I had an adrenal fatigue-induced burnout in early December of last year (2009). Since then I've started taking supplements, taught myself how to sleep at night and completely changed my diet (easing into raw paleo since nearly a month ago, only returning to some cooked bone broths/liver because of digestive issues, now going back to raw). My sleeping is generally improved (no more 2 am awakenings), my hypoglycemic symptoms are pretty much gone, my body temperature has stabilised and my energy is improved, but still unstable (ups and downs if I'm not careful), and I am still quite easily exhausted.
My question is how long until energy levels improve and stabilise? I'm probably functioning at around 50-60% most days, which is an enormous improvement considering I was probably hovering at about 10% in December at my worst. I would say I probably had Stage III adrenal fatigue, but I never got a proper diagnosis.
I'd like to be functioning at 100% someday, but I'm wondering how long it will take before I'm there. I know it took me a long time to get here (was in stages I and II already for years before the full-blown crash), so I know that I can't expect an overnight cure. Just looking for a reasonable timeframe.
Also, when healing, does the body go through the stages of Adrenal fatigue in reverse order? It seems like as I'm getting more energy (especially from eating raw meat), I'm also getting a lot more jumpy and irritable and having more trouble falling asleep at night. Anyone else experience this?
And does it matter that I'm not taking desiccated adrenal glandulars? I seem to be improving already without them, and I'm also quite sensitive to medications of all kinds, even natural and/or herbal. Also I'm trying to eat a lot of fresh organ meat--so far liver, and I have heart and kidney (probably with the adrenals attached in the fat) waiting in the fridge. I'm thinking this will help.
Thanks in advance for your insight.