Author Topic: AV raw goat milk or cow milk?  (Read 9569 times)

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AV raw goat milk or cow milk?
« on: April 13, 2010, 01:15:09 pm »
Does anyone know if Aajonus believes one is superior than the other?
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Re: AV raw goat milk or cow milk?
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2010, 01:22:35 pm »
    He says cow milk is healing, goat milk is not so much so.

    I say, by all that I've read and know so far, that raw cow milk could be more compatible nutritionally with a raw meat diet, and raw goat milk likely to be very necessary nutritionally with a vegetarian diet.

    That said, if there is no good human milk and no bovine dairy around, I'm pretty sure he would say it's fine to use coconut cream (providing you get sufficient sunlight), avocado, carrot juice and maybe even goat milk in your RAF diet in place of cow milk.
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Offline TylerDurden

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Re: AV raw goat milk or cow milk?
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2010, 04:31:45 pm »
Yet PDers routinely recommend raw goat's dairy instead of raw cow's dairy as the former contains less lactose.
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Re: AV raw goat milk or cow milk?
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2010, 01:44:57 am »
    Which primal diet'ers?  Are they eating raw meat? 

    Have you tried goat milk?  Was your reaction to goat-milk different than your reaction to cow milk?  What was the rest of your diet at the time with each?

    Personally, I feel (mentally) good about using whatever wholesome raw milk is available.  I like variety too.

    Does anyone know if A2 cow's milk is lower in lactose than A1 milk?

    My son, he was very allergic to milk when he was little, and I mean allergic, not lactose intolerant.  It only seemed to be to cow milk though, now that I think of it.  He had tried raw grass grazing milk from the cows on our property with no problem, our friend's pet goat milk in the yard, and a few other raw milks with no problems whatsoever. 

    He had had a reaction to my milk at one point when he was an infant, but it is likely because I ate some wheat just prior to his nursing that time.  The reaction happened repeatedly each time I breast fed him for days, probably until my body was totally clear of the wheat residue.  That was hard; because he really wanted to nurse, it was his main nourishment.  I was thrown into a detox too triggered by that perfectly clean wheat dish.

    It could be just what cows prefer to or can eat, Idk.
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Offline TylerDurden

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Re: AV raw goat milk or cow milk?
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2010, 04:10:13 pm »
The A1/A2 issue is a con. This article indicates that there are special interests behind the whole bogus A2 claim:-

As for me, I tried raw goat's milk when I was doing the Primal Diet(minus the veggie-juice) and it had less of an effect than raw cows' milk at first but steadily my symptoms therefrom got worse and worse without cease, so that I had to stop or go back to the same state of ill-health as I had before the Primal Diet phase.
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Re: AV raw goat milk or cow milk?
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2010, 04:56:50 pm »
The A1/A2 issue is a con. This article indicates that there are special interests behind the whole bogus A2 claim:-

    I never thought A2 was better for everyone.  Everyone has their own individual biological fingerprint I think it's called.  

    So, just as some people's ancestors drank sheep milk for thousands of years, maybe there are other people who do better with A1 cow milk than any A2 milk.  The difference is what amino acid is on the I believe sixty-seventh link on the DNA of two hundred twenty-three, or thereabouts.  I do better with lamb meat and bison meat (both A2 animals) than cow or veal meat (both A1).  I could be one of the people that would do worse with A1cow milk than A2.  I am drinking raw Jersey milk these days.  I remember about forty-years ago a man who had to drink Jersey milk (it was commercial) and got sick from A1 milk.  I didn't have much of a problem with commercial cow milk, but as I drank it I felt my bones get weaker.

    My son also likes the taste of this jersey milk we're getting, whereas he wasn't liking our previous source, which was biodynamic A1 raw.
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Offline Haai

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Re: AV raw goat milk or cow milk?
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2011, 02:15:24 am »
Anyone read the book called "Devil in the Milk: Illness, Health and the Politics of A1 and A2 Milk" by Keith Woodford? I havn't.

I'm just wondering if A2 milk (for example all goat's milk is apparently A2) might be healthier than A1. To me it would make sense, because even our paleolithic ancestors would have been exposed to some (albeit a very small percentage of diet) A2 milk occasionally in the udders of lactating female animals that they had preyed upon. So we should therefore be better adapted to A2 milk than A1.

The link above provided by tyler doesn't seem to work anymore btw.
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Re: AV raw goat milk or cow milk?
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2011, 02:20:36 am »
Here's a new article pointing out the A2 scam in another way:-

"he latest news on A2 milk

    * Reporter: Helen Wellings
    * Broadcast Date: September 20, 2007

Our past reports on the alternative milk, A2, had many people around Australia who are unable to tolerate ordinary milk, raving about A2's benefits.

They vouched it relieved their serious conditions like ezchema, stomach aches, headaches, asthma, heart problems, even autism.

Now, a controversial new book claims there's a convincing body of evidence that there's a "devil" in the normal milk we drink.

It's a tiny protein called beta A1 casein, which is linked to a range of serious illnesses, including coronary heart disease, type 1 diabetes, autism and schizophrenia.

The author, Dr Keith Woodford, Professor of Farm Management and Agribusiness at Lincoln University in New Zealand, analysed evidence from more than 100 scientific papers and experiments from around the world, which studied the connection between consumption of A1 normal milk and serious health conditions.

Dr Keith Woodford said: "The evidence is overwhelming.

The evidence relates to the country disease, where the diseases occur, it relates to trials with animals, it relates to biochemistry, we understand how this protein degrades in the stomach, we know this horrible thing called beta casein morphin 7, which I call the milk devil."

The difference between A2 milk and normal milk is based around the type of cow. In most herds here there's a mix of breeds.
Friesian cows produce mostly A1 milk, Jerseys and Guernseys produce mainly A2 milk.

So in Australia normal milk is a mixture.

But the cows for A2 milk must be specially bred and a number of farmers in Australia have converted their herds to produce this virtually pure A2 milk

Dr Woodford said: "Wherever we have a country that has high intake per capita of A1 milk, normal milk, then we have high levels of type 1 diabetes and heart disease.

"Wherever the milk is low in the A1 beta cassein, high in the A2 beta casein we have low level of the type 1 diabetes.

But Dr Woodford says while some dairy industry giants in New Zealand are starting to convert their herds to produce A2, which takes up to 10 years, the dairy industry there and in Australia maintains there's no proof of normal milk's harm.

Dairy Australia told us normal milk is safe and nutritious, claiming there's insufficient evidence to change to A2.

They state that in a "2004 report for the New Zealand Food Safety Authority on A1 and A2 beta-casein in milk, Professor Boyd Swinburn concluded there was insufficient evidence to warrant changing dietary advice to the public."

The milk war is raging. The A2 representatives took court action over a claimed huge cover-up of the health risks by some mainstream dairy interests. In turn, pressure from dairy companies led to Food Standards successfully suing A2 for misleading advertising.

Dr Woodford added: "I am not saying to people not to drink, if people think they are in a risk category, if they think they are in a family where there tends to be type 1 diabetes, or heart disease or autism then I would say stay totally of the A1 milk, normal milk.

"I would like consumers to make up their own mind and come to their own conclusions based on the evidence."
"DEVIL IN THE MILK. Illness, health and politics. A1 and A2 milk" by Keith Woodford.

Craig Potton Publishing, 98 Vickerman Street, PO Box 555, Nelson, New Zealand. Recommended retail price $37.95.

The book will be start to be available from 19 September, 2007 in major bookshops in Australia. Orders can be placed.
A2 milk is available in 1000 supermarkets, including many Coles and Woolworths, and food stores around Australia."
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Re: AV raw goat milk or cow milk?
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2011, 02:38:03 am »
That doesn't really show that it's a scam. Just that according to Dairy Australia and the New Zealand Food Safety Authority there is insufficient evidence to show that A1 milk is harmful in comparison to A2 milk.
But thanks for providing that Tyler.
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Re: AV raw goat milk or cow milk?
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2011, 02:47:51 am »
Well, best I can do for now. But, given the lack of info on A2 milk out there, one can be reasonably sure it's a scam.
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Re: AV raw goat milk or cow milk?
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2011, 01:38:58 pm »
Listening to an Aajonus interview the other day with Patrick Timpone at , I remember AV saying that cow milk is better than goats milk because cow milk won't make you as hyper, or something like that. He was like, " Have you ever met a calm goat?"....something to do with hyperactivity, adrenaline, .....around those words

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Re: AV raw goat milk or cow milk?
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2011, 05:57:04 am »
Anyone read the book called "Devil in the Milk: Illness, Health and the Politics of A1 and A2 Milk" by Keith Woodford? I havn't.

I'm just wondering if A2 milk (for example all goat's milk is apparently A2) might be healthier than A1. To me it would make sense, because even our paleolithic ancestors would have been exposed to some (albeit a very small percentage of diet) A2 milk occasionally in the udders of lactating female animals that they had preyed upon. So we should therefore be better adapted to A2 milk than A1.

    Yes, I read it some time ago.  A2 would be more paleo for your given reason.  I'm not sure whether it's healthier though.  I do think it's healthier for some people.  Possibly A1 is healthier for others, idk.
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