« Reply #28 on: December 05, 2019, 03:03:13 am »
I made the kefir by adding 1 tablespoon real kefir grains I acquired added to a quart of raw milk, then fermented at room temp for 48 hours in the dark with a cloth rubber banded on top. I probably had a white tongue and bad breath at first due to pathogenic bacteria or candida but after my elimination became normal it subsided. I stopped raw honey as it triggered an acidic reaction and hurt my bowel elimination and made me manic, I now add a little maple syrup from the Amish to the Kefir. But I wouldn't do that or any sugar including honey or fruit until I'm certain the bad micro organisms are gone. To me that is determined by my bowel health, skin condition, and an overall sense of good energy and well being.
How much milk kefir did you drink per day during those 2 weeks of kefir only period?
What about salt? Did you eat any during those 2 weeks, do you eat any now?
Thank you

Pumping out units, I mean kids, aka bringing innocent beings into this ‘heavenly’ dimension of misery, suffering, struggling, pain and DEATH, WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION/CONSENT, is NOT the solution/remedy/cure for your personal problems/issues such as: boredom, poverty, selfishness, loneliness, low IQ, **megalomania, shallowness, emptiness, vanity, hero complex syndrome, narcissism, virtue signalling syndrome. Please stop being a sadist, masochist and find a more useful/constructive hobby. 😉