property -- thus they have to create new demand all the time -- their patents expire in 25 years or so.  This is why.

We are raw paleo and we are armed to the teeth with 21st century anti-germ weaponry if need be.  We are not dependent on drug companies.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2010, 11:53:32 am by goodsamaritan »
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Re: Gonorrhea As the Next Superbug
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2010, 12:44:31 pm »
I've come across tons of aids myth stuff in the various years on alternative health forums and read the links and watched the videos with the experts, and I think just about none of the main denialists believe in hygiene philosophy or that bacteria and viruses have no place in disease. The most compelling and clear evidence - to me, that is the last time I paid attention - suggests more that HIV is some kind of re-branding of other other infectious disease, mainly syphilis, and that the explosion that causes AIDS is due to the treatments themselves and in places like Africa or with drug addicts, exacerbated due to nutritional and other practices we would believe normally fosters such issues.

I believe there is hope for all in terms of healing with diet and other cures, but find it ironic that people can fuss over puss in vaccines, and claim that being injected with blood from -or intercourse with- someone with syphilis etc.. won't cause infection.

I've never had an STD but have had friends who hooked up with something or other and had symptoms pretty quick after that -that turned out to be STDS. If there is no truth to infectious disease, and all disease is some kind of internal detox, than my only theory would have to be that their debaucheristic act harmonized to facilitate the same kind of healing amongst the lot. :)


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