Author Topic: My spreadsheet for calculating meals  (Read 4978 times)

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Offline Josh

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My spreadsheet for calculating meals
« on: April 11, 2010, 11:07:30 pm »
I'm putting together meals out of various meats and fats and made a spreadsheet to help.

If you want to check it out its here:

and can be downloaded as excel and Open Office to use yourself.

The first sheet contains foods from the US nutrient database that I have given codes.

The second sheet has a table to enter all the foods you're putting in the mix. You just enter your code from the first spreadsheet and the amount and it does the rest. 

The next section is to calculate the additional fat needed.

Finally you can work out how much of the mix you need to meet your requirements. The ratios and calorie amounts should not be taken as a guide. I took them from Lex's experiment as a check to see if I got sensible results..I'm not recommending you use these amounts or ratios.

The blue headings show where you have to enter something, and the other colours results.

Would welcome feedback..I sweated a bit over the maths but I think it's ok.


Offline Josh

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Re: My spreadsheet for calculating meals
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2010, 11:10:34 pm »
If you want to add foods, it will be helpful to keep fats and meats together and insert rows to add new meats.

To add more foods to the calculator in sheet 2 it is necessary to copy the formulas in rows D and E to the filled in rows, as I had to leave them out of blank rows to make it work.


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